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Diagnosing an issue: Internet down for desktop only

  • 02-05-2014 1:38pm
    Registered Users Posts: 4,698 ✭✭✭

    Hey, am trying to diagnose an issue for friend. I don't have access to his computer right now, but will do later, so I'm looking for a few ideas to try out when I get there.

    Here's the issue as explained by him. His screen was artefacting badly and his driver kept on crashing (happened while watching a vid). He reasoned his GPU was dead (something with which I tend to agree considering it was 6 plus years old).

    So he swapped out a generic GPU from another desktop. Now here's where the issue popped up: he cannot get his Internet to work with his PC. According to him all he did was swap out the graphics card. The net work appears as unknown in the list I believe (instead of UPCxxxxx). The rest of the connections in his house work fine (various wireless devices, etc). He swapped ethernet cable and ruled that out. No dice.

    I told him to run a netsh winsock reset in the start menu and it threw this error (paraphrased off the top of my head) 11003 dll failed to start.

    Any tips as to addressing this? I am going to bring a wireless key to see if he can get Internet wirelessly, but I doubt this will work given the issue is with the network on site (on the desktop), so he'll receive the signal but won't know what to do with it.
