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US:General Season 2 Spoilers:Writer and supervising producer reveals loads in webchat

  • 02-04-2006 8:40am
    Closed Accounts Posts: 2,281 ✭✭✭

    Chat With writer and supervising producer Javier Grillo-Marxuach at The Comics Review.Com - Date: March 30, 2006

    Episode: General Season 2 and Beyond

    Source: The Comics Review URL:

    As its a webchat its not formated as well as a normal interview but makes for some very interesting reading

    [22:27] <yun23> will abc ever let you do your own lost comic ?

    [22:27] <Javi> yun - a lost comic...

    [22:28] <Javi> that is something we have talked about, but like the lost novels that came out a while ago, it's hard to do it without taking story away from the main series...
    [22:50] <truffula> Javi, I would just like to thank you for all the wonderful work you've done with LOST, and would like to ask a question about Dharma. Obviously we're all talking about the Map on the Blast door; what I'd like to know is who made it, and why? It seems VERY important

    [22:51] <Javi> an outline for "lost" is 25 pages with dialogue! an outline for "the middleman" is a few cocktail napkins and a swizzle stick...
    [22:51] <Javi> ...and an olive pit.
    [22:51] <Javi> truffula - well, i can't tell you who drew the map because it will be revealed later... but it was soneone who had to push the button everfy 108 minutes, so his explorations of the island were limited and a lot of what he put in the map is conjecture....

    [22:52] <Javi> ...he was clearly trying to figure out where the other hatches were and had not been told...
    [22:52] <Javi> by the way, i am THRILLED by how much attention the map has gotten!

    [22:53] <Javi> by the end of this season you will know exactly who drew the map, why and what happened to him - i guarandamnteeit!

    [22:54] <Javi> lol - there's already a five page entry about it on lostpedia! we can't put enough stuff on it!
    [23:02] <yun23> how many scientists worked beside the writers at lost ?
    [23:03] <Javi> yun - we go out to advisors when we have science questions or history stuff (like hieroglyphs) but there aren't any on staff really...

    [23:03] <rabidbat> Javi, are you doing any of the work on the LOST internet experience mentioned in this week's podcast? Is it like the game, I Like Bees?

    [23:04] <Javi> rabid - that's classified! (i MAY have something to do with it...)
    [23:06] <partyman> A quick LOST question Javi... when you recently paricipated in a writers workshop in Ann Arbor, you reportedly mentioned that "an upcoming episode" of the show would feature "the most pored-over, analyzed image on the show, ever", and that you were kind of responsible for the text. You meant The OMGWTFMAP?!?!!? yes?
    [23:06] <Javi> partyman - absolutely!

    [23:06] <Javi> that was the one.

    [23:07] <Summer> javi, throw us a little spoiler?
    [23:07] <Summer> or two?
    [23:08] <yun23> are Danielles maps worth the paper they are drawn on ?

    [23:09] <Javi> yun - she is mentally... well... not all there, let's just sya they may be worht the paper, but the ink...

    [23:09] <Javi> a little spoiler...

    [23:09] <Javi> hmmm....

    [23:09] <Javi> hmm...

    [23:10] <Javi> thinking...
    [23:10] <Javi> let me ponder on that...
    [23:11] <Javi> i am working on something that won't get me fired!

    [23:11] <Javi> some small little spoiler...

    [23:12] <Javi> about this, ana lucia will have a corss with at least one more lost character and who it is will surprise the living heck out of you!
    [23:13] <Speaker> where is VINCENT?
    [23:13] <yun23> do the numbers do many things or one thing ?

    [23:14] <Javi> speaker - vincent is very much around... he is, after all, the dog of doom!

    [23:14] <truffula> I just gotta ask this....Javi, you helped debunk the "bigspacehip1" website hoax when you replied on the Fuse about not knowing about a Website labyrinth. But I remember Damon saying that yal would be puttin out sites that you wouldn't take credit for....does XNA mean anything to you?
    [23:14] <Javi> truffula - xna does not, sorry!
    [23:14] <Summer> will walt ever be brought back this season?
    [23:14] <Summer> and michael?
    [23:15] <Javi> yun, the numbers have many meanings but the ONE most important meaning will be revealed soon.

