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Battlestar Galactica-episode 3: "Bastille Day"

  • 01-11-2004 7:21pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 4,763 ✭✭✭

    Well I won't be around later tonight so I'm posting this now. :D

    Anyways, this is the episode long-awaited by many fans, as it features a starring role by Richard Hatch-the original Apollo-as Tom Zarek, a political prisoner.

    How was the episode? 18 votes

    It was great!
    0% 0 votes
    It was okay...
    61% 11 votes
    It was crap...
    38% 7 votes
    I'd rather watch Andromeda!
    0% 0 votes



  • Registered Users Posts: 20,954 ✭✭✭✭Stark

    What's the betting there are fanboys who will post "It was great!" before the episode even starts? :)

    Good job you posted this btw, forgot it was starting in 5 mins.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,763 ✭✭✭Fenster

    Before I vanish...

    Absolutely great episode. It was far better than last week's. Richard Hatch was top-class as Tom Zarek. I can't wait for his return later in the season. On the whole as well, everyone put in a better appearance. Tricia Heifir really showed some meat as Six, although Baltar is still coming accross as an annoying twat. He really needs to grow some balls.

    On the flipside, the whole Helo plot is going nowhere. It got a single, one-minute scene in the episode. That and the opening credits really need an overhaul, imo. The music in them is great though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,954 ✭✭✭✭Stark

    Okay watched it and voted "okay...". Would have voted 4 stars but the option wasn't available (I save 5 stars for something special). I'm liking the Helo on Caprica story, very "28 days later" style. It is very drawn out though, I think they're afraid that if they give it to me all in one go, I won't watch the rest of the series. More development in the Baltar/Six front, I like the mini-cliffhanger -
    What does she want that nuclear warhead for?
    . I'm not sure about
    the prison riot thing, will have to wait to see what the consequences of that bit are

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,357 ✭✭✭secret_squirrel

    Ok just finished watching this and was well impressed, great characterisation and subtle performances from everyone (except a couple see below).

    Liked the idea and I love the way Apollo's character is developing. It was fantastic to see him stand up to both his father and the president. Both Adama and el presidente are developing their roles well too.

    Really like the solution he came up with as well - leaves it open for more storylines about the prisoners in the future.

    Hope we see more of that cutey technician as well she's a fox. Talking of foxes it was nice to see the blonde one has changed her dress at last. Also liked the real nasty side of her showing today.

    Only one thing I didnt like and that was Starbuck - her character is being played wayy over the top imho. Also too much is being made of the conflict between her and the colnel. Stroppy kid is an improvement over the original one.

    Also is Gaius meant to be having a breakdown? its the only explanation I can think of since he's not playing the genius scientist role at all convincingly at the moment. I got the impression from the mini series he was meant to be a genius and an evil lying toady little rat. He seems to have dropped the genius bit from his CV. Is he actually meant to be a complete fraud???

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,357 ✭✭✭secret_squirrel

    thought I would add some more - if they can keep the standard this high its shaping up to be a cracking series - its really developing its own style. I havent seen something with this much individual style since B5 or DS9. The Space above and beyond comparisons are also fading. Its going to become my must see TV at this rate.

    Its certainly a cut above SGA which seems to be shaping up to be a copy of SG1 with different actors.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 15,552 ✭✭✭✭GuanYin

    It seems more and more like "24 in space" to me but thats no bad thing.

    Apollo grew some balls, who'd have thunk? :)
    Thats said it seems the scriptwriters gave them at the expense of Starbuck's (literally) talk about changing the best character to the worst! :(

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,357 ✭✭✭secret_squirrel

    Have to agree with that - Starbuck's character needs some serious development

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 931 ✭✭✭c0y0te

    OK - my usual good, bad and ugly review:)

    The good:-

    Water shortage / continuation of storyline.. days later, stressing the ongoing/immediate nature and pace of the show. Shold lead to lots of interesting things later on from a 'timing' perspective.

    Sniper; and lack of. The idea that only a few marines survived, and they didn't even have a sniper in the crew. Gotta love those small details.

    Boomer/Chief 'caught in the act' - now leading to a nice emotional conflict later on I suspect between rank/duty and pure sex:)

    The head shot; and the fact that she took it anyway. Love the way there are no compromises on the show.

    6 blowing her panties; Damn that moment was fantastic, when she looses it and screams at baltar. That multi-tasking subplot is really wonderfully done in my opinion.. and a nuclear warhead? Oh boy this is getting good.

