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Vocalist Wanted

  • 20-02-2006 12:24pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 1,322 ✭✭✭

    At the moment we are a two piece - Guitar and bass. We've been putting some songs together over the last few months and have started recording a few demo's.

    Ive been singing on them but my voice is shizen. So we need a vocalist.

    We will be auditioning drummers soon too but need a singer first.

    Lets see influences. Well we both listen to pretty much every style so thats no much help.

    What do we sound like? Well we have some heavy(ish) rock songs but i guess we are kinda mellow in a way. No too songs sound the same really.

    I guess the type of vocalist we need is someone with a warm tone. A bit like Roger Daltry if you know what I mean. To me he has a very warm sound and is very grounded.

    Ideal age would be mid 20's to late 30's, but thats not really important. Sex is unimportant too.

    Experience? Well maybe you've always wanted to be a singer but never had the guts til now. Why not give it a try?

    Immediate ambitions are to record these demo's. After that we will look for gigs and hopefully self produce an e.p. for starters.

    We are based in Celbridge.

    If you have a demo of yourself singing that would be really useful and I can send you a snap shot of what we are working on.

    PM me ifn yer intrested
