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Possible to download DVD subtitles?

  • 09-01-2006 4:16pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 11,264 ✭✭✭✭

    I've a collection of foreign DVD's that don't have english subtitles. Is there a way to download subtitles for a DVD and enable them while watching the DVD in it's original language?


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    there is indeed a way to do it, you might be lucky enough to find the subs on the net, if you do you then have to copy the DVD to your PC and then add the subs to it via Subtitle Workshop software and reburn the film onto disc.

    here's a basic guide to doing it :

    Tools you need:

    1. Subtitle Workshop
    2. Subtitle Tool
    3. Subtitle Creator
    4. DVDDecrypter
    4. PGCDemux
    5. Muxman
    6. IFOEdit
    7. VobBlanker
    8. Software DVD player like PowerDVD for previews

    You can download the tools from here :


    You'll need a lot of hard disk space for this project, as you'll be keeping
    at least 3 versions of your DVD (probably 4). So I suggest creating 4 directories:
    "original", "demuxed", "remuxed", "reauthored" (I'll be referencing them in this guide).
    For multi-episode that's in separate .VOB's, create subfolers like "ep1", "ep2", etc. in
    "demuxed" foler and "remuxed" folder, and use the appropriate folder accordingly.

    The guide:

    1. Run DVDDecrypter and in File mode, copy everything to the "original" directory. Alternatively, you can use DVDShrink.

    2. Run PGCDemux. Click Input IFO's 'Browse' button and open the .IFO file that contains
    your main movie (usually VTS_01_0.IFO, but could be different). Make sure the domain is
    'Titles' and that the length of the movie is correct. Note the PGC # shown here. This is the
    PGC you'll be working on later. Choose "demuxed" as your output
    directory. Check 'Demux video stream'. Click on 'Check A/V delay'.
    If the delay is anything other than '0 ms', write it down, as you'll need this info later.
    Click on 'Process!' to demuliplex.


    3. a) Now if you downloaded your subtitle and it is not a .srt file, convert it to .srt using
    Subtitle Workshop. Just open it in Subtitle Workshop and save it as SubRip file.

    b) If your subtitle is in a different frame rate, then open it in Subtitle Tool and in Change speed tab,
    choose the template you want and click on Do it.


    c) Also while you are here, goto Check consistency tab and click on Check it! button. Make sure
    there is no error and all you get are the Info:> lines.


    4. a) Run Subtitle Creator. Goto File->Open text subtitles and choose the subtitle you'd like to add.
    Goto File->Open IFO and choose the .IFO of the main movie. This will select the right color palette,
    video format, etc. Do the usual color/font selection and position adjustment. If you want to check
    if the subtitle will be in sync, goto Synchronize->Load original SUP and open the .sup file in the
    "demuxed" folder. Then you can compare the time of each line to make sure the subtitle is in sync.


    b) If you want to do a simple synchronization, then you can probably get away with linking the first line
    and the last line then clicking on Synchronize button. But I prefer to use Subtitle Workshop and use
    it to add/subtract delays.


    c) Remember that everytime you change your subtitle in any other program, you have to reload it in Subtitle Creator.
    If you joined more than two subtitles, make sure to check for the synchronization after the join points.
    If you can get the times difference of less than 300 ms, then you are good.


    d) If you think you have everything ready, then goto File->Save SUP as... and save it in the "demuxed" directory.
    If you are adding a subtitle to a 16:9 movie AND you want your movie to display subtitles correctly on both
    4:3 TV and 16:9 TV, then you need to create two subtitle streams for each format. For 4:3, you don't have
    to change anything, save it as mysub_lb.sup (lb for letterbox). But for 16:9, change the X: ratio in Stretch
    in the right pane to .75, and save it as mysub_wide.sup.

    5. Run MuxMan. Click on ... button and add your video, audio, and subtitles from the "demuxed" directory.
    Select ouput folder as "remuxed". If there were any audio delay, put it in here. If you want to keep the original subtitles, load them in the correct order (you can tell the order by the filename: Subpictures_20.sup is the first, Subpictures_21.sup is the second, and so on). If you created 2 streams for a subtitle, add the wide version first and click on wide button. Then for the next stream, add the letterbox
    version and click on LB button. Make sure that the languages of both streams are the same. If you have just
    1 stream, load it and click on both LB and wide. Lastly, goto File->Import Chapter and open CellTimes.txt in
    the "demuxed" folder. Click on Start. If you get an error, you can try Rejig or IFOEdit to remux, but they
    can't combine letterbox and wide versions into one stream.


