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Monasterevin Bypass opens a year early

  • 11-10-2007 2:56pm
    Registered Users Posts: 325 ✭✭

    Perhaps I'm the only one who thinks this, but I find a project finishing a year ahead of schedule almost as bad as one that finishes a year behind schedule. I mean what sort of estimating process are they using ? Or did they deliberately inflate their estimates in the hopes of a PR coup when the road was finished?

    Surely the goal should be to have realistic estimates that produce a finish date that we can all have a reasonable amount of confidence in. I work in software development which can be notoriously difficult to estimate but serious questions would be asked if our estimation process was as poor as the construction firms.

    According to the NRA though "The contractors just got on with it. They had good weather all last summer and they got the job done,"... so they compressed 52 weeks work into nothing because of 3 months reasonable weather? hmmm..... :rolleyes:
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