    Choosing sides; a common theme running through the show from the start, and kept going nicely during this episode.

    Bite me baby; oh yes, the cutie, home spun, specialist who gets it on with the prisoner and takes his ear off.. nicely done the way she had been shot for her troubles. I liked that, wasn't too mushy, just nicely done.

    The Bad:-

    Drinkies?; Why o why did starbuck bother with the asshole clnl? What exactly had transpired which made her character think it would make sense to bury the hatchet? That part just didn't ring true for me.

    Hatch; He did a decent enough job and I get the pathos of having him deal with the original 'apollo' character in the show, but throwing him a bone for the show was a bit odd, given that he constantly shot down the idea of this show getting off the ground because he was developing his own version (which went nowhere). Some people got principles, some don't I guess!

    Cylon Walking/Talking; The two cylon models talking through stuff as Helo/Bad-Boomer pass underneath was kind of a conceit to exposition, probably for those with attention spans of goldfish in case they forgot what was going on, but come on ffs... this is a show with a continuous storyline where if u miss an episode you miss something important (like B5), so quit treating us like yanks and keep it real!! :)

    The Ugly:-

    Still not sure about the idea of showing clips from each episode in the opening titles. I like to get surprised by each storyline and sub-plot, I hate seeing them in blipovision seconds before it kicks off.

    Overall rating: 4.5/5... bloody good, keeping me impressed and interested.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,357 ✭✭✭secret_squirrel

    c0y0te wrote:
    OK - my usual good, bad and ugly review:)

    Drinkies?; Why o why did starbuck bother with the asshole clnl? What exactly had transpired which made her character think it would make sense to bury the hatchet? That part just didn't ring true for me.

    Cylon Walking/Talking; The two cylon models talking through stuff as Helo/Bad-Boomer pass underneath was kind of a conceit to exposition, probably for those with attention spans of goldfish in case they forgot what was going on, but come on ffs... this is a show with a continuous storyline where if u miss an episode you miss something important (like B5), so quit treating us like yanks and keep it real!! :)
    2 x ditto
    c0y0te wrote:
    The Ugly:-

    Still not sure about the idea of showing clips from each episode in the opening titles. I like to get surprised by each storyline and sub-plot, I hate seeing them in blipovision seconds before it kicks off.

    I like it - it has a nice retro 80's feel to it. (maybe its Glen A Larson's contribution?)
    Plus they are shorter and less worse than the 'next week on....' or mid week trailers for a show.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 182 ✭✭David Stewart

    I'd have liked an option between Great and OK.
    I did enjoy this episode.Unlike some, I like the Baltar character. He's a self serving, slimy little git who has coasted all his life because he was good at something, but he's never really had to deliver the hard stuff before.
    One of the things that demonstrates that this show has integrity is what was missing. I really was expecting some sort of in joke with Richard Hatch's character and Apollo along the lines of 'You remind me of me when I was younger.' I'm glad they left it out. Anyone remember Buster Crabbe's cameo appearance in Buck Rogers?
    I think 6 has an agenda here. She 'blew her panties' as c0y0te so eloquently put it, when Baltar admitted he had no idea of how to detect cylons. It's not the nuke she wants. She wants Baltar to be able to identify cylons. Why?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 15,552 ✭✭✭✭GuanYin

    this really should be spoilered
    I think 6 has an agenda here. She 'blew her panties' as c0y0te so eloquently put it, when Baltar admitted he had no idea of how to detect cylons. It's not the nuke she wants. She wants Baltar to be able to identify cylons. Why?

    I was thinking about that and wondered
    If six could really want humanity to survive, she discussed the role of humanity with the other cylon on the roof, suggesting that humans are cylons parents and everyone needs parents, perhaps she does want Baltar to detect the cylons and is actually acting in mankinds interests. She did save him after all. Its not like she knew or played a role in his escape to Galactica.

  • Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 4,082 Mod ✭✭✭✭Nukem

    It was ok :confused: .Not the most action packed but a lot of plots coming together now.Well pointed out about 6 - wanna see what her angle is ;)
    Spoiler:Thought the org Apollo had a poor part,thought he would have come out of it as a good guy(might yet).
    Spoiler :The president vote thing will be id say be the end in the series (Does that sound about right) - Cliffhanger job

    Also the clock is wrong on boards right???????

  • Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 17,990 Mod ✭✭✭✭ixoy

    Little bit later to the game here but yes, I enjoyed it again. They're continuing the whole "tough choices" line and I like that. They didn't bother thinking of any pansy-assed Star Trek solution to the prison riot - nope, it was pure military thinking: take them out. As was said, Starbuck still went for the shot because negotiation - from her orders - wasn't an option.

    Interesting that Apollo stood up to Adama. I particularly like the way Adama didn't go at the end, "You made the right choice son", or something equally tiresome and corny. It seems a lot of players are convinced of the legitimacy of their own actions - Adama, Apollo, the President, and Zarek. And each had good points, none beng wholly correct. In fact Zarek is right about the undemocratic nature of the current ruling body. I know why it's like that, but it's still there all the same. The President may be cured by then but, given the grim nature of the show so far, I'm not placing any bets on it.

    Not one bad episode yet and only ten left. Looking gooood.

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,954 ✭✭✭✭Stark

    Her cure for cancer will come if she puts in a good enough performance to be brought back for a second season :) Or maybe if she's really good, she'll die anyway and they'll bring her back as a cylon or something.

    It's good the way the Cylons are portrayed as complex beings.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 931 ✭✭✭c0y0te

    Regarding syke's comments in relation to '6 blowing her panties' ;)

    [insert monologue] Damn - I just can't get tired of that expression, There aren't enough hours in the day or opportunites to use lines like that any more !! [/end monologue]

    Back on topic... you need to remember a few things here of importance in my opinion regarding our babe number 6 as follows:-

    1) The 6 on the Battlestar is not the same as the 6 on the planet, or indeed the six in the original mini-series who opened the plot on the armistace space station (what a rush that was!!).
    2) Each 6 is constructed from the same materials, but potentially programmed differently (e.g. boomer on galactica does not know she is a sleeper...yet, where as bad-boomer on planet knows exactly what she wants and how to get it).
    3) 6 may have a more interesting motive for wanting a warhead (if indeed she is a chip in Baltars head, and not just a weirdy mirror of his imagination and guilt/shame). I do not believe the 6 in his head has any altruistic motives in respect of humanity, and that ultimately she is just manipulating him towards cylon goals and ends.
    4) However, if the 6 in his head is not in fact the result of a chip/implant (cue dramatic breath and possible end of series cliffhanger:)), then it becomes an alter-ego thingy with baltar, and could in fact be a nice plotline where he himself is actually doing the nasty without any cylon influence, and in the process goes ever so slightly insane..

    we can only hope the result of this sub-plot is as interesting as the possibilities.

    oh and just for the hell of it... we can only hope 6 blows her panties more often because it reminded me most of that scene in LOTR:FOTR where Frodo and Bilbo meet up again in Elronds pad, and as soon as Bilbo sees the ring he flips out and does a gollum. That instant, that moment of wide eyed malice was what I saw tonight when 6 went manic. Gotta say I loved it, cause it was getting a bit boring with baltar and 6 and their familiar interaction, so now there is a new edge, and new potential twist and thats gotta be a good thing.

    More I say, lots more of 6 blowing her panties! :rolleyes:

    sorry - couldn't resist:)


  • Registered Users Posts: 20,954 ✭✭✭✭Stark

    3) 6 may have a more interesting motive for wanting a warhead (if indeed she is a chip in Baltars head, and not just a weirdy mirror of his imagination and guilt/shame). I do not believe the 6 in his head has any altruistic motives in respect of humanity, and that ultimately she is just manipulating him towards cylon goals and ends.

    I believe she genuinely is a chip in his head. She gives him pieces of information he couldn't have known himself, and my sexual fantasies have never been that lucid :p
    4) However, if the 6 in his head is not in fact the result of a chip/implant (cue dramatic breath and possible end of series cliffhanger), then it becomes an alter-ego thingy with baltar, and could in fact be a nice plotline where he himself is actually doing the nasty without any cylon influence, and in the process goes ever so slightly insane..

    God I'd love a BSG version of Farscape's "Crackers don't matter" right now :)


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,763 ✭✭✭Fenster

    BTW, are the episodes available on Bittorrent or wherver? I have a terrible TV (no stero, no widescreen and a crappy, crappy picture), so its not worth my while recording it.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,255 ✭✭✭TCamen

    Enjoyed Galactica again tonight :D

    The opening title spoilers are quite annoying, but still easier to avoid and less showy that the Sky One ads! The opening title music is growing on me too.