    6. Play the generated file and check if the subtitle displays correctly and in sync. Don't worry about the
    colors, they will be in correct colors after it's been reauthored. At this point, if you don't want to
    keep the menu, you can just copy over the color palettes from the original .IFO and burn it. If you want to
    keep the menu, there are more work to be done.

    7. Run VobBlanker. Click Browse of the Input Folder and open the VTS_TS.IFO from the "original" directory.
    Set output as "reauthored" directory. In the title set, choose the title set that contains your main movie.
    All the PGC's of that title set will be displayed in the lower table. Click on the main movie (usually PGC 1,
    but could be different) and click the Replace button. Choose the VTS_01_0.IFO from the "remuxed" directory.
    For multi-episodes, you need to do this for each episode/vob. Then click on PROCESS!!. A log window pops up
    to let you know what it is doing. After it's done, close the log and exit.


    8. Play your file, if you have REPLACED one of the original subtitles to your own, then your subtitle will show
    under the language of the subtitle that you had replaced. If you have ADDED a new subtitle, then it won't show
    because the .IFO's don't know about the new subtitle stream. So you have to manually edit them.
    Backing up the .IFO's in "reauthored" folder would be a good idea here.

    9. a) Run IFOEdit. Open the VTS_TS.IFO from the "remuxed" directory. Click on VMG_VTS_ATRT, in the lower window,
    scroll down to the VTS of the main movie (in my case, VTS_1). At the end you'll see the subtitle information.
    Note the number of sub-pictures. Double click on the newly added subtitle (in my case, Sub-picture stream 2),
    and note the hex numbers shown.


    b) Open the VTS_TS.IFO from the "reauthored" directory. Go to the same place and modify the values to match the
    information from remuxed video, by double clicking on the item you want to change. If the number of subtitles
    were reduced, you can zero out the removed subs. Click on Save button and answer yes when it asks to save .BUP
    file as well.

    c) Close and reopen IFOEdit. Open VTS_01_0.IFO from the "remuxed" folder. Click on VTSI_MAT, and in the lower
    window, scroll down to where subtitle information is shown. Note the properties of the newly added sub. Open
    the .IFO file that contains the main movie from the "reauthored" folder. Again, goto the same location and modify
    the values to match the one from "remuxed" by double clicking on the Sub-picture stream attributes. Make sure you also change the Number of sub-picture streams in VTSTT_VOBS to the correct number or your subtitle won't show up!


    d) In the upper window, click on the .IFO from the "remuxed" folder. Double click on VTS_PGCITI, then click on
    VTS_PGC_1. Scroll down to the subtitle information. Double click on your sub-picture's status. Press Ctrl+C to
    copy this value. Go back to the .IFO from the "original" folder, to the same location (PGC number might be different!). Double click the
    sub-picture's status and press Ctrl+V to paste the value. Again, you can put zero to the subtitles that have been
    removed. Save the file. Finally, play the file now to see if the new subtitle show up. It should show up and
    in correct color.


    10. Burn it.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 11,264 ✭✭✭✭jester77

    Wow :eek:... thanks hellboy99, amazing reply!

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    if you need anymore help with it just pm me :D

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 20,847 ✭✭✭✭cormie

    Hellboy did you copy that from somewhere or make it up as you replied?:eek:

    Fair play either way!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,842 ✭✭✭steveland?

    I think you have to pay for them though

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,287 ✭✭✭✭Standard Toaster

    Media Player Classic has one built in. Has never let me down.


  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    cormie wrote:
    Hellboy did you copy that from somewhere or make it up as you replied?:eek:

    Fair play either way!

    i got it from a site i'm registered with that tells you the in's and outs of how to do it. looks a bit much at first but it's actually easy enough to do :D

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 20,847 ✭✭✭✭cormie

    It's probably somewhat the same message as putting lyrics on an mp3 player (so it shows the lyrics as the song progresses). I never bothered with it though, far too time consuming for an mp3 player full of music:o Different for that special DVD.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,240 ✭✭✭Endurance Man

    Hey, this is just what iv been looking for :). I have City Of God here (brilliant film) but it doesnt have the sub titles. I may just give this a bash.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 98 ✭✭mar|<

    I have an mkv file which I converted to an image to burn, but the subtitles didnt show. when I play it in vlc i can select a subtitles track but I cant select it on my dvd player. Can anyone help me with this?

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