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Reinstalling WindowsXp Problem

  • 27-10-2004 11:31am
    Closed Accounts Posts: 1,309 ✭✭✭

    i has a pc with alot of virus with infected win32 files so i decided to install a new windows xp but the problem is that my hard drive is 60 gb and 20gbs are missing and old folders on the C: drive are still there even though the files that used to in them are not there and there is no program files in the add remove promgram file list so where is my 20gb gone and why did windows not delete the old folders that where on the c: drive

    when installing windows xp it was a new install option i picked not the recovery thingy


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,942 ✭✭✭Mac daddy

    What kind of format did you do??? Quick format - normal format

    Also check in disk management see if there is any unallocated space -

    Have you run checkdisk??

    Use a bootable floppy disk- run fdsik - to check the partition size and drive problems

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 120 ✭✭test999

    Just to understand the situation.

    How many partitions are on the machine Kazu?
    It may be that you have two?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,309 ✭✭✭Kazu

    i have only one parition i used normal format install

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,658 ✭✭✭PowerHouseDan

    use partition magic,worked for me

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,309 ✭✭✭Kazu

    what a good idea ill try that out :D:D:D:D

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 120 ✭✭test999

    I'm kinda guessin, but is there any chance you installed a second copy of XP? So you could have two XP's on the one disk?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,044 ✭✭✭Fusion251

    1. Power on the computer. Press the Pause/Break key as soon as you see text on the screen.

    [If you currently are running in an OS of any flavor, insert XP CD and restart computer. Skip to #3 if system is configured to boot from CD.]

    2. Insert XP CD into CD drive. Press ENTER to resume booting from the XP CD. (BIOS must support booting from CD and boot order must be set so CD boots before hard drive. If computer does not support booting from CD go to 2a for floppy install).

    2a. Floppy install: Boot from Win98/Me/Special XP install floppy disk with smartdrv.exe added to the boot disk; or the Win XP set of 6 floppy disks.

    3. Look for message "booting from CD" usually located at the bottom of the screen. If you have a factory splash screen, press ESC to unload it.

    3a. Floppy install: From the A Prompt; A:\type: smartdrv.exe. then press ENTER. If you are using the XP boot floppy setup disks skip to step #5.

    4. Press any Key when you see the prompt to 'Press Any Key"

    4a. Floppy install: CD to the location of the CD-ROM drive with the XP setup files; CD to the i386 folder where you will type: winnt.exe to start setup.

    5. Setup will start copying files, if you need to install any third-party or RAID drivers press F6 at this time. the copying of files can take awhile.

    6. Next you will get the option to repair or enter setup, choose to enter setup. Press ENTER.

    To see images full size, place mouse cursor over image and click/double click or press the left button and open.

    7. Press F8 if you agree to the license.

    8. Setup will scan for previous Windows installations

    9. If you are using the upgrade version of XP on a computer without any version of Windows currently installed, this is where you will replace the XP CD with your qualifying CD, XP setup will scan the qualifying CD and instruct you to replace it with the XP CD to continue XP setup; otherwise, you will not see this screen. Clean install qualifying media can be any of the following Win NT3.51, 4.0, 2000, Win 95, 98, Me.

    10. Choose the location to install.

    10a If this is a clean hard drive, you can choose to create a partition in the un-partitioned space. At this point, you can allow Setup to use all the space or set a size for the partition.

    10b If the hard drive or partition has a previous installation of XP you want to remove, choose to delete the partition by pressing "D". You will then be prompted to create a new partition in the empty space. This will remove all data from the deleted space.

    10c If you intend to use multiple partitions, or dual boot, this is where you specify the size of the boot partition and or setup location for XP. If you are planning to dual boot XP, I would create a small 100 meg DOS partition for the first primary partition, then an 8 to 10 gig partition for XP. You can partition and format the remaining space after XP is setup from Disk Manager. If you do not intend to dual boot, you can either use all the un-partitioned space, or create an 8 to 10 gig partition for XP and leave the rest free to partition later.

    If a fat32 partition larger than 32 gigabyte is desired, the hard drive or partition will need to be created before running XP setup. XP will not create a fat 32 partition larger than 32 gig, but will support one previously created.

    11. Choose the file system from this screen. If dual booting and you created the small 100 meg partition, make it a fat partition. NTFS is configured at the optimal file size during the initial setup. See this link for more on NTFS

    12. If you have more that one partition or hard drive on your system, make sure you are formatting the correct partition/drive.

    13. Select F to continue.

    14. Setup will show a progress box and reboot when copying files is complete.

    15. When you see the "Press any Key to Reboot" do not Press any Key. If CD boots anyway, remove CD and reboot.

    16. From this point, you will follow the on screen prompts.

    17. If you live outside the US, you will probably need to modify the default settings.

    18. Personalize your XP Enter your Name and Organization.

    19. Enter the CD Key. The Key is located on the back of the CD folder in the Retail versions, and on a holographic label with the OEM versions purchased with a piece of hardware. Write this key down and secure it in a safe place in case the original is misplaced destroyed through natural causes or stupidity. 8-)

    20. Choose a name for the computer, this should be a unique name for the computer, especially if it is to be connected to a network. In Pro, you are given the option of creating a password or leaving it blank.

    21. Set your Time Zone and Time and Date.

    22. Setup will scan for network.

    23. If detected you will have the choice to choose a typical configuration or custom. Choose typical if you are unsure.

    24. For home you will choose your workgroup, if a network is already established and you intend to connect to it, use the existing workgroup name, otherwise, I suggest using the default.

    25. For Pro, the same goes for Pro as suggested for Home, but you will have the choice to join a Domain, if you do not have a Domain or do not know leave blank.

    26. Setup will continue and reboot when completed ignore the "Press Any Key".

    27. The loading XP window will now display after reboot.
