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Motorola V300 bought of ebay how to set up gprs mmc etc.

  • 10-08-2004 9:05pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,485 ✭✭✭

    I have just bought the following phone. It has a option called Tzone but when I use this it cant connect could some one send me instructions on how I do this. I have checked the sticky at the top but these options wont work with my phone. I have4 also rang O2(speak easy) they said they would text me but did nothing as usual.
    Could some on please help


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,231 ✭✭✭stereo_steve

    Tzone is probably Tmobiles equivalent to Voda Live. You won't be able to access that over here. Just forget about it. I think thats whats getting you confused.

    Just give o2 a call say that you have a new phone.

    You want
    1. MMS and GPRS enabled on your account
    2.Ask for the settings to be sent to your phone. Dunno if your model supports over the air or not? Otherwise type in what they say.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,648 ✭✭✭bp_me

    1. click here

    2. Select UK as country

    3. Click operator settings on the bottom right

    4. Follow the other instructions.

    Once the settings arrive via "browser message", you should have to goto webaccess >> web sessions. I think this is buried in "Office tools" on t-mobile branded phones. It might only appear after you get the new settings sent though.

    And, as Steve said, get your network to enable gprs and mms on your a/c if its not already.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,967 ✭✭✭Dun

    O2 can't send it to V300s (at least a couple of weeks ago they didn't). Here's the settings my sister got sent for MMS:

    MMS Settings for the Motorola V300
    > Go into Menu > Messages, press Menu (stripy button)> Message Setup >
    > highlight MMS Message Setup and press Change Enter the following
    > settings:
    > Download: Automatic
    > Reply Type: MMS
    > Size Limit: 100Kb
    > Server Info: O2 MMS (Press Menu button) Service Name: o2 MMS Server
    > Name: Web Session Name: O2 MMS Press done.
    > Go to the main menu and select WebAccess > Web Sessions > highlight a
    > profile and press the menu button > Edit.
    > Enter the following settings:
    > Name: O2 MMS
    > Homepage:
    > Service Type 1: WAP
    > Gateway IP 1:
    > Port 1: 9201 (Normal) / 9203 (Secure)
    > Domain 1: Leave blank
    > Service Type 2: Leave as is
    > Gateway IP 2 : Leave as is
    > Port 2: Leave as is
    > Domain 2: Leave as is
    > DNS 1: Leave as is
    > DNS 2: Leave as is
    > Timeout: 2 minutes
    > CSD No. 1: +353868106040
    > User Name 1: user
    > Password 1: user
    > Speed (Bps)1: 9600
    > Line Type 1: ISDN
    > CSD No. 2: Leave blank
    > User Name 2: Leave blank
    > Password 2: Leave blank
    > Speed (Bps)2: 9600
    > GPRS APN:
    > Username: leave as is
    > Password: leave as is
    > Leave all other settings as they are and press done. Power down the
    > phone, and back up. Return to the MMS Message Setup menu, highlight o2
    > mms, press the menu key and select Set default if there is more than
    > one MMS profile listed. To send an MMS go to main menu > More >
    > Picture Messages > take/open an image > Menu > Send.
