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P800 on O2

  • 02-10-2003 12:09am
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,027 ✭✭✭

    O2 is now listing the P800 [link] on their site - no suggested retail on price at the moment though



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 944 ✭✭✭lotas

    well, im guessing not a lot of chage for 500 euro! the 7650 is selling for about 400 sim free and the P800 is over 800. the 7650 is available on bill for 429, which meens i either have my figures wrong, or o2 are being ripped off or are ripping people off. hmmm. cant seem to get an irish price for the 7650 simfree. anyway, yea. P800. sweet! :P sorry for my rambilings!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,027 ✭✭✭flywheel

    just asking O2 retail about the P800 pricing - they have three prices depending on tariff/package chosen: Eur 699 being the highest, then Eur 649 and the lowest being Eur 579

    they has no word on the XDA II though, just said they had heard rumours :)


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,682 ✭✭✭chernobyl

    Does anybody here really use GPRS for browsing the web with the P800/O2. Its costs a small fortune just to load up any index of a site..crazy

    Can i collect email with my P800?
    I get lots of spam so can i select what i would want to download via GPRS?


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,027 ✭✭✭flywheel

    selecting the right GPRS tariff is important for starters (and they are currently better than Vodas for a start...)

    using mobile friendly versions of most of the sites i'd visit keeps data transfer (i.e. gprs cost) down and they are easier to use / navigate - with many to choose from (and growing) here:

    you can set the email to donwload headers only - then select the emails you actually want to download fully

    if spam is a major porblem then you could look into a server side solution - i'm very protective of my email addys as i frequently check them while mobile - so thankfully it hasn't been a big issue for me so far (touch wood)


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 122 ✭✭greg_f

    CSD Email Settings for the Sony Ericsson P800

    Go to Main menu > Control panel > Connections tab > Internet accounts > click the New button and enter the following settings:
    Account name: web
    Connection type: Dial-up
    Password: guest
    Dial-up number: +353866066020

    Press the Advanced button and enter the following:
    Get IP address automatically: leave this ticked
    Get DNS address automatically: take tick out of this box
    Type: IPv4
    Primary DNS address:
    Secondary DNS address:

    Press the Advanced button and scroll over to the Speed tab. Enter the following:
    Connection type: ISDN
    Enable high speed: leave unticked

    Click Done three times to bring you back to the Control Panel.

    Go to Messaging accounts > email tab > new button.

    Enter the following details:
    Account name:
    Your name: name as you want it displayed to mail recipients (e.g. Joe Bloggs)
    Email address: mail address (e.g. *
    Connection type: POP3
    Internet account: web

    Go to the Inbox tab and enter the following:
    Username: username (e.g. *
    Password: password *
    Inoming server address: *
    Download: user preference
    Schedule: user preference

    Go to the Outbox tab enter the following:
    Outgoing server address: (leave other settings as they are)

    Go to the Advanced tab and check the following:
    Outgoing mail port: 25
    MIME encoding: ticked
    Incoming mail port: 110
    Secure password authentication: not ticked

    Press done twice. To use the email service go to Messages > > Get & Send OR Message > New.

    *these settings will need to be changed accordingly if using a address.

    Postpay GPRS Email Settings for the Sony Ericsson P800

    Go to Main menu > Control panel > Connections tab > Internet accounts > click the New button and enter the following settings:
    Account name: web
    Connection type: GPRS

    Click the Advanced button and enter the following settings in the Server tab:
    Username and password required: Leave this un-ticked (username and password fields will stay grey)
    Address: internet

    Press the Advanced button and enter the following:
    Get IP address automatically: leave this ticked
    Get DNS address automatically: take tick out of this box
    Type: IPv4
    Primary DNS address:
    Secondary DNS address:

    Click Done three times to bring you back to the Control Panel.

    Go to Messaging accounts > email tab > new button.

