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C++ and Excel

  • 11-06-2004 11:46am
    Registered Users Posts: 604 ✭✭✭


    I have an excel sheet and i need to write a C++ program that will take in the entries in a particular column and then output them to a Html page as links.
    excel file has the following layout:
    name date type other

    so i need to be able to read all the name entries and out put them as individual links in a html file, for example the name frugu :
    <a href="http://localhost/search.cgi?name=frugu">frugu</a&gt;

    Its for work as i have a list of a couple of hundred items that i have to sequentially open and fix and if i could get something like this going then it would save me a hell of a lot of time.

    Also Excel can be changed to CVS or Access. whichever is handier.

    Where the hell do i start ?


  • Registered Users Posts: 604 ✭✭✭Kai

    Heres what i have so far but to be honest its a mess as im after trying to use a function i found on the net to do it and change it. I admit defeat at this so ill need some advice. Current program doesnt work at all the way i want and causes errors.

    Im using Dev-C++ and i cant seem to get Strings to work either ?

    int ConvertCSVToHTML(char CSVfn[],const char HTMLfn[])
    purpose: converting a CSV file into an HTML file that can display the information
    CSVfn = file containing the table data
    HTMLfn = file name to store the information
    stores an HTML table in a file named HTMLfn
    FILE *CSVfp; // pointer to the CSV file
    FILE *HTMLfp; // points to the html file
    char c; // temperarily stores a character from the CSV file
    char EndDataBlockChar; // indicates the character used to end a block of data
    int count;
    char g[100]; // stores words before being inputted to the html file
    int column;


    CSVfp = fopen(CSVfn,"r"); // try to open file in reading mode
    if (CSVfp==NULL) // if problem opening CSV file
    printf("unable to open file '%s' for reading\n",CSVfn);
    return 0; // indicate failure
    HTMLfp = fopen(HTMLfn,"w"); // try to open file in writing mode
    if (HTMLfp==NULL) // if problem opening html file
    printf("unable to open file '%s' for writing\n",HTMLfn);
    return 0; // indicate failure
    fprintf(HTMLfp,"<HTML>\n"); // start of html document
    fprintf(HTMLfp," <HEAD>\n"); // start of head section
    fprintf(HTMLfp,"document created with CSV to HTML converter\n");
    fprintf(HTMLfp," <TITLE>%s</TITLE>\n",ShortenFileName(CSVfn));
    // note: CSVfn has been changed now and no longer stores the file name
    fprintf(HTMLfp," </HEAD>\n"); // end of head section
    fprintf(HTMLfp," <BODY>\n"); // start of body of document
    fprintf(HTMLfp," <TABLE Border=1>\n"); // start of table
    fprintf(HTMLfp," <TR>\n <TD>"); // start of table row and piece of data

    for(count=0;feof(CSVfp)!=true;count++) // loop through all characters in the CSV file
    c =fgetc(CSVfp); // read character from file

    if (c=='\n')
    fprintf(HTMLfp,"</TD>\n </TR>\n"); // end the current row
    fprintf(HTMLfp," <TR>\n <TD>"); // start a new row and piece of data
    else if (c==',')
    if(column%4 == 0){
    fprintf(HTMLfp,"<a href='http://localhost/'&gt;%c&lt;/a&gt;&quot;,g,g);

    fprintf(HTMLfp,"</TD>"); // end the current piece of table data
    fprintf(HTMLfp,"<TD>"); // start a new piece of table data
    g[count]= c;


    fprintf(HTMLfp,"</TD>\n"); // end of table data
    fprintf(HTMLfp," </TR>\n"); // end of table row
    fprintf(HTMLfp," </TABLE>\n"); // end of table
    fprintf(HTMLfp," </BODY>\n"); // end of body section of document
    fprintf(HTMLfp,"</HTML>"); // end of html document
    fclose(HTMLfp); // close the html file
    fclose(CSVfp); // close the CSV file
    return 1; // indicate success

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 47 PhilH

    I think there are probably easier ways to solve this problem. If you were doing it just once, I would recommend
    1) create a new book, with 'AAA' in the first column
    2) copy the name column into the second column
    3) put 'BBB' in the third column
    4) copy the name column into the fourth column
    3) put 'CCC' in the third column

    Save the thing as plain text and do three search-and-replaces to convert

    AAA to <a href="http://localhost/search.cgi?name=
    BBB to ">
    CCC to </a>

    Add the html and body tags by hand. It's poor man's scripting in Windows, but it would probably do the job for you. I reckon C++ is the wrong tool for this job.

    If you need to do this more than once, it's probably easier to write to VBA macro to do it for you.


  • Registered Users Posts: 876 ✭✭✭sirpsycho

    U should export the spreadsheet to ms access and then use an ASP page to read all the values into a html page. u could create a account and upload your database there and create your pages. should be handy enough.

  • Registered Users Posts: 604 ✭✭✭Kai

    Originally posted by sirpsycho
    U should export the spreadsheet to ms access and then use an ASP page to read all the values into a html page. u could create a account and upload your database there and create your pages. should be handy enough.

    not an option as its internal work stuff, we have a server here that could do it but to be honest there has to be a way of formatting the files more easily than uploading to a server and messing with ASP.

  • Registered Users Posts: 876 ✭✭✭sirpsycho

    why dont u just create the links in excel then export to a txt/html page?

    Say Column A is where u have Name...

    in another column u could put:
    =CONCATENATE("<a href=http://localhost/search.cgi?name=",A2,">",A2,"</a>")

    and then just fill down the whole column.

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