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How do I quote?

  • 17-04-2004 11:43am
    Closed Accounts Posts: 14

    Lads I know this may sound like a stupid question... but how do I quote? I know ya press the little quote button but then what? If i want 1 sentence out the person's I just highlight it and delete the rest? Well that's what I did....and it didn't work properly.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 15,552 ✭✭✭✭GuanYin

    At the bottom right of a post you will see two links "edit" and "quote" just above the big reply button.

    click that and you will get all the previous posters text in a quote bracket.

    If you want to pull it apart so you can reply to parts individually, you can copy and paste it apart.

    highlight the part you don't want and press delete.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 14 Shingles!

    Originally posted by syke
    At the bottom right of a post you will see two links "edit" and "quote" just above the big reply button.

    *plz work*

    thanks Syke :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10,921 ✭✭✭✭Pigman II

    When you press 'the little quote button' the program automatically quoted EVERYTHING in the previous post. If you want to only quote a small section of that then you'll have to delete any excess text from between the quotes.

    eg If I was totally quoting you then I'd have

    {QUOTE}{i}Originally posted by Shingles! {/i}
    {B}Lads I know this may sound like a stupid question... but how do I quote? I know ya press the little quote button but then what? If i want 1 sentence out the person's I just highlight it and delete the rest? Well that's what I did....and it didn't work properly. {/B}{/QUOTE}

    but if I wanted to only quote your first line I'd have
    {QUOTE}{i}Originally posted by Shingles! {/i}
    {B}Lads I know this may sound like a stupid question... {/B}{/QUOTE}

    or finally if I wanted to break your comments up into several seperate quotes then I'd have

    {QUOTE}{i}Originally posted by Shingles! {/i}
    {B}Lads I know this may sound like a stupid question...

    {QUOTE}{i}Originally posted by Shingles! {/i}
    but how do I quote? I know ya press the little quote button but then what?

    {QUOTE}{i}Originally posted by Shingles! {/i}
    If i want 1 sentence out the person's I just highlight it and delete the rest?

    {QUOTE}{i}Originally posted by Shingles! {/i}
    Well that's what I did....and it didn't work properly.

    BTW, of course don't use the "{" and "}" brackets. That was just for demonstration purposes. Only use the "[" and "]" brackets

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 35,522 ✭✭✭✭Gordon

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Gordon [/i]
    Also remember that if you are quoting someone (x) that also has quoted someone (y) - the quote within a quote will not be quoted. ie: y's post will not be contained within your post/quote[/B][/QUOTE]