    [23:15] <Javi> or rather - the meaning most germane to what is going on in the island.
    [23:16] <Javi> summer - the walt story will be dealt with this season.
    [23:18] <mav> Javi, has some parts of the show been inspired by a kind of transhumanist ideal?
    [23:18] <Javi> mav - not to my knowledge, although the darma folk do have a kind of extropian quality to them - don;'t they?
    [23:20] <partyman> Javi... "Threee Minutes" to what, exactly? *veg*
    [23:22] <Javi> partyman - it's not a countdown it's the duration of an event.
    [23:23] <yun23> does vector space mean much to lost ?
    [23:25] <Javi> yun - as much as it means to our dailiy lives?
    [23:29] <mav> Javi, do you think Hanso and Dharma folk are still connected..or are they lone operators these days?

    [23:29] <Javi> mav - hanso funded the dharma initiative!

    [23:29] <mav> but is he still involved..?
    [23:29] <DavidT> Javi, why did they they take the Hanso Foundation website down?

    [23:30] <Javi> david - it's down fro remodelling, stay tuned.

    [23:30] <Javi> mav - that will all be revealed in the fulness of time!
    [23:31] <mav> I thought you might say that..... :-)

    [23:31] <yun23> what would you say to anyone who claims the show will not be answered by deep scientific ideas?

    [23:31] <Javi> mav - well, it is a huge part of our backstory.mythology, but i promise a lot of that stuff is going to be illucidated in the near future.

    [23:32] <Summer> good question yun.
    [23:32] <Summer> scientific or supernatural, javi?

    [23:33] <Javi> summer/yum - have you ever seen a mass market piece of genre fiction that was COMPLETELY explainable by adamantine hard science?

    [23:33] <Summer> erm... no.
    [23:33] <Summer> :-)
    [23:33] <Summer> but... you never know.
    [23:33] <Javi> lol!
    [23:33] <Summer> exactly.

    [23:33] <Javi> you will have a LOT of science and spirit to chew on when it all comes out - and you will have to choose which to believe in!

    [23:33] <Javi> man of science? man of faith?
    [23:41] <yun23> does the island havea long history ?

    [23:41] <Javi> yun - yep, much longer than any of us thinks.
    [23:42] <yun23> did it form on its own accord ? or was it helped along by some force ?
    [23:43] <Javi> yun - that's secret!
    [23:44] <emcee> javi, you should leave your mark before you leave lost and kill off Jack
    [23:44] <Javi> guys - jack ain't going nowhere!
    [23:45] <truffula> one more question from me.....are Oceanic and Dharma connected?

    [23:46] <Javi> truffula - not that i am aware of.
    [23:46] <mav> what about Paik, will he be more involved later?
    [23:47] <Javi> mav - paik is involved in a lot of things, but not in the way you might think.
    [23:47] <Summer> will we see more of the hatch's around the island?
    [23:47] <Summer> aren't there like 6?

    [23:48] <Javi> summer - i don't hink we'd have put them there just to ignore them!
    [23:49] <Frank> Does the LOST team feel it would be a major blow if someone spoiled the secret? Do they have a "plan B" or "plan C" just in case?
    [23:49] <Summer> speaking of that... javi, who is your favorite character to write for? :-)
    [23:49] <Summer> and why.

    [23:50] <Javi> summer - sawyer is the most fun, obviously, but i love witing for sun and jin.
    [23:50] <Summer> frank, I think the lost team would ream javi a new butthole for revealing secrets.

    [23:50] <Javi> frank - no one but the creators of the show know ALL the secrets.
    [23:50] <Summer> yes, sawyer's quite the character. I'm kind of disappointed he turned to be such a jerk.
    [23:51] <mav> sawyer is a superb character
    [23:51] <Frank> Ah, the best security of all...silence!
    [23:51] <Summer> but never know.. he might see the errors and change.
    [23:51] <Javi> summer - but most people love him because he is a jerk.

    [23:51] <Javi> everyone on the island has a chance to make themselves better.
    [23:51] <Summer> I started to like hime when he was going good...
    [23:51] <yun23> when will the redshirts get another voice ?
    [23:51] <Summer> then BAM, he kicked us in the box and took over the guns.
    [23:51] <Javi> yun - lol! dunno - arzt was pretty cool though.

