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  • 04-03-2006 9:14pm
    Registered Users Posts: 3,016 ✭✭✭

    I'm sitting here alone thinking about you.
    The photograph of the bunny easr
    In the park with cheesy smiles
    The grass fights, all of us.
    I'm sitting here thinking about you.
    Smiles and hugs
    In the cold Autumn evening
    And the music pumping through our spirits.
    I'm sitting here thinking about you.
    The push against the wall,
    Your voice screaming in my ears
    Telling me to leave you alone
    When you're the one who came up to me.
    I'm sitting here, thinking about you.
    The dirty look playing on your face
    Sitting in the shade of the sun with them
    And turning your back.
    I'm sitting here thinking about you.
    And wondering why.

    I'm sorry, again this one is depressing, but hey its been that kind of two days...
