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  • 20-06-2004 2:44am
    Registered Users Posts: 928 ✭✭✭

    anyone ever heard/ played either of these add-ons for OpFlash.
    ->Planet of War
    ->Between the Lines

    finally got resistance. what a add-on. can't wait for 2.

    Anyone recommend any missions/campaigns??


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 484 ✭✭ssh

    Heard of them, but never saw reviews or anything, so I didn't pick them up.

    Over at, we're pretty into FDF at the moment. It has campaigns and a bunch of new missions. It adds a bunch of nice new multiplayer stuff too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 315 ✭✭wideband

    never heard of them...must be wearing blinkers...still on CWC, never anyone on the resistance servers in gamespy

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,815 ✭✭✭✭po0k

    I bought behind Enemy lines.

    it didn't work with any patched version of Opflash I had.

    Resistance really improved the gameplay.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 404 ✭✭calhob_ie

    Wouldn't recommend either of these, there just a collection of amateur missions and campaigns lashed on a disc, and there a fair age now. The communities ability with the scripting has come on leaps and bounds recently. Head over to any of the opflash sites:

    for all the missions you could possibly desire.
    Addon wise Id def recommend FDF, really ups the single player as well as the multi. Theres some tremendous single player stuff in there, as Im not that big on multiplayer in general. Some of the modelling and scripting is truly head and shoulders above what Bohemia done in the original, shows you just what the mod community can do given the tools.

    Just looking at FDF again and 1.3's been released, looks tremendous. DL from here:;act=ST;f=4;t=40236

    Anybody tried it yet? Tis truly tremendous in size. Oh and if anybody has got it any chance they could burn it and lash it over to me? I've only got chimpernet at work and I dont fancy camping out for the day in some cafe to dl it.I'll eh give you something nice.



  • Registered Users Posts: 15,815 ✭✭✭✭po0k

    Where are you located?

    I'm downloading them in work right now.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 404 ✭✭calhob_ie

    Rathmines at home or Fitzwilliam Place at work.
    If you can burn it I'll more than happily pick it up and consider you a prince among men for evermore.



  • Registered Users Posts: 15,815 ✭✭✭✭po0k

    I'm in Ballsbridge (work) // Sandymount (home) myself.

    I'll burn you a copy. Have the prerequisites too.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 404 ✭✭calhob_ie

    Yeah no prob, I could saunter over the canal into Ballsbridge at lunchtime tom and pick it up, prob the easiest way.

    You burning 1.3? Didn't have time to check the prereq but I assume from the size that its a replacement rather than an addon for 1.2.

    Havn't had much of a chance to check some of the new flashpoint stuff coming out recently. So if you come across anything else that looks worth a bash......

    Oh any Flashpoint players headin to that Gamecon thingy, bit of Flashpoint lan action could be top banana.

