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"Baiscs" for photo retouching in photoshop

  • 23-09-2006 7:33pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,728 ✭✭✭

    Ok heres a list of the things I have used more often than not when just giving a photo a bit more life if I may use that haha.


    This tool will have 5 little sliders on it 3 on top bar and 2 on bottom these just brighten the overall area of the photo by moving the sliders to the left. If you move them to the right it will darken then photo.


    This is for giving contrast, this usually works best by making an S curve in any direction. The best way to learn is just try different ways out.


    This changes the colours of the photo. You will see three sliders: Hue, Saturation and Lightness. Also you will see a box that is most likely unchecked called "Colorize" this will change all color to one color in the photo.

    Hue changes the color of the photo.
    Saturation can make it more colorful or less colorful by moving the sliders
    and lightness is a bit like levels!


    This just changes the photo to B&W.

    5.Filter>Sharpen>Smart Sharpen..

    Just sharpens the image! Usually I would have amount on 250% and Radius on 1.5 - 2

    But it really depends on the photo!

    Even though there is a million other tools you can use these are the ones I use without going overboard and making the picture look fake! We dont want that!

    It can produce fairly good results I think.



    I used all the tools I mentioned besides the grayscale one!

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  • Moderators, Arts Moderators Posts: 10,522 Mod ✭✭✭✭5uspect

    Another great way to sharpen is to duplicate your layer change the blend mode to high pass (under the "other" option at the bottom of the list). Change the blend mode to one of the light options, Vivid light works best most of the time, and drop the opacity to get the desired effect.


    Duplicate layer after hipass filter (allows areas of high contrast to be seen,everything else is greyed out)


    Final version at 100% opacity.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,728 ✭✭✭dazftw

    Hey thanks 5uspect! I saw that ages ago and then lost the link!

    Very helpful! :D

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  • Moderators, Arts Moderators Posts: 10,522 Mod ✭✭✭✭5uspect

    No bother, I like it as a sharpening technique as you have more control over it and you can really see what is affected by the high pass filter.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 19,080 ✭✭✭✭Random

    I have a photo with 2 people with a football stadium background. Both peoples faces are very dark and I'm looking to brighten them up. Are these the sort of features I should be looking into?


  • Moderators, Arts Moderators Posts: 10,522 Mod ✭✭✭✭5uspect

    Pretty much.
    But you don't need photoshop for this. Have a look at Picassa from Google. Its free and easy to use.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 19,080 ✭✭✭✭Random

    5uspect wrote: »
    Pretty much.
    But you don't need photoshop for this. Have a look at Picassa from Google. Its free and easy to use.
    Will take a look at that and see, cheers :)