    I for one really like the Caprica scenes, and I did like seeing Six & Doral on the roof debating Humanity. These Cylons are interesting with their God/Humanity's Children complex :D

    It struck me when reading all the speculation about Six and her motives, that it's great to have a new scifi series on TV that doesn't spoonfeed viewers all the answers right away. All signs point to a strong 13-ep arc, which is comforting. There's a real sense that it's all going somewhere.

    As the political prisoner, I found Richard Hatch to be perfunctory, but regardless of the actor, the character, for me, was a little bland. Hopefully if/when he appears again there'll be more to like about him. Watching Apollo/Adama/Roslin is far more interesting-- their scenes together have an extra spark that isn't present elsewhere.
    I thought that the Starbuck/Tigh scene came out of nowhere also-- Starbuck needs some decent characterisation pronto.
    I like Baltar, his constant efforts to avoid suspicion/blame are quite fun to watch, especially when Six is there to taunt him. Her panty-blowing bit was great-- really wasn't expecting it since she's always so smug/playful with Baltar.
    Oh, and I'm still convinced that Boxey is a Cylon sleeper, and he appeared in tonight's ep just so we don't forget about him. I can just see him & Boomer praying to their Cylon God while planting bombs on Galactica and what not :p

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,661 ✭✭✭✭MisterAnarchy

    Just kinda struck me that Baltar may be a cylon himself ?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 421 ✭✭drrnwbb

    really good episode, however i kept thinking that they were the calmest 1000 hardened prisioners ever on tv.


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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 931 ✭✭✭c0y0te


    I think the eps are available on BT right enough. Everything else is, so I'd check all the usual sources and download away.


  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 9,686 Mod ✭✭✭✭Manach

    FYI I find it handy that it repeats on Sky Mix on Thurs night for those of us who lose the remote battle over Corrie and Eastenders.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,984 ✭✭✭Venom

    Very good episode over all. The plot line is really starting to shape up and thankfully its considers the viewer in more of a B5 rather than a Star Trek way. The lack of hammered home morals and squeaky clean characters is very refreshing.

    The character development for Apollo was pretty cool and I'm delighted to see the Tom Paris stereotype be ushered out. Baltar is getting better and better and the actor is pulling off the slip into madness so well but its kinda crap that everyone else on the ship fails to notice this and still looks upon him as the smartest guy in the fleet.

    Starbuck is getting worse and worse tho. Her character is just bouncing around from one extreme to the other and the writers need to pick one mindset and stick with it or just kill her off :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,255 ✭✭✭TCamen

    FYI I find it handy that it repeats on Sky Mix on Thurs night for those of us who lose the remote battle over Corrie and Eastenders.

    It's also repeated Fridays @ 8pm on Sky One and Sky One Mix Saturdays @ 7pm.

    No excuse to miss it :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,836 ✭✭✭Vokes

    How many eps. are Sky One behind the States? Or has the show even started there yet?

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,304 ✭✭✭✭koneko

    It isn't being shown in the US yet (not until January I hear...)

    Really enjoyed this episode again, loving the show so far, very promising...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 931 ✭✭✭c0y0te

    Sky 1 got the jump on the yanks for this show. They don't get it until January 2005, which is really pissing them off because they have to put up with a lot of (very positive it has to be said) reviews from the UK and Europe in advance of that... and as we all know the yanks hate being last:)

    Same thing has happened with the new season of Family Guy as far as I know. The BBC have bought the rights and intend to show it from March 2005, but I don't think the Yanks get to see it until June or thereabouts.


  • Registered Users Posts: 4,222 ✭✭✭Scruff

    gah! missed last weeks episode so currently waiting on bearshare to work its (slow) magic. missed the start of last nights episode before the credits.. really must get my act together!

    How many 6's, or the human image cylons are there for that matter? i thought there was only 2 of each...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,763 ✭✭✭Fenster

    In semi-related news, I found an IGN review of the pilot written before it aired last year.

    It was amusing, to say the least:


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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,357 ✭✭✭secret_squirrel

    Venom wrote:
    Starbuck is getting worse and worse tho. Her character is just bouncing around from one extreme to the other and the writers need to pick one mindset and stick with it or just kill her off :D
    Just caught the trailer for next weeks ep on sky (before I could block my ears and go nooooooooo). Looks like its very Starbuck heavy - this could be the episode where her character develops a coherence that its lacking atm. Then again it might not be :rolleyes:
