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Due July 2012 Thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 307 ✭✭Saurelin

    i went to bed almost 2 hours ago but little one decided that it is not time for sleep. she turns and kicks every time when I'm almost sleeping.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 216 ✭✭skeptik

    Can I ask is anyone else experiencing a slightly tight chest and throat and finding it a bit hard to breathe when lying down? I'm 32 weeks

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    skeptik wrote: »
    Can I ask is anyone else experiencing a slightly tight chest and throat and finding it a bit hard to breathe when lying down? I'm 32 weeks
    I get the tight throat not so much the chest... I find lots of pillows and staying propped up helps: the flatter I am the worse it is!

    Saurelin I know exactly what you mean... I'm kinda happy about it though she had been so quite in comparasin to normal today I was starting to get worried: even though I could feel her they just werent as Strong as normal.. Now they are though!! Although I would love some sleep :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 58 ✭✭feest

    skeptik wrote: »
    Can I ask is anyone else experiencing a slightly tight chest and throat and finding it a bit hard to breathe when lying down? I'm 32 weeks

    I'm 32 weeks too and have been having this for the past week or so. I asked my midwife about it last week--perfectly normal. As the baby continues to grow there is more pressure on your lungs, especially when lying on your back or sitting in a slouched position. It's nothing to worry about, and baby is still getting plenty of air!

    More info:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,065 ✭✭✭Kash

    skeptik wrote: »
    Can I ask is anyone else experiencing a slightly tight chest and throat and finding it a bit hard to breathe when lying down? I'm 32 weeks

    I am the same - at my ante-natal class they said that the baby was pushing on our diaphragms, making it difficult to breath all the way down into your lungs, hence the shortness of breath. So, nothing to worry about unless you actually feel dizzy or faint.

    Saur, cyning, I had a difficult nights sleep as well, either the baby was kicking like a kung fu fighter, or I was getting Braxton Hicks - and all interspersed with regular loo breaks. Yawn.

    I'm starting to regret leaving my maternity leave so late - 6 weeks seems awfully far away this morning.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,722 ✭✭✭silly

    Kash wrote: »

    I'm starting to regret leaving my maternity leave so late - 6 weeks seems awfully far away this morning.

    yes, i'm feeling 6 weeks cannot come fast enough, but just did a count and i have 31 more working days left...which doesnt sound toooooo bad.

  • Registered Users Posts: 307 ✭✭Saurelin

    I have 17 working days left.
    15th of june where are you ?!;-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    SUMMER IS HERE!!! :cool:

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    Nice blankie Cyning. Right, I'm getting knitting stuff this weekend!!

    Tried sleeping with less body pillows and ended up on my back twice - not nice. Also major Braxton Hicks all day yesterday, calmed down today.

    Well ikea was great, the in-laws spoilt us. For 312 euros (that's with the discounts applied) we got the cot-bed, mattress (the best one they had - more expensive than the cot), changing table, changing mat & covers, blankets, quilt, muslins, mobile, cot fitted sheet, cot bumper. Think we did pretty good.

    They would have spent far more if we let them get the travel system so they've saved too. I think I've said it before but they spent probably near a grand or more on OH's brother's baby's stuff and they ended up giving it all away to friends etc. so nothing was left for us to use except for a crib that's missing 1/2 the parts :rolleyes:. Both my sisters are in UK so we have no one to give us hand-me-downs. Doh!

    The cot & changing table are very plain and white but that's fine as I can pretty them up with bits & bobs.

    I had to fight the urge to nag the OH to put them together as soon as we got home. I'm really really hoping he'll feel inspired to do it next weekend.

    I think the only other biggish thing we've to get now is a monitor.

  • Registered Users Posts: 776 ✭✭✭TwoMums2Be

    Summer? Not down the west!

    Sounds like you had a blast at ikea - our friend did the same re the as chips cot with pricey mattress! Better than expensive cot with cheap mattress everyday as far as I am concerned :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    TwoMums2Be wrote: »
    Summer? Not down the west!

    It's heading your way!

    Just got told in work I look really tired. Now I was just in the bathroom & saw myself in the mirror and I looked okay. I really hate people telling me I look tired/pale/upset etc when I'm not. It's the same as saying you look like sh1t.

    Felt like saying to her well at least I'm not scrawny and wrinkly with terrible teeth and a nervous disposition!

