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Sharp GX10i manual problems

  • 23-06-2003 2:25pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 29,472 ✭✭✭✭

    I bought this phone as a ready to go upgrade. It says in the manual that you can edit and assign speed dials.
    When I tried to follow the procedure in the manual I found it was impossible to assign speed dials or edit the presets assigned when I got the phone.

    As the phone is customised for vodafone, who do I cantact about this problem? Sharp or Vodafone?

    Anyone else got this problem?



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,425 ✭✭✭Fidelis


    Access the main menu. From there, scroll down to 'Call Manager', press Select. Scroll to 'Phonebook', press Select. Scroll to 'View Names', press Select. From here, scroll to the person you would like to add to the speed dial, press Select. You are now in the Editing screen of the contact in question. Multiple phone numbers can be stored in a single contact so scroll to the number you want to assign to a speed dial and press the green, oval shaped key, located in the middle of the 4-way directional keys. A menu appears, there is an option to 'Add to Speed', press Select. You can now place the contact on any one of the speed dials between 2 & 0 (1 being reserved for Playback). Simply scroll to whichever number you want to assign it to and press Change or the green oval key.

    *The contact must be located on the SIM for this to work.

    Hope that helped.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 29,472 ✭✭✭✭Our man in Havana

    that helped

