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phonebook question concerning nokia 6310i

  • 06-02-2006 10:33am
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,072 ✭✭✭

    Hi guys
    I recently purchased a 6310i
    beautiful phone in every way i must say
    i wsant to be able to set the sim card as the default memory when entering a new phone entry
    how do i do this?
    thanks guyz!


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4 magic mushroom

    Selecting the phone book settings

    1. Press Names and select Settings.
    2. Select Memory in use, and select one of the following options:
    Phone and SIM to recall names and numbers from both phone books. The names and numbers will
    be saved in the phone’s memory.
    Phone to use the phone’s internal phone book.
    SIM card to use the SIM card’s phone book.
    3. Select Phone book view and select one of the following options:
    Name list to show three names at a time.
    Name and no. to show one name and phone number at a time.
    4. Select Memory status. Select Phone or SIM card to see how many names and phone numbers are
    currently saved and how many can still be saved in the selected phone book.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,072 ✭✭✭eurotrotter

    thankf ro that bus
    sound out

    Selecting the phone book settings

    1. Press Names and select Settings.
    2. Select Memory in use, and select one of the following options:
    Phone and SIM to recall names and numbers from both phone books. The names and numbers will
    be saved in the phone’s memory.
    Phone to use the phone’s internal phone book.
    SIM card to use the SIM card’s phone book.
    3. Select Phone book view and select one of the following options:
    Name list to show three names at a time.
    Name and no. to show one name and phone number at a time.
    4. Select Memory status. Select Phone or SIM card to see how many names and phone numbers are
    currently saved and how many can still be saved in the selected phone book.
