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Capture from Sony Handycam (Tape -> Hard Disk)?

  • 30-12-2005 3:34am
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 44,410 ✭✭✭✭

    Hello all,

    Not here too often but got a quick question for ye.

    Brother's wedding is stored on a tape which can be inserted into his Sony Handycam DVR-HC21E.

    What i would like to do is take it off it and burn it to DVD for a couple of the relatives etc.

    Now.. the terrible "Sony Picture Package" software which we recieved with it will capture it via streaming USB. But churns out a whopping 150MB or so every 25 seconds! :eek:

    So.. anyone got an easier and less intensive method on the oul' hard drive space? Don't mind taking it off it in any format (but keep it between WMV, MPEG2 / MPEG1 or DIVX / XVID / AVI) and if it exceeds the size of a normal DVD disc, that's fine with me. Don't mind re-encoding it!

    So.. any suggestions? Possibly an easy way via VirtualDub.

    Thanks in advance!

    EDIT: Actually.. just realised how to do it via Windows Movie Maker - nice quality video / sound and very adequate filesize! Still, anyone who's got any recommendations for the future - i'd be open to any suggestions!


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,984 ✭✭✭✭Lump

    I'd Capture it in Windows Movie Maker and then compress it to DivX using Auto Gordian Knot.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,946 ✭✭✭SouperComputer

    on the fly compression of Xvid/Divx through virtualdub?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 105 ✭✭GoofySkater

    capture with firewire if you want to get full quality mini dv, if you want to put it onto a dvd for example.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 293 ✭✭Lump Basher

    Okay - forget all of the above.

    Lump: he needs it on DVD - not DivX.
    SouperComputer: see Lump.
    GoofySkater: good start, but not enough details.

    Here's what to do:
    *I'm presuming it's about an hour - you will need 4GB of space for every 18mins of captured footage.
    * You will need a firewire cable.
    1) Download the trial of Adobe Premiere Pro, here:
    2) Install (it will be good for 30 days) and open up the software, with a "DV PAL 48khz" preset project.
    3) Hit "F5" - this will open up the capture tool.
    4) Specify where you want to save to.
    5) Capture your tapes.
    6) Line them up on the timeline. Edit some basic cuts if needed (tidy up start & ends). You can even add chapter points, by "right-clicking" on the timeline and adding an un-numbered marker.
    7) Go to "FILE > EXPORT TIMELINE > EXPORT TO DVD". Use the PAL 4MB preset. Make sure the box saying "Use Timeline Markers as chapter points" is ticked.
    8) Hit "OK", and it will even burn it for you, and you can specify how many copies.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 484 ✭✭ManWithThePlan

    Great advice Lump Basher - just one question..
    You say it needs 4GB per 18 mins.. is this after it's burned onto DVD aswell? So a DVD could only hold about 30 mins of footage.
    I guess i'll need to compress my AVI's then.. any good compressing tools out there? I've tried lots and they're all ****.


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