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Being Carbon Neutral

  • 01-03-2006 2:51pm
    Registered Users Posts: 190 ✭✭

    I considered myself fairly environmental aware, but just came across two programmes recently (bbc news & some ulster program last night) about being carbon neutral.
    More specficly I was very interested to learn about the huge emissions of aeroplanes and that fact that I fly quite a bit nowadays worries me. The idea was you could offset this by donating money to organisation that invest in tree planting etc.. to offset the carbon you produce.

    Some links I came across with google;

    donate here:
    (has a nice emission calculator)

    e.g. London to Dublin return;

    Your emissions from this flight are: 0.13 Tonnes of CO2
    The cost to offset this CO2 will be £ 0.95

    more info

    Has anybody consider doing this?
    Can anybody recommend a company to donate to?