  • Registered Users Posts: 776 ✭✭✭TwoMums2Be

    It would be fine if it went along take the rest of the day off on us...but I guess that doesn't happen :D

    Sneezing has become a form of torture for me these days! The worst part is I always sneeze three times (no idea why but my dad is the same) so once I sneeze I know I have two more to suffer & end up grabbing my right side to support it through the pain :( I wouldn't be surprised if that little bum cracks a rib before she's finished growing :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭kildareash

    Mink wrote: »
    Nice blankie Cyning. Right, I'm getting knitting stuff this weekend!!

    Tried sleeping with less body pillows and ended up on my back twice - not nice. Also major Braxton Hicks all day yesterday, calmed down today.

    Well ikea was great, the in-laws spoilt us. For 312 euros (that's with the discounts applied) we got the cot-bed, mattress (the best one they had - more expensive than the cot), changing table, changing mat & covers, blankets, quilt, muslins, mobile, cot fitted sheet, cot bumper. Think we did pretty good.

    They would have spent far more if we let them get the travel system so they've saved too. I think I've said it before but they spent probably near a grand or more on OH's brother's baby's stuff and they ended up giving it all away to friends etc. so nothing was left for us to use except for a crib that's missing 1/2 the parts :rolleyes:. Both my sisters are in UK so we have no one to give us hand-me-downs. Doh!

    The cot & changing table are very plain and white but that's fine as I can pretty them up with bits & bobs.

    I had to fight the urge to nag the OH to put them together as soon as we got home. I'm really really hoping he'll feel inspired to do it next weekend.

    I think the only other biggish thing we've to get now is a monitor.

    That's great value! It's important to get a good mattress for the cot, as hopefully baby will be spending most of the night there!!!

    For the girls, who feel like its an eternity until their maternity leave...can u take a few days off to break up the time?

    I'm taking next week off and then officially I'll only have four weeks left when I come back :) Probably won't last the distance with my back tho.
    It's really weird watching my boss reassign some of my duties, but my to do list doesn't seem to get any shorter! I'm trying not to be precious about stuff.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,722 ✭✭✭silly

    kildareash wrote: »
    For the girls, who feel like its an eternity until their maternity leave...can u take a few days off to break up the time?

    I'm taking next week off and then officially I'll only have four weeks left when I come back :) Probably won't last the distance with my back tho.
    It's really weird watching my boss reassign some of my duties, but my to do list doesn't seem to get any shorter! I'm trying not to be precious about stuff.

    i'm trying to hold onto my holidays to add on to the end of my mat leave!! Would love a week off though, but i think I will love it more in January...

    Lucky you getting some stuff reassigned...nothing is being done here. I have so much ****e to do here, and no help and its getting a bit much, nothing is being done about getting a replacement. Ah well, it will be their own fault if they leave it until last minute, and i get a dr's cert to sign me out a little early. They'll literally have NO ONE to train in someone new, because they have never bothered to get anyone to learn my job incase of sick days etc..
    so nobody knows what i do..only that it gets done.

    Do ye think it would be lousey to go for a few interviews before i am due back and hopefully get a new job and then ring work and tell them i wont be coming back? Am i within my rights to do that?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    Kildareash don't tempt me with the days off! I'm trying to save them so can tack them on to end of mat leave but I think once my replacement is trained in, I might book one or two days here or there maybe mid a working week so I can have a rest - like when I'm in the final few weeks.

    My replacement (one of them) is starting end of May, then once she's trained in I'll train another lady on the other part of my job. And my boss already has some projects lined up for me to do once the other two have taken over, so I won't feel like a spare wheel in the office.

    Silly, I possibly might look at getting a different job for when I come off mat leave, possibly. I really like where I work & they've been very good to me, but I'd rather get something nearer to me. Or else I'll have to see if can negotiate a 3 day week or something like that. But I think you're within your rights if you want to move jobs.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭kildareash

    silly wrote: »
    kildareash wrote: »
    For the girls, who feel like its an eternity until their maternity leave...can u take a few days off to break up the time?

    I'm taking next week off and then officially I'll only have four weeks left when I come back :) Probably won't last the distance with my back tho.
    It's really weird watching my boss reassign some of my duties, but my to do list doesn't seem to get any shorter! I'm trying not to be precious about stuff.

    i'm trying to hold onto my holidays to add on to the end of my mat leave!! Would love a week off though, but i think I will love it more in January...

    Lucky you getting some stuff reassigned...nothing is being done here. I have so much ****e to do here, and no help and its getting a bit much, nothing is being done about getting a replacement. Ah well, it will be their own fault if they leave it until last minute, and i get a dr's cert to sign me out a little early. They'll literally have NO ONE to train in someone new, because they have never bothered to get anyone to learn my job incase of sick days etc..
    so nobody knows what i do..only that it gets done.

