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Need a favour - Simpsons Screenshot

  • 09-06-2006 3:59pm
    Registered Users Posts: 68,317 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi Guys,
    Considering how many of ye have Simpson's episodes downloaded, I wonder could comeone do me a favour?

    I'm looking to get a screenshot from Episode 311, season 14, called "Brake My Wife, Please" - was on recently, where Homer learns to love walking everywhere.

    I want to get a shot of the scene where Lisa looks into the Penguin enclosure, and the penguins are flying about - just the part when they land and you have a penguin in the foreground with shifty eyes :D

    If someone would take a shot of that, I'd muchos appreciate it. There are hundreds of stills online, but none of them have that bit in it :(


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,558 ✭✭✭netwhizkid

    Hi seamus,

    I have some screenshots here, I read this thread a few days back and saw your request, that show was shown this evening and I taped it and have the first 8 minutes on VHS if you need some more screenshots. I took them with my digital camera in front of the TV. They are not the best quality unfortunately :( but are the best I can muster at the moment.