    [23:52] <yun23> till he exploded
    [23:52] <Frank> Javi, did those Verizon 2-minute LOST episodes that were planned ever get off the ground?
    [23:52] <xferinoc> 2-minute lost what?

    [23:52] <Summer> I gotta vincent about the verizon.... I don't like those.. not fair to us deaf viewers :-(
    [23:52] <Javi> frank - still a work in progress.
    [23:53] <mav> Javi, is the history of the black rock important, or is it more the fact that it is just there that is more the issue?

    [23:53] <Javi> mav - both.

    [23:53] <Javi> look closely at the map for more black rock info
    [23:53] <hanhando> Javi, I've noticed that there are a lot more questions being asked by the Losties this season, particularly ones the fans might (or do!) ask. Is it coincidence or fate?

    [23:53] <Summer> link?
    [23:53] <yun23> is hanso involved with the black rocks owners history ?
    [23:53] <Javi> there is a MAJOR clue about that in the map.
    [23:55] <mav> Javi, will there be a flashback for the island - it seems like it needs one

    [23:55] <Javi> mav... wow, that would be a challenge.
    [23:57] <Frank> Javi, will the dates on Jin's resume be changed for the DVD?
    [23:57] <Javi> frank - i don't think so, it was a mistake and we are gonna live with it!
    [23:58] <Javi> well, we're all about accountability at lost.
    [23:58] <mav> Javi, is the continuity of the show maintained to perfection - or can some things slip in - like the brand new wachine machine in the hatch - mistake or intentional?

    [23:59] <Javi> mav - i can't speak about the accidentality of THAT (maybe it came in a resupply drop!) but we are only human, we do make mistakes.


  • Registered Users Posts: 3,247 ✭✭✭stevejazzx

    great thread

    whats the big secret at the black rock?

  • Registered Users Posts: 23,216 ✭✭✭✭monkeyfudge

    Those aren't exactly general season two spoilers.

    Can you mark the thread with a [US] in the title?

  • Registered Users Posts: 23,216 ✭✭✭✭monkeyfudge

    syboit wrote:
    any jpg of the blackrock map around ?
    They mean the map that was on the blastdoor. It mentions the Black Rock and the final resting place of a Magnus Hanso if I remember correctly. There is a thread dedicated to the map.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,171 ✭✭✭syboit

    just coped that aswell :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,281 ✭✭✭PullMyFinger!

    [22:53] <Javi> by the end of this season you will know exactly who drew the map, why and what happened to him - i guarandamnteeit!
    Im thinking Desmond and (or) Kelvin

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,281 ✭✭✭PullMyFinger!

    I thought Id give this a wee bump as A) Javi is leaving soon (has left?) and B) it teases enough for the next 2 episodes without giving away anything (a bit like dating a girl from Blackrock ;))

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 385 ✭✭loon

    i wasn't desmond who drew the map.. whoever did draw it, did so whilst trapped in the first lockdown and unfortunately had to write it in their blood - well, most of it anyways... suffice to say.. they didn't make it.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 25,848 ✭✭✭✭Zombrex

    I'm just happy we are promised some proper answers by the end of this season. Its kinda getting annoying knowing pretty much exactly the same amount of stuff at the end of an episode as the start. Lots of build up, no climax (again, just like a girl from Blackrock).

    The last few episodes of Session 2 better be pretty good. Or I want my money back! :p

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,309 ✭✭✭✭Bard

    Wicknight wrote:
    Lots of build up, no climax (again, just like a girl from Blackrock).

    Blackrock in Dublin, Louth or Cork? :p

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,281 ✭✭✭PullMyFinger!

    Wicknight wrote:
    Lots of build up, no climax (again, just like a girl from Blackrock)

    And thats her fault? :p

    Nothing noteworthy in last nights Podcast. Cruse and Lindoff seem to just take the piss every week.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,082 ✭✭✭lostexpectation

    ooh so javi said that the map from whatshername was worth the INK is was written on so maybe it was written with blood too, maybe kelvin was scientist and got trapped with danielle and she killed him, but why would they have UV lights there all set up to reveal blood
