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Building a front wall...couple of questions

  • 09-09-2004 9:33am
    Registered Users Posts: 11,220 ✭✭✭✭

    Myself & my next door neighbour are thinking about building a front boundary wall in front of both our houses and between the 2 gardens. We are the 2 houses in the semi detach attached together.
    Both houses were built in phase 2 of the estate and none of the houses in phase 1 & 2 have walls at the front.
    However, all houses in phases 3, 4 & 5 have them.
    It’s not going to be a big wall, just 2 blocks high, with a brick capping and they will be finished to the same as the walls in the other phases so as to keep with the rest of the estate.
    Do I need planning permission to get this done?

    If we can go ahead, we would probably plan to rope in a few friends and do it ourselves over the weekend.
    Does anybody have any idea of the types of mixes I need for mortar between the blocks/bricks, for the foundation of the wall. The front face of the wall needs first to be rendered to cover the blocks and then has pebble dash so I believe the cement mix to take the pebble dash is different to that of the in between block mix.

    Any help is appreciated.



