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Nokia Smartphone::Restore Factory Settings

  • 10-11-2005 12:30pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,664 ✭✭✭

    For anyone that has a Nokia smartphone, 6600 and newer, here is how you fix your phone when it will no longer start up.

    The phone has two memory areas, the ROM which cannot be overwritten without the nokia flashing software and a USB cable. The Flash memory which can be overwritten by bad programs or viruses. If files stored on the Flash Memory (C:) drive gets damaged or overwritten by a bad program install or a virus you will find that your phone will no longer start, you will either get a message saying "phone startup failed..." or you may see just the nokia logo and the screen flashing.
    Chances are you can fix this by performing a user format, basicaly you wipe the phones flash memory and restore the factory software wiping out the cause of the problem (including viruses). Here's how:

    Connect your phone to a charger (avoids buggering your phone even worse).
    Press and hold the green send button, 3 and * all at the same time.
    Keep them held and press the power button.
    Keep holding them until your phone starts up properly, you may see a message saying formatting it depends on the phone. After a few seconds your phone should ask you for the timezone.
    Let go of the buttons and congratulations, your phone is back to normal.

    (suggest that this topic become a sticky and closed to replies)


  • Hosted Moderators Posts: 10,006 ✭✭✭✭mik_da_man

    This is a good one all right

    I know my 6630 got fecked and someone here told me this and it fixed it

    Handy to Know

