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  • 06-10-2004 12:08am
    Closed Accounts Posts: 44

    Arse just lost a monster post cos my comp crashed. here goes in a much crankier form:

    I'm from a group of young filmmakers, production company, talent collective, whatever you want to call it, we shoot all kindsa things, our own short films, music videos, a pilot tv sketch show and we run the full gammut (spelling?) of contract work from "that shoot in Bray" to pitches to the likes of Vodafone and Setanta Media. Thats us. . Thats us too.

    Basically I'm posting for two reasons

    Firstly and straight forwardly: Got any scripts? Some of us are writers and some of us are not (I'm an "are not" by such a long way). We can continue making our own films, but we'd prefer not too, it's not the best way to go about making really good films, it doesn't suit how we shoot, it just encourages the long defunct auteur theory and well we live in our own little world a little too much and could do with getting out of it a bit.

    Secondly and kinda the same thing: Got any scripts? we're looking for something a bit more specific here: a short feature, say 90-100pgs, based almost exclusively around a single suburban home, with a few young characters. Where this is coming from is that my parents are on their way home having been away for a week and I reckon I could have easily shot a feature had it restricted itself to those rules in the time they were away, now like I said I'm no writer and it's very easy for me to lay out rules and regs. but well tough I am but also remember theres no rules in filmmaking just what works and what doesn't.

    Theres no guarantees anything will be made, it could be absolute crap but if you want to send some stuff along to or pm me.



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,166 ✭✭✭Shad0r

    Nice site.

    I'm downloading Change to have a watch atm, but I'd have liked to read your original post because in the one above you seem to be asking for scripts, then saying that theres a chance they will be thrown in the bin.

    Fair enough I understand your point, but your not really going about motivating any writers to get involved very well in my opinion. Aside from the possibiliy of rejection, whats in it for the writer?

    Sorry if I sound negative, but what I'm trying to get at is if a manuscript is all your looking for, then as a writer I wouldnt be slightly interested. But if I could get involved with the production of my work, then that would be a different story.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 44 idiotproof

    Yeah my first post was a bit better at explaining,

    Basically the deal is that yeah we are looking for scripts. We're not gonna make something we think isn't gonna turn out good, same way a writer isn't gonna write anything they don't think isn't gonna end up good (whether either end up good is a completely different point!) but if someone throws a script our way and we don't want to make it we'll say thanks but we don't want to make it, thats not us thinking we're in some position to decide the worth of a piece it's just that we only have so many resources and hours in the day and although we try to shoot anything that comes to the table by anyone (inside or outside) theres practicalities to think about.

    If a writer wants to be involved, brilliant. If a writer doesn't want to be involved, cool. We work off a system of (pretentious alert!) ownership and collaboration. Everyone can throw in an idea, I didn't make the film we did, but committees shouldn't shoot films so the buck stops with the director on set and the writer in pre-prod and both in post, we have no right to fukc up someones work, its their work, we say how we think it should be shot and accept that thats how it was written and theirs usually a point in the middle that keeps everyone happy.

    Does that explain it? I dunno I wander a bit when I write emails and post and stuff.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,166 ✭✭✭Shad0r

    Cool so. I watched the flick you did on your website (cant remember the name but it was about your food playing with you). Enjoyed it.

    I have a short story that might be down your street. I'll be back in Dublin in about a week so if you PM me your email address I'll mail it to ye so you can get an idea. If your interested then I can hack together a script based on teh story, or if you'd prefer we could get together and try and hammer something out scriptwise. I'd like to be involved with it though, as when I write I usually have a picture in my head before I start so that might be of some help on the production side of things.
