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International Calling Cards

  • 24-11-2005 12:21am
    Closed Accounts Posts: 6,942 ✭✭✭

    If this is the wrong forum - sorry.

    Does anyone know the best method for using these things. I'm trying to ring spain at the moment. So far it has been mobile to mobile and I know that that is gonna take shi*loads of minutes off the card. But we're working on getting to use public phones. Today though I rang my girlfriends mobile from a public phone but I only got 4 mins. When she rings my mobile from a pay phone she gets 30 mins.

    My friend said that if you ring the dublin number on the back of the card you get a lot more minutes than by ringing the freefone number. Is this true?

    Does anyone have any recommendations on a particular company. I've been using smart telecom so far.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 65 ✭✭korramatta

    Smart Telecom are expensive. If you go to Moore street in City center, you'll find lot of people selling good calling cards. Since you're only ringing to another europian country most of the calling cards give you good minutes. My partner uses Unity card. Gets loads of minutes. There is company called Telestunt , with access number 1520 932 601 ( to ring land lines) 1530 475 000 ( to ring mobiles) from your irish mobile. they cast you 15c,33c respectively. goto for more info. hope this info helps.!!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,942 ✭✭✭missingtime

    Thanks a million for posting. These fecking things are annoying the head off me. Gonna have to switch brands methinks. I'll try that link - see what I can find.
    Thanks again :-)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,221 ✭✭✭BrianD

    You usually get more minutes if you ring the (01) number rather than the 1800. Shop around there are loads of cards out there - plenty down Moore St. as some one pointed out. I would advise using the minutes up as soon as practical - some of these card companies go belly up on a regular basis.
