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Independence Day: Resurgence **SPOILERS FROM POST 266 ONWARD**



  • Registered Users Posts: 55,474 ✭✭✭✭Mr E


  • Registered Users Posts: 11,690 ✭✭✭✭Skylinehead

    The Guardian are far less kind to it, 1 star.

  • Registered Users Posts: 737 ✭✭✭Cantstandsya

    Impression seems to be it's just as "bad" as the first one... without any of the fun :-(

    Ah well, I'll still be going along to see it and hoping the critics are just being overly cynical... But I find Peter Bradshaw is usually fairly good at giving a light hearted movie a pass when it deserves one.

  • Registered Users Posts: 737 ✭✭✭Cantstandsya

    Other reviews seem a lot more positive. Hope restored :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,984 ✭✭✭Unearthly

    Seems like it's mixed reviews which is kind of what the first one was to so looks like it will be a worthy sequel. Looking forward to it

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  • Registered Users Posts: 38,087 ✭✭✭✭PTH2009

    Worried about this movie a bit. Loved the first one but what can they do different in this one ???

    What's stopping the aliens coming back a third time ???

    So far sequels to mega franchises In the past few years (Jurassic World, Star Wars, Mad Max) have been impressive hopefully this is no different

  • Registered Users Posts: 68,317 ✭✭✭✭seamus

    PTH2009 wrote: »
    Worried about this movie a bit. Loved the first one but what can they do different in this one ???

    What's stopping the aliens coming back a third time ???
    Nothing, because if they did, they couldn't cash in on a third film :)

    The premise appears to be "they got a distress call out", so in reality it'll just be about, "Oh crap, that ship wasn't their entire civilisation, it was just a prep ship designed to create a beach-head. The real terraforming ships are coming".

    In proper sci-fi terms it's actually pretty consistent - a civilisation who specialised in conquering and consuming worlds wouldn't load their entire population onto a single ship and would have plenty of experience of hitting snags in an invasion - be that a species that is resistant or whatever - and so would have a plan B for dealing with those problems.

    If anything, the assumption that humanity "won" in the first movie is a glaring plot hole.

  • Registered Users Posts: 55,474 ✭✭✭✭Mr E

    Right on cue, a third movie is planned. ID3 will be set a few years after and will involve taking the fight to them.

    Big spoilers for ID2 on that link, so click with caution.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 40,061 ✭✭✭✭Harry Palmr

    PTH2009 wrote: »
    What's stopping the aliens coming back a third time ???

    Poor box office returns and nothing else!

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Seeing this on Thursday - my expectations: no Will Smith will have an effect on it. The new cast will likely have nowhere near as much charisma. Jeff Goldblum will make the entire movie.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 737 ✭✭✭Cantstandsya

    Seen it today. Terrible.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 18,966 ✭✭✭✭syklops

    Seen it today. Terrible.

    Care to elaborate?

  • Registered Users Posts: 737 ✭✭✭Cantstandsya

    syklops wrote: »
    Care to elaborate?

    Hard to elaborate without getting into spoilers...

    Basically, the film seemed a mess... not only a mess in terms of plot but messy in a literal sense... it looked and felt messy. The special effects were bad, the cuts between scenes seemed awkward and ham fisted, all the scenes with people seemed to either be green screen or really crappy sets, nothing seemed "real". The entire thing is presented in a sort of dark tone, I wanted to adjust the brightness of the screen but apparently this is a look Emmerich goes for. Even the music was jarring with parts of the original score added between the new, and totally different - and worse, score.

    The look and feel of the movie were really different to the first, to the extent that it didn't really feel like a sequel at all.

    The first movie had a sort of warm underbelly, it had a sort of "nice" feeling to it. It had a heart, this film, to me at least, did not.

    I'll be interested to see what other people thought of it.

    I'll likely go see it again in a few days. I was enjoying the match a bit too much last night so watching this early might not have been wise... But I'd be surprised if my opinion changes on second viewing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,988 ✭✭✭constitutionus

    seen it today myself too.

    its alright.

    not a patch on the first and it loses focus about half way through it but ive seen worse.

    the visuals are great though and theres some nice things they do with what already happened in the last. i really liked the idea of what happened in africa for instance and the alien telepathy thing.

    and ill be honest with the stuff revealed in this and how they end it i actually wouldnt mind mind seeing a third. its gotta nice "robotech" type feel to it that i cant quite put me finger on. plus it'd get them out of the hole of repeating themselves ad nauseum. if the third is made i'll basically make the first two prologues to a pretty bad ass confrontation


    cant help thinking if they managed to get will smith back it wouldve been better. that said
    brent spinner was having a blast. im spoilering this as i didnt even know he was in this, thought he died in the last one : )


    Oh and i chose the 2d option. im avoiding 3D when ever i can now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,051 ✭✭✭Mister Vain

    The first movie had a sort of warm underbelly, it had a sort of "nice" feeling to it. It had a heart

    I agree. This one had no heart. It was sterile, soulless and just not much fun.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    "Hey how can we market this for China?"

    That's what I came away from this with.

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,769 ✭✭✭✭AMKC

    Seen this with the brother this evening. We both thought it was very disappointing. Its just no where near as good as the first one its just basically a woo lets do this bigger and that louder. Its a pity as it started out promising but goes downhill from there. Its a film that you are better of just leaving your brain at the door before you go in. The special effects are good thats about it really. The acting is terrible Id say Brent Spiner was delighted to do it a nice easy gig for him. The story is terrible to a pity as it could have been brilliant if done right. It just seems rushed a bit more thought and time into it and it could have been so much better. There is loads of mistakes in it. 2 out of 5 for the film. There is loads I would like to talk about but do not want to spoil it for anyone so will leave it for now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭saneman

    "Hey how can we market this for China?"

    That's what I came away from this with.

    Well if the Chinese like tired, weakly written, tropey nonsense, with dumb set pieces then ID2 has them covered.

    I didn't expect to be blown away, but a feeling other than apathy would've been nice. Next time I think to myself "sure it might be okay" about a movie I'm gonna sit in a dark room (with some popcorn and coke, obviously) and wait 'til it passes.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    OK - having had a lot more time to think about it (this post is going to be spoilerful, since the movie is out, so don't read if you haven't watched):

    It was nowhere near as good as it could have been. It lost all the heart, charm, and wit that the original had - and all of that came from the chemistry that Goldblum and Smith had.

    In place of Smith, we get the a bunch of generic good looking people, who have zero comedic timing (or timing in general) and little to no charm. We get a bunch of characters you care nothing about (I mean, I still don't know who the accountant-type person was and his sudden change to a "heart of a warrior" and friendship between he and the unbelievably English sounding warchief made no sense).

    Then we have mention of a 10 year war -- where was this during any of the first movie? I mean, surely all the aliens died once the mothership died. At least that's the impression that you get. But then there's a 10 year war and hundreds of prisoners.

    Not to mention their drilling to the earth's core. Surely this would have meant that all the water would have just.. drained away?

    And then you have the absolute kick in the nuts of 1) killing Will Smith's character -- not in any epic fashion, but in a training exercise. And 2) showing his photo multiple times, pretty much going, "hey, this could have been you!".

    And .. to finish.. it became Cloverfield in the end.

    Disappointing. Very disappointing.

    Actually.. thinking about it, the biggest issue is the fact that they weren't willing to let scenes breath. Instead we get quick cuts