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Song Identification Help Please

  • 17-02-2004 3:18pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 1

    Hello friends. Around 9 am EST Phantom Radio played a very happening hip hop tune, I'm pretty sure it was Justin Warfield singing but can't be sure. Anyways, can anyone provide the details on that song, I would like to get a copy of it.

    Thanks a lot.


  • Registered Users Posts: 14,330 ✭✭✭✭Amz


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 143 ✭✭Aidan Lynch

    Hey Brian,
    Can you describe the song at all? I'll check and see if we can recognize it.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 702 ✭✭✭roxy

    It was a happenin hip-hop tune Paul! Jeez, what else do you wanna know?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,059 ✭✭✭memaeve

    Oh the thing with the thing, yea?

    Who did what in the where now?

  • Registered Users Posts: 340 ✭✭legofsalmon

    nah you lost me after the 9am part.

    Was it the one which the levitating batteries?

    oh and heres a thought.

    If buttered bread lands face down all the time.......
    and cats always land on their feet.........
    then if you attached a piece of buttered bread on the back of a cat......
    is that an anti-gravity device...

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 154 ✭✭The Weatherman

    did it go "baaaa ba ba baaaaa ba da da da ba baaaa".

    if it did, then that's Turn - anti-social.
    Glad to be of help.:D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,059 ✭✭✭memaeve

    I love it. :D
    Pure genius.

  • Registered Users Posts: 340 ✭✭legofsalmon

    or if it was "mmmm mmmm mmm mmmmm mmmmm mmmmm mmmmm mmmm " then it would be the Crash test dummies

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4 HaYdo

    leg if i didnt already know you had a life, i'd ask you to get 1 :P

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 80 ✭✭christi

    My God Man! I'm Canadian and I don't even like them!!!! Don't think they exist anymore - got thing cuz they can bore anything and anyone into a permanent coma!

    Kickass Canadian Bands... THe Tragically Hip
    Bif Naked
    Our lady Peace
    Trebel Charger
    Moist * David Usher
    The Bare Naked Ladies

    and those are just a few :)

    Crash Test Dummies.... "ickie!"

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  • Registered Users Posts: 340 ✭✭legofsalmon

    ah I wouldn't call myself a fan of them. I am told I do a perfect impersonation of his voice though.......... om not sure to be proud or not??

  • Registered Users Posts: 340 ✭✭legofsalmon

    plus I have a life haydo????? since when????

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 40 DeadlyNiteshade

    cant say im a big fan of canadian music christi, ever since bryan adams, nickleback, and avril.....shudder.........ive lost my faith :) btw im nymph in case your wondering

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 207 ✭✭Grim_Reaper

    Ah no!! You have revealed yourself!!! What has brought this on?

    And as for the song.... did it go ''mmmmmmbop.....etc'' Coz if it did then you weren't listening to Phantom at all! Hanson, now there's a ''band'' that sucked!!

    Leg! You have a life man! If you don't then neither do I.... wait, no, I don't.....

    Christi.... there's alot of nakeness in those Canadian bands.... you sure you should be promoting them?? And Our Lady Peace are good, thank you for telling me about them.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 40 DeadlyNiteshade

    i did it for the benefit of people who were confused,and besides we both know it doesnt really matter anymore.....i blame the french!!!!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 80 ✭✭christi

    And yet another way to cuber communicate.... "Cool beans!"

    Yes "hanson" did and does still suck... "ummmbop" more like "ummmmcrap!" Is there anything worse than mindless pop music? ..... hmmmmmmyup! Country Music!

    There's some great Canadian music out there - sadly I just don't know them all :) Being married with 3 kids hinders me jumping into the various alternative rock mosh pits... I am sooo out of the indie-rock loop that I missed seeing (and being me - accosting) "The Flaiming Lips"
    "The Stills" (great new canadian indie rock band) and much to my deep chagrin "The thrills"
    I can't knock Nickleback because I kind of like their stuff (when I'm in an angry kick-ass mood) and Joshua happens to Motocross to their stuff at many of the outdoor events... so I think of my son whenever I hear them.

    But the rest of the bands mentioned... Avril (ickie), Bryan Adams (double ickie) and instant projectile vomitting....that Shania Twit!!!! Oooooouuuuu "oui" C'est rien que de la merde sans melodie!

    That's it for this Tuesday morning rant ..... for now :)

    Big vamp bites to me chatroom buddies

    Ps * Nymph why the name change? You are such a Nymph ;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 80 ✭✭christi

    I meant "Cyber communicate" of course

    And stop blaiming the "French" ....

    France is beautiful. They make magnificent Wine, Chocolate, Beer, Cheeses, and Oh my God... The bread... Damn! Now I'm hungry again!Some of the best clothing designers are French....too bad most of us can't afford to buy what they make!But.... "French" men..... des cochons!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 471 ✭✭tovalee

    cochon? doesnt that mean pig? i dont know my french is un pue de crappy...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 40 DeadlyNiteshade

    i dont blame the french in general, just one french person........long story

    and the name change was necessary, believe me :)
