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  • 21-08-2003 4:30pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 7

    Yeah thanks any way, however when i use that emulator 64 i get a c++error message, and it appears i may have the right roms and hdd images, what i dont know if this thing needs to have direct 7 to run it, i already have dircet 8, and my computer is windows me millenium, so i dont know if that is the reason why this thing is doing that!!:( , also forgot to mention that at my friends computer it was running very strange, i got the chance to see what the game looks like and played it, burned in to a cd already but in my computer it just wont run it, this is odd, but however it was still sending c++error message despite runing on my computer's friend, dont know what the root of the problem is!!


  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators Posts: 2,976 Mod ✭✭✭✭LoGiE

    Ok well first lets make sure you got everything right.
    1. Create a folder on your C:/ (Call it KI or whatever)
    2. Install the emulator U64Emu - V3.05 by unzipping into the folder above.
    3. Unzip the your Killer Instinct 1 Roms into the KI folder
    u10-l1: b6cc155f 524288
    u11-l1: 0b5e05df 524288
    u12-l1: d05ce6ad 524288
    u13-l1: 7d0954ea 524288
    u33-l1: 8bbe4f0c 524288
    u34-l1: b2e73603 524288
    u35-l1: 0aaef4fc 524288
    u36-l1: 0577bb60 524288
    u98-l14: afedb75f 524288
    4. Unzip the HD image (If its zipped) to the KI folder. This File should be 125MB
    5. Highlight all the files in the folder right click to see Properties. Because you copied from a CD they're most lightly have a tick beside Read Only uncheck this! and click ok.
    6. Now try and start the emulator....working? If not try an earlier version of U64 emu such as V3.04 or even Version 1.18!
    7.If it does work click on GameSet and put Set Name to KI 1 and then browse to find the rest of the game roms and the HD image. Then hit ok.
    8. Fiddle with the resolution, scanlines etc in Settings if you like.
    9. Configure your game pad in Input Config
    10. Click Run and enjoy

    If your still having problems just post again
