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Battlefield patch problems

  • 30-01-2006 2:31pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 14,010 ✭✭✭✭

    My mate has tried installing the latest patch but it keep demanding more free space on the harddrive to install than he has, but he has enough for the patch. I remember seeing a work around for this problem but I cant find it by searching. I dont suppose anybody here can help?


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,265 ✭✭✭MiCr0

    yea, there's a work around for this

    Does he have the free space on the c:\ drive or on a seperate drive?

    The patch needs it to be on c:\

    Work around:

    Patch installation error: 3000MB free space required to install patch
    This error occurs because the patch detects the amount of free space on the partition which has the default Program Files folder. If, for example, you have a partition with just Windows on it, and you have a second partition with Battlefield 2 on it, this error might occur because it would detect the amount of free space on the Windows partition.

    NOTE: You should create a backup of the registry before continuing.
    1. Go to Start>Run and type in regedit and click OK.
    2. Navigate to:
    3. Highlight the CurrentVersion node on the left side, but do not expand it (ie. do not click the + sign next to it)
    4. On the right side, there should be a ProgramFilesDir variable.
    5. Double click it, or Right Click>Modify.
    6. The 'Value Data' box should have your Program Files directory. (default: C:\Program Files) Make sure you copy it down somewhere, and then change the value to a folder on a partition which has enough free space to patch BF2.
    7. Close regedit, and then run the v1.12 patch.
    8. Once the patching process is completed, follow steps 1-5 again, except this time change the 'Value Data' back to what it was originally. (NOTE: If you do not do this step, your system may become unstable.)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 14,010 ✭✭✭✭Cuddlesworth

    Thanks alot. ;)
