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School Tales...

  • 01-11-2004 5:15pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 8

    ok wel basically i get bored in school, and i know I'm not alone. So i started writiing stupid stories about my friends and teachers i dont like etc. A productive waste of time! So i want mopre people to do it and then type them up on here! Do what ever you want mine as you'll see have no story line and ramble on, its what i do best :)

    One day in computers we all got very bored. teresa was sitting beside a restless Nicola. They decided to go make a super computer that would rule the school and make them have the all mighty power! but that would only be the first step after that they would then liberate other schools and soon go global launching their stock on the net and making millions!!! Then their plan was to infiltrate America and kick George Bush's ass. But this plan was hampered when he found out and started chasing them with a shovel to try and destroy their computer ehcih he had now deemed a weapon of mass destruction due to the fact it was smarter than him. which is fairness isn't hard, and also because of this he had al the trained chimps in the zoo'z killed in case they were a threat to him. his ex cuse "They were looking at me kinda strange..." Any how back to the shovel casing... Soon tony Blair got in on the act but had a rusty spade as he got george's old one. his Mommy told him to play noice and give away his old toys but to look good he gave away his stupid old toys and kept the scud missles for himslef in a big play room which also contained the nuclear war heads but after a small accident, which his buddies at the CIA covered up cause his daddy told them to, they were shall we, em, say no longer around... the 50 foot crater was all the evidence that they ever excisted and not to mention the three eyed goldfish, named blinky, that he keeps in a little bowl in the cornor of his kitchen.

    Another day after teresa an dNicola had been eliminated, Sarah was cursing her stupid computer. But it didn't like that and felt quite insulted after all it wasnt his fault he was slow. so it electrocuted Sarah and then by some freaky way of nature she got broken down into little atoms and stuff and the computer sucked her in through it's fans, at the back of it. i t made her into a computer game that you can never shut down so she was destined to keep running on the same little wheel for eternity or till the computer became obsolete and is turned in for some computer geek, called Adam, to buy the parts and build his own computer for fun... Th End!