    Do ye think it would be lousey to go for a few interviews before i am due back and hopefully get a new job and then ring work and tell them i wont be coming back? Am i within my rights to do that?

    I can't see why you wouldn't be. I was thinking of doing the same myself. I ha applied for some stuff before i got preggers!

    I can't believe how well i played the system, I've only taken one days annual leave do far. Carried days over from last year and I've also been able to work up some toil. Still have three weeks annual leave to take at the end of my maternity leave and there are five bank Holidays while I'm off so that's another week. Not due back in work till Jan 29!

    It's ridiculous how employers leave stuff to the last minute. I'm the most senior in my office so I think my boss is going to have to take on a lot of my work himself. Two people r just too inexperienced to do it and the other guy does **** all and gets away with it. I'm looking forward to seeing what happens when I finish up!

  • Registered Users Posts: 141 ✭✭WWC1

    Mink wrote: »
    It's heading your way!

    Just got told in work I look really tired. Now I was just in the bathroom & saw myself in the mirror and I looked okay. I really hate people telling me I look tired/pale/upset etc when I'm not. It's the same as saying you look like sh1t.

    Felt like saying to her well at least I'm not scrawny and wrinkly with terrible teeth and a nervous disposition!

    I hear you! My ever so tactful sis in law swaned in yesterday, took one look at me and told me I'm ENORMOUS and my boobs are taking over (she knows im super sensitive about having a large chest anyway :(). This coming from a girl 4 stone over weight!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,065 ✭✭✭Kash

    My company has been pretty organised - my replacement is flying in to Ireland next week, and I'll have over a month to get her trained up and ready to go.
    I have 17 working days left.
    15th of june where are you ?!;-)
    Saurelin, I hated you just a little bit right then :D

    I did my labour ante-natal class this morning, it was ok - no anti-epidural propaganda, just very factual information on all the types of pain relief. Hubby looked a bit green throughout, especially when they started talking about tears and epistomys... but seems very interested in helping out with the perineal massage. ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 774 ✭✭✭notsobusy

    Yes finding it very hard to catch my breath most of the time. Had a really bad night last night, slept sitting up against the headboard and the pillows, only comfortable way I could sleep......

    Have to say I'm very jealous of you guys getting maternity leave, I have to be back working asap otherwise I'll have no money! But at the same time I am looking for to it too because I miss riding horses so much at the moment. Haven't sat on a horse in 2 and a half months!

  • Registered Users Posts: 776 ✭✭✭TwoMums2Be

    Kash - that's because you are dealing with Australia not Ireland ;)

    Do you have a lovely midwife called Brid (how do you spell it) doing your classes? She does the Ennis ones and seems really nice!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,065 ✭✭✭Kash

    Christ, i'm terrible with names... I think it was an Irish name... she has short auburn/brown hair, and is an absolute sweetheart in any case - she did mention that she does classes in Ennis too, so maybe...

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭kildareash

    notsobusy wrote: »
    Yes finding it very hard to catch my breath most of the time. Had a really bad night last night, slept sitting up against the headboard and the pillows, only comfortable way I could sleep......

    Have to say I'm very jealous of you guys getting maternity leave, I have to be back working asap otherwise I'll have no money! But at the same time I am looking for to it too because I miss riding horses so much at the moment. Haven't sat on a horse in 2 and a half months!

    God that sounds really bad. Maybe no harm to check with your doc or hospital if that's normal.

    Must be difficult not to be able to do something you love. My sis-in-law was the same as yourself, I'd say she got In a sneaky few rides whenever she could! But their little girl is so hardy now from being up in the yard the whole time.
    Im full of admiration for them because they have worked hard to make baby fit into their lives, with a few adjustments! But they take her off to competitions and she's started competing herself in kiddy competitions! They have a fancy dress section, it's sooooo cute! Since about two, she has hated anyone leading her when she is on the horse!

  • Registered Users Posts: 776 ✭✭✭TwoMums2Be

    Kash wrote: »
    Christ, i'm terrible with names... I think it was an Irish name... she has short auburn/brown hair, and is an absolute sweetheart in any case - she did mention that she does classes in Ennis too, so maybe...

    Must not be the same woman as ours has short white ish hair but sounds equally lovely! I'd be very happy if she was my midwife while I was in labour :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    I have a stupid stomach bug and am feeling really sorry for myself :p

    I wake up on my back nearly every night: I give up on trying to stop it at this stage...

