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Very simple photoshop question...

  • 01-02-2006 10:58pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 12,382 ✭✭✭✭


    I'm sure this is probably mongotastically easy to do, but maybe some kind soul can help me...

    If I want to change the colour of something, and I'm using photoshop 7, how do I do it?

    For example, how would I change the .ie in the following logo -

    - to become like the .ie in the following logo -

    Any help appreciated!!



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 450 ✭✭Chief

    ok dokey,

    open the file in photyshop... if its a .gif go up to image then mode the rgb (i think as i dont have photyshop near me).

    Then pop to the layers window, right click the layer and duplicate it.

    click the bottom layer and select all then hit delete (make sure the bottom colour of the 2 colour swatches in the toolbar is the same colour as your background). Then with the layer still all selected hit either L.ctrl+backspace or L.shift+backspace to fill it with the background colour.

    ok dokey,

    now click the top layer and then get the wee selection tool at the top left of the tools bar clicked on and left click to drag neatly over the text you wanna change. then hit delete when your happy with the bit ya wanna delete.

    as you can see (hopefully if i've explained right) all your left with is the bit of text you want to stay static and a blank space.

    get you text tool selected the "T" in the tools bar and click beside the text thats left. guess the font, size etc and you have a freely movable bit of text that you can colour, change or anything ya want.

    now i've a few beers in me so if that did;nt make sense I can illustrate it for you tomorrow.

    All the above is assuming that you have a flat image like a gif or jpg. you could also co in and use magic wand to select the bits of colour etc and fill different colours but i'd redo if it was a flat image.

    If you have the psd with all the layers its even easier (if you;d clal the above easy).

    just open the file. click your text tool button the "T" and run your cursor to the front of the text you want to select and click drag to highlight it ( like in any text editor: word etc. then all the attributes colour size etc are up the top of photyshop.

    ok lemme know if you want an illustrated gude. Good night! :O)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,382 ✭✭✭✭AARRRGH


    Thank you for your detailed response! I followed your steps, but I then realised one thing -

    I don't know what the font is!

    I am looking for a way to change the colour of something, whether it is a font or not. For example, I just select it, choose some option and a colour, and it intelligently changes the colour of the item I've selected.

    Do you know what I mean??

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,382 ✭✭✭✭AARRRGH

    OK, I figured it out!

    I used a combination of the polygonal lasso tool and then changed my colour using hue/saturation etc.

    Thanks for your help!! :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,578 ✭✭✭paddylonglegs

    dublindude wrote:
    OK, I figured it out!

    I used a combination of the polygonal lasso tool and then changed my colour using hue/saturation etc.

    Thanks for your help!! :)

    If I can understand exactly what you're trying to do...I think a quicker way might be to go to your text layer,right click and selct "rasterize".This allows you to use blending options.

    So right click the same layer and select "Blending Options",then tick "colour overlay" and you can select what colour you want your item to be.

    Think its a bit quicke than what you're doing,maybe not
