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Advice on dealing with cancer

  • 22-03-2006 1:37pm
    Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭

    Someone close to me is recovering from colorectal cancer. She had surgery, which was successful, and courses of chemotherapy and radium treatment. However, she still suffers from bad sickness and diarrhea. Her GP and specialists are investigating how to solve it, but it takes time - referrals to specialists, etc.

    As such, it's not so much the physical side of things as the emotional and psychological side. The regular bouts of severe diarrhea are physically draining and are indignifying. She won't leave the house for more than a few minutes in case of an attack - some days are better than others, but it can change suddenly, so she's always on guard. At this point she's almost despondent.

    Does anyone know of a support group in Ireland for sufferers of colorectal cancer? If anyone has any advice or suggestions about how to help her cope, I'd appreciate it very much.