    Enter the following details:
    Account name:
    Your name: your name as you want it displayed to recipients (e.g. Joe Bloggs)
    Email address: mail address (e.g. *
    Connection type: POP3
    Internet account: web

    Go to the Inbox tab and enter the following:
    Username: username (e.g. *
    Password: password *
    Inoming server address: *
    Download: user preference
    Schedule: user preference

    Go to the Outbox tab enter the following:
    Outgoing server address: (leave other settings as they are)

    Go to the Advanced tab and check the following:
    Outgoing mail port: 25
    MIME encoding: ticked
    Incoming mail port: 110
    Secure password authentication: not ticked

    Press done twice. To use the email service go to Messages > > Get & Send OR Message > New.

    *these settings will need to be changed accordingly if using a address.

    Prepay GPRS Email Settings for the Sony Ericsson P800

    Go to Main menu > Control panel > Connections tab > Internet accounts > click the New button and enter the following settings:
    Account name: web
    Connection type: GPRS

    Click the Advanced button and enter the following settings in the Server tab:
    Username and password required: Leave this un-ticked (username and password fields will stay grey)
    Address: pp.internet

    Press the Advanced button and enter the following:
    Get IP address automatically: leave this ticked
    Get DNS address automatically: take tick out of this box
    Type: IPv4
    Primary DNS address:
    Secondary DNS address:

    Click Done three times to bring you back to the Control Panel.

    Go to Messaging accounts > email tab > new button.

    Enter the following details:
    Account name:
    Your name: your name as you want it displayed to recipients (e.g. Joe Bloggs)
    Email address: mail address (e.g. *
    Connection type: POP3
    Internet account: web

    Go to the Inbox tab and enter the following:
    Username: username (e.g. *
    Password: password *
    Inoming server address: *
    Download: user preference
    Schedule: user preference

    Go to the Outbox tab enter the following:
    Outgoing server address: (leave other settings as they are)

    Go to the Advanced tab and check the following:
    Outgoing mail port: 25
    MIME encoding: ticked
    Incoming mail port: 110
    Secure password authentication: not ticked

    Press done twice. To use the email service go to Messages > > Get & Send OR Message > New.

    *these settings will need to be changed accordingly if using a address.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 42 lectrosoul

    am i right then in thinking by the topic of this thread that o2 are only now listing this phone? (i have'nt gone to their site to check how long there listing it)

    the p800 is no longer in production from what i can gather whatever stock that is left of it will be the last.. so its strange that o2 ireland is just listing this phone, at unbelievably ripp of prices?!!

    Sony ericssons Next model is scheduled for release 26th october although they are very tight lipped about it...
    developement models have beeen around for a little while.. even though nothing really major has changed bar looks and a few tweaks

    im amazed that yet again the irish public who are one of the biggest users in the world (per capita) of mobile devices and a country of early adopter that we are at the mercy of networks who decide wich handsets we have and which handsets we dont.. and then when we get the handsets we are ripped off on Price and tarrif.. anyway im ranting..

    id suggest to anyone wanting to get a sep800 to wait for the sep900 and if thats to dear at least the price of the p800 will drop a great deal,(its already dropped in price in the last 2 weeks but we the consumer if buying from big networks etc wont benefit) shop around you'll be amazed a***ow cheap you can get this phone now well compared to when it was released!!


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,027 ✭✭✭flywheel

    yep - it took a while to arrive on-network alright - their pricing is a bit out of touch given you can get it SIM free online for less than their two higher price points

    we are consistantly slow for getting handsets here :(, but at least O2 have released the P800 (unlike the others), and their upcoming XDA II is going to be a very capable device, so it's not all stone age stuff ;) (even if it takes longer than everywhere else to get the handsets on-network!)

    still waiting for a hands-on play with the new device - although with the info available it's more cosmetic than fundamental an upgrade - but that alone should please a lot - it's amazing how many (business) people find the look of the P800 a bit too much to handle - so the more conservative appearance of the P810/P900 should solve some of those asthetic issues at least

    i think you are spot on - it will be interesting to see how the P800 is managed (price/software update wise) after the release of the new one - it will still be a very solid/feature packed device and could well be an excellent buy at a less exclusive price point - sure SE are still selling the R520m at a bargan price, still one of the most solid data capable handsets around...


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 42 lectrosoul

    but is'nt the Mobile future exciting!!! roll on 3g etc etc:ninja:

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 944 ✭✭✭lotas

    the new one will be the P900 and info is here ( sweet looking phone!
