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WinFixer [malware]

  • 18-12-2005 10:06pm
    Registered Users Posts: 18,703 ✭✭✭✭

    A quick post about some new malware, and how I came across it:
    Was just browsing the 'net with Firefox (can't remember where -- not lookin at pr0n!) when all of a sudden Firefox disappeared!
    I get a message from "Winfixer2000", telling me to install it for security problems -- obviously, I press "Cancel". So Firefox comes back, with a new tab labelled "WinFixer2005". It obnoxiously tries to install again. Clicked "Cancel", but this time a new box comes up, with the only option being "OK"!.

    Now, this looks dangerous, but WTF was a program called "Winfixer" thinking when it tries to install itself on a Mac?:D Anyway, just letting you guys be aware of this; maybe if the Windows crowd post to say if they came across this, and how they dealt with it (I'm fine).
