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Windows Language pack help please

  • 28-06-2006 7:47pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,190 ✭✭✭

    Thought id be really smart and change the language on my computer to the Irish language to stop my brother using the computer so much as i have a fairly good handle on the Irish language. Gettin kinda sick of it now tho.

    However, When i downloaded and installed the irish language pack it appeared to uninstall my own english one. Ive looked everywhere to try and download it again but there is so many downloads available at i cant find what im looking for.

    If anybody could help or provide a direct link to what im looking for i would be very grateful.

    One more issue is that i would like to change the keyboard back too as its gone a bit mad. For example the @ sign is now up over the 3 which is a bit mad.

    Any input would be greatly appreciated.

    Kindest regards


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,042 ✭✭✭kaizersoze

    Go into control panel and double click on "Regional and Languages". Change all the settings to "English (Ireland)" and click apply after each change.
    To solve the @ problem, while in "Regional and Languages" change your keyboard layout to "English (Ireland) - Irish". It's probably English (United States) or something. If the Irish option isn't listed then click the "Add" button and select it from the list.

  • Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators, Technology & Internet Moderators Posts: 94,252 Mod ✭✭✭✭Capt'n Midnight

    kaizersoze wrote:
    Go into control panel and double click on "Regional and Languages". Change all the settings to "English (Ireland)" and click apply after each change.
    To solve the @ problem, while in "Regional and Languages" change your keyboard layout to "English (Ireland) - Irish". It's probably English (United States) or something. If the Irish option isn't listed then click the "Add" button and select it from the list.
    won't work - that's just for regional settings not the interface because help files and stuff get are changed by LIP

    You've to go into add/remove programs in control panel and uninstall it there - I can't remember the name off hand - but sorting by date should list it

    if anyone else wants the LIP here it is

    LIP's tend to be free as they are Beta in the sense that only about 80-90% of the translations are done. Once they get to 100% and there is a sizeable market microsoft tend to release a separate language version of windows, and when that happens you have to buy another license to use the other langague unless you are a corporate customer and willing to spend the guts of the price of a second license on the MUI pack ( home users need not apply )

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,190 ✭✭✭Dublinstiofán

    Thank you both very much for your input. Capt'n Midnight's steps worked like a charm and everything is A ok.
