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  • 08-05-2006 6:01pm
    Registered Users Posts: 3,735 ✭✭✭

    heres the rundown (allegedly) for the first half of the show: source tailsection

    The episode begins with a camera shot of Libby on the floor, then Ana on the sofa, and finally Michael lying down in the armory. He's unconscious.

    We then see Jack, Sawyer, Eko, Kate and Locke running through the hallway of the hatch. They look shocked as they see Libby and Ana dead. Jack checks them both to see if they're alive. They're not.

    Kate and Sawyer run to the armory, with Locke behind them. Eko stays with Jack and the bodies. They find Michael down on the floor with a gunshot wound to his arm. The captive "Other" is missing.

    They carry Michael to the bed, revive him and ask him what the Hell happened. Michael tells them he was resting when he heard gunshots and came running in to investigate. He saw Libby and Ana were shot.

    He saw that the "Other" had escaped from his ropes and had the gun. He tried to wrestle the gun from him but he was shot. "The b*stard must've thought I was dead. He ran out." Jack comes over to check Michael's wound.

    Kate tells Michael he was lucky that he was only shot in the shoulder. Locke just stares at Michael in disbelief.

    Eko picks up the lifeless body of Ana off the sofa and lays her down. He says a prayer over her and makes the sign of the cross.

    Looking to see what's taking Libby so long, Hurley comes walking into the station, calling out for her with a grin on his face. He stops and looks at Eko and Sawyer standing near Ana's body. He looks to the side and sees Jack, Locke, Kate and Michael.

    We see Hurley look down and there's Libby at his feet, underneath the blast door opening. She's clucthing [sic] the blanket meant for their picnic. Everyone looks at Hurley. Close up we see the corner of his mouth curl downward.

    Hurley's eyes being to tear up.
    Still in the hatch, Eko has a private talk with Locke. He says "we're being tested." Locke asks in what way? Eko says "our faith." He and Locke look at each other. They understand.

    Sawyer tries to console Kate, but even has a moment and breaks down, and we see a softer side. We see that the bodies of Ana and Libby are now covered.

    Back at the beach camp, news of both Michael's return and the deaths of Ana and Libby spread thru camp. Some of them plan a double burial while others plan revenge. We see Vincent the dog sitting near the small cemetery, alone.

    Hurley, still in the hatch, stays with the body of Libby and holds her hand. He and Michael talk. Michael's wearing a sling that Jack made. They talk about what happened, but someone else is listening to them.

    It's clear that the person listening to Michael doesn't fully believe his story.

    Locke and Eko go to Sawyer directly. They need guns. Sawyer wants to go with them, but they tell him they need to search for something that might help everyone, and they need to do it together.

    Kate, Sun, Jin and Bernard begin to dig the graves for burial. As Eko and Locke pass by on their way into the jungle Eko sees a vision just off from the cemetery. It appears to be his brother who he found on the island and buried.

    They begin to search for what Locke told Eko in the hatch, but Eko wants to go back to the plane where he found his brother. When they come to the plane they hear a noise coming from it. They begin to push on the plane, and move it.

    They discover another hatch. Locke tells Eko that when the plane fell off the cliff it must've covered it up. Eko looks up at the cliff and sees another vision.
    Locke is inspecting the uncovered hatch door on the ground. It's humming. It looks exactly like the one he found before. Locke tells Eko there might be another way in but we just have to look for it.

    Eko is staring up at the cliff's edge and sees his brother above him. He begins to climb up the cliff. As he reaches near the top he can see his brother more clearly.

    His brother looks like a rotting corpse. It smiles at Eko and steps on his hands and he falls off the cliff, screaming.

    Locke turns from looking at the hatch when he hears Eko screaming. Eko is standing at the wall of the cliff, scared. He asks Eko what happened. Eko says nothing has [sic] he tries to calm himself. Locke asks again if he's okay.

    Still rattled from his vision, Eko turns to Locke and says "yes."

    At camp, Jack asks Claire if she's seen Locke. She tells him the last time she saw him he was with Eko and they were talking with Sawyer. Jack looks aggravated by this and leaves Claire and the baby to find Sawyer.

    Back in the hatch, Michael is walking around with an odd look on his face as he watches Sayid and Sawyer wrap the bodies for transport back to camp. But Sayid has also been watching Michael closely after he overheard him and Hurley talking.

    Locke notices something imbedded in the side of the cliff where Eko was standing. They begin to pull and rip away at a black tarp and vines covering something up.

    They find a metal door hidden behind the camouflage. It has the same type of logo they've grown accustomed to at the other hatch, only this one has a flame in the center. Locke opens the door.

    Eko is in Nigeria. He's still dressed as a priest but he's in a jail cell in a police station. The police bring him a visitor, it is the monsignor who took care of his brother when he left.

    The monsignor has convinced the police that Eko is really his brother Yemi, and he is released. The monsignor tells Eko that "you must leave this place. You cannot find redemption here."

    Eko and the monsignor leave the police station together. Outside, Eko sees a woman wearing a traditional headdress, and other people following behind her. It's a funeral procession. She's carrying a strange ornamental box.

    Eko and Locke enter into the newly discovered hatch. It'sdark and abandoned. Eko notices an odd smell. Locke says it's sulphur. They both walk down the corridor. Locke turns on his flashlight.

    It's almost the same as their hatch, but everything looks broken and dusty. Locke shines the flashlight on painted murals on the walls. They look the same as in the other hatch, only different details.

    They follow the sound of the hum, and come to another door to the left of the corridor. The humming grows louder.

    Locke shines his flashlight on the door and see [sic] an exact replica of the map drawn on the blast door. His eyes widen as he stares intensely at it.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,816 ✭✭✭Franky Boy

    **** me.That's a lot of spoilage.I'm so tempted......ooooohhhhhhh, the temptation!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,735 ✭✭✭Stuxnet

    lol and thats only the first half of episode, i will have the rest wed,

    *bad devil on frankies sholder....go on franky boy, u knw you want too. u know u do...bwahawhaw* !!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,247 ✭✭✭stevejazzx

    damn damn damn damn damn damn i cant stop mtyself sound interesting.................really interesating

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 188 ✭✭sephirosis

    big, BIG spoiler for this episode. seriously dont highlight if you don't want to know the aftermath of last weeks cliffhanger.

    Go to: and wait for the video to load.
    Jack clearly says that "one of them is dead", and Sawyer says "who's going to look after libby?"
    which means that
    Libby isn't dead yet, though she obviously needs medical attention from Jack

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,554 ✭✭✭herobear

    im not making any accusations, and i could well be wrong, but i dont believe that synopsis(its not an insiderscoop posting, is it ?)

    2 reasons why:
    Vincent isnt supposed to be in this episode, and also Libby isnt supposed to be dead straight off the bat, she's supposed to die slowly....guess i'll have to see what the 2nd half of the synopsis says

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