    WWC1 I'd have freaked out if that was me :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    kildareash wrote: »
    Two people r just too inexperienced to do it and the other guy does **** all and gets away with it. I'm looking forward to seeing what happens when I finish up!

    He'll stick out like a sore thumb! This happened when a lot of really experience people got made redundant from my office late last year. All our shortcomings became more obvious with the pressure!
    WWC1 wrote: »
    I hear you! My ever so tactful sis in law swaned in yesterday, took one look at me and told me I'm ENORMOUS and my boobs are taking over (she knows im super sensitive about having a large chest anyway :(). This coming from a girl 4 stone over weight!!!

    Often it's the people who have self esteem issues themselves who are quick to point out things like this. I've seen it so many times!
    Kash wrote: »
    but seems very interested in helping out with the perineal massage. ;)

    Haha... but seriously when are we supposed to start this, did the midwife say?
    notsobusy wrote: »
    Have to say I'm very jealous of you guys getting maternity leave, I have to be back working asap otherwise I'll have no money! But at the same time I am looking for to it too because I miss riding horses so much at the moment. Haven't sat on a horse in 2 and a half months!

    If you're self-employed, I don't suppose you've any PRSI stamps paid?? My sis is self-employed and I think she paid whatever the UK equivalent is of this so she could get some maternity benefit.

    I think it might be easier to fit baby in with self-employed work, especially if you love it a lot like you seem to do. I don't think I could bring babs into work in a carrycot and shove him under my desk.
    cyning wrote: »
    I have a stupid stomach bug and am feeling really sorry for myself :p

    I wake up on my back nearly every night: I give up on trying to stop it at this stage...

    You have a tummy bug on top of the hypermesis (sp?), jaysus. I take it you can't take anything for it either :(

    Are you using pillows behind your back to stop you rolling onto it? If I use the dream genie (for some reason I didn't last night) it works to at least keep me tilted enough that I don't wake up with my heart going mad.

  • Registered Users Posts: 43 barremic

    Had my prenatal class today too. Got a bit from the class.

    I did find the midwife didn't seem impressed that I have to have a c section, I asked a question or two which she glossed over, like should I come in sooner if I get contractions, and she didn't really explain.

    So I asked her at the end of the class, and she said that could change you know needing a c section. I have a pre existing condition, and don't have a choice. She then told me I will have to ring if I get contractions, but she didn't want the rest of the class to know that! I left really feeling excluded, its not my fault I have to have the operation instead of a natural birth.

  • Registered Users Posts: 774 ✭✭✭notsobusy

    Mink I don't have enough stamps paid! Up until last year I was unemployed. I guess I am really lucky being able to work around the baby!

  • Registered Users Posts: 776 ✭✭✭TwoMums2Be

    Barremic don't let her worry you! If you need a section on medical grounds that's not going to change :rolleyes: If you start labour before your section is scheduled ring them straight away :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    Mink wrote: »
    You have a tummy bug on top of the hypermesis (sp?), jaysus. I take it you can't take anything for it either :(

    Are you using pillows behind your back to stop you rolling onto it? If I use the dream genie (for some reason I didn't last night) it works to at least keep me tilted enough that I don't wake up with my heart going mad.

    Yes, yes I do... ah look only 7 weeks absolute maximum left at the end of the day I am SO used to being sick these days it shouldn't really bother me anymore (well it obviously does bother me but I will never forget how bad Dec was so in comparison....)

    Ya I have pillows and crescent shaped ones (i hate the dream genii!) but what normally happens is i fall asleep throw pillows all over the place and wake up on my back...

    Barremic ignore her... like some people have to have sections: like Twomums said just ring if you start having contractions before your scheduled date!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 141 ✭✭WWC1

    cyning wrote: »
    I have a stupid stomach bug and am feeling really sorry for myself :p

    I wake up on my back nearly every night: I give up on trying to stop it at this stage...

    WWC1 I'd have freaked out if that was me :D

    Cyning, hope tummy bug is getting better:)
    I just mumbled something about how you'd expect to be big when nearing 8 months pregnant
    Mink wrote: »

    Often it's the people who have self esteem issues themselves who are quick to point out things like this. I've seen it so many times!

    Yea I agree and most of the time tend to make allowances for her (she has a lot of issues) but a pregnant woman wants to be told they look good. I might be enormous and looking like sh*ite but I'm happy for people to lie to me:)

    Happy out today though, had me little girl for an eye check and she has perfect vision..thrilled. I had a lazy eye and had to wear a patch and red Denis Taylor type glasses so over the moon she's saved that experience:D
