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old news- repackaged



  • Registered Users Posts: 19,608 ✭✭✭✭sceptre

    For example, included in the document will be a recommendation that the Department of the Environment and local councils in future must only approve planning permission on construction developments that include broadband connectivity in the same way as electricity and water are judged. “In other words, from here on in broadband will be regarded as a utility,” the source added.
    This will be the second time this has been officially recommended. Cullen completely ignored it last time.

    When my father moved to a new house in a new estate two years ago I made sure that every room in the house was connected with good quality cat5e cable. His house has more cable in it than exists outside in the actual estate[1] (it's pretty much in the middle of Mallow and there isn't even Chorus cable there, anyone foolhardy enough to get a TV service from them has to go with MMDS instead). No proper ducting as far as I know (though there are gas pipes)

    I see the magic "5Mps to everyone" has slid back to 2006 automatically along with the rest of the NDP. Still not going to happen in 2006. The "source close to the committee" is rather on the ball with the comment that at the rate we're going it won't happen till 2056. Someone in there has a working brain.

    [1]The cable hasn't been used. It's there for when/if it needs to be used. Cheaper to install it at day zero. Like estate ducting[
