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File won't delete or rename

  • 29-09-2006 11:37am
    Closed Accounts Posts: 3,635 ✭✭✭

    Okay dell dimension 5000, windows xp.

    I downloaded a file (movie clip) and before you say it, it's not porn!
    The problem is it won't let me delete the file. I can't right click delete or drag it to the recycle bin, and when I do right click it, the only options are: play, open, add to now playing list, add to playlist, add to burn list, open with, send to.

    It says file type is movie clip and the icon looks the same as any other windows media file icons.

    If i click play, the media player opens and nothing happens. However the first time i opened it (and i guess this is the problem) a mbox appeared saying" this file has an extension that is not you want to open it anyway" or something like that, there was also a checkbox to "not ask for this again" which i ticked.

    Any help appreciated

    edit: would delinvfile be any use?


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 865 ✭✭✭generalmiaow

    Even though it's not porn, if nothing else works, you might want to run a scan over it. There's a type of virus that hides in video files and makes it play in the background all the time, taking up resouces, and you can't delete the video.

    There's also some files that just don't delete for no reason. You could try deleting it in safe mode or going to a command prompt and delete it that way, at least that would give you a decent error message.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 36,634 ✭✭✭✭Ruu_Old

    Safe mode as suggested should do the trick.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 19,136 ✭✭✭✭kippy

    Have you tried restarting the PC then trying to delete it after the restart.
    Its possible it is locked by some process.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,585 ✭✭✭HelterSkelter

    I had this problem lots of times, here's what you need to do

    1. Make a note of the directory where the movie is
    2. Press Ctrl Alt & Delete and run Task Manager
    3. Click the processes tab
    4. Click explorer.exe and click "End process" (the windows start menu will disappear, don't worry about this)
    5. Click File > New Task (Run...) and type CMD. A DOS Command prompt window will open
    6. Change directory to where the file is, e.g. type cd c:\movies
    7. To delete the file type delete movie.avi
    8. Click File > New Task (Run...) and type explorer.exe - the windows start menu should reappear.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 57 ✭✭slinky

    Happens to me now and then with avi files for some reason. Use safe mode as suggested (sometimes I've had to delete via the command prompt).

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 19,136 ✭✭✭✭kippy

    I had this problem lots of times, here's what you need to do

    1. Make a note of the directory where the movie is
    2. Press Ctrl Alt & Delete and run Task Manager
    3. Click the processes tab
    4. Click explorer.exe and click "End process" (the windows start menu will disappear, don't worry about this)
    5. Click File > New Task (Run...) and type CMD. A DOS Command prompt window will open
    6. Change directory to where the file is, e.g. type cd c:\movies
    7. To delete the file type delete movie.avi
    8. Click File > New Task (Run...) and type explorer.exe - the windows start menu should reappe
    Rebooting has the same effect and there is a chance that its not the explorer.exe process that is locking the file-but a good tip.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,585 ✭✭✭HelterSkelter

    Kippy > Rebooting does not always "unlock" the file for me.

    Another method that sometimes works for me is that if I play a different movie file with the same extension as the one that is locked, then I can delete the locked movie file. It is as if Media Player has locked the file. I think it happens if media player does not shut down properly while playing a movie. This only happens with wmv and avi movies, not mpeg.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,635 ✭✭✭tribulus

    did what you said helterskelter and no luck, tried a restart also so eventually used delinvfile and it seemed to do the trick.

    thanks for the help

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,558 ✭✭✭netwhizkid

    I often get this problem too, I use unlocker a lovely little bit of freeware, that gives you the option with every right click. I have never come across anything it could not erase yet.

    I would have replied sooner only I spent all day formatting and cleaning the dust out of my PC. :eek:
