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What to do next??

  • 22-03-2006 6:53pm
    Registered Users Posts: 14

    To go straight to the point I met this really great guy out on Friday night. We kissed and held hands and spent most of the night in the club together, at the end of the night we exchanged numbers.
    He text me the following day to say that he had enjoyed the night and that he would like to do it again sometime so we arranged to meet again. So i did meet him again and we went for a few drinks on Monday night. I really enjoyed myself and we got on really well. We talked about loadsa stuff and he was really interested in finding out more about me.
    He seems to be a really busy guy and when I text him etc it takes him ages to get back...although he always does get back.
    The truth is I have never been in a relationship before, infact that was the first date i had ever been on and I really dont no what to do next. I really get the impression that he likes me but I dont no if I should leave the ball in his court now. Like im sittin here now dyin to text him and say hi and stuff but i dont no if I would be letting myself sound egger! There is a little bit of an age differance and i basically dont have a clue about how to deal with this with an older guy!

    Any advice out there would be much appreciated! Im driving myself mad!


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,598 ✭✭✭ferdi

    Im driving myself mad!
    yeah, but what a great kind of mad it is!those early unsure days and weeks, a great buzz! just play it straight, dont start crazy mind games, tell him how you feel. if he cant handle it he is a bellend and your better off without him.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,144 ✭✭✭LundiMardi

    There should be a sticky for this kind of thread.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 243 ✭✭Lorri_L

    Don't act different to the way you want to be. If he is going to be with you, he has to like the real you! Its not going to work if he doesn't.

    Don't bombard him with texts, give him time to reply to them but don't hold off on sending a text to say hi.

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,125 ✭✭✭✭Esel

    ...He seems to be a really busy guy and when I text him etc it takes him ages to get back...although he always does get back....

    He may be 'really busy', or be keeping you keen, or be 'with someone'.

    Other possibilities exist.

    Not your ornery onager

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,946 ✭✭✭BeardyGit

    A great way to get a move on here is to have something to do together. Pick something you'd like to do and then call him and ask him to come along. This may sound silly but the Zoo is a great place to go for a date - Most of us haven't been since the oul' school tours yet there's lots to see and you'll always be able to have a laugh at the ape house. Then off for a walk around the park, lunch in the parks coffee shop or an ice-cream up by the popes cross if it's a fine day. I'm telling you, unless he's half dead, you'll have lots to see and chat about.....


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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 350 ✭✭_Turismo4

    esel wrote:
    He may be 'really busy', or be keeping you keen, or be 'with someone'.
    Yeah that’s what I was thinking..too.
    I think there’s noting wrong in texting him if you wont to, just play it by eat, having said that he’s an older guy and taking his time responding to your texts then there’s a good possibility he’s in another relationship and can’t text you back. if I where you I’d phone him around 8 o’clock during the week or weekend when he’s not expecting your call, and see what his reaction is. If he seams upset, then you’ll know something wrong. If he’s full of chat and happy you phoned then you should be ok.
    Another thing I would do is set your phone to receive delivery reports, that way you'll know he’s receiving your texting / this can do done in your message settings under your sending profile,

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,733 ✭✭✭Blub2k4

    esel wrote:
    He may be 'really busy', or be keeping you keen, or be 'with someone'.

    Other possibilities exist.

    Luckily enough for the OP she is obviously not as old and cynical as you lot, man sometimes it is crazy the insecurities that people GIVING advice spew all over this board, never mind the people looking for help...

    Dont worry about the delays Freckles, it takes me ages and sometimes I dont even notice that I have texts from my gf until I get home in the evening and she says did you get my text and I check my phone and say hmmm yes I did.
    relax, text him when you feel like it but dont overdo it, enjoy.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,894 ✭✭✭Chinafoot

    Gil_Dub wrote:
    A great way to get a move on here is to have something to do together. Pick something you'd like to do and then call him and ask him to come along. This may sound silly but the Zoo is a great place to go for a date - Most of us haven't been since the oul' school tours yet there's lots to see and you'll always be able to have a laugh at the ape house. Then off for a walk around the park, lunch in the parks coffee shop or an ice-cream up by the popes cross if it's a fine day. I'm telling you, unless he's half dead, you'll have lots to see and chat about.....


    Great advice. Myself and my boyfriend headed to the zoo last year when things were still kind of new. It's great fun.

    Plus you have the added bonus of alcohol-free conversation to really get to know each other properly.

    Go for it.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 146 ✭✭sachamama

    also if he is an older guy, he might not keep his phone on him, he might not like using predictive text, his battery might run down on the phone cos he forgets to power it up...just dont be pushy with texts and dont say anything earth shattering in them, save that for person to person contact.

    if he met you once and you got on well, then go with it!
    best of luck

  • Registered Users Posts: 14 Freckles123

    Thank you all for such sound advice. I have never been in a situation like this and as all you all know its head dont no if your coming or going.
    The truth is I really like this counting the time till I see him again.
    Im not annoying him with texts and he does call me..usually at night when he is finished work! I suppose at least he does take 5 mins out to make contact with me i just wish it was more regular.
    I love the idea about going to the never even crossed my mind!
    And im also 100% positive that there aint nobody else in this guys life at the moment...i do trust that he is just a busy working guy.
    Thanks again and any other advice is much appreciated!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 19,341 ✭✭✭✭Chucky the tree

    Try not to come off as eager in text as you do on here. Dont always be the one to text him first.

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    ... im also 100% positive that there aint nobody else in this guys life at the moment...i do trust that he is just a busy working guy...
    Please be absolutely sure.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 45 Galvia

    Text him. Find something you both would enjoy doing together. The "both" is key. Film? Theatre? Sports? Zoo? Whatever. But don't start sacrificing yourself all the time just to get close to him. There's no future in that.

    Yes, I have a b/f that sometimes drives me crazy when he doesn't get back to me after leaving him a message (that the Titanic is sinking and there is only one life boat left with a seat for him). So it might be that he is not all that conscious about messaging. Then again, it could be someone or something else. Live and learn. But text him. Not too much, but just enough to get that next date. If he truly is interested in you, he will get back to you. If not, then spend your time on someone else. Cheers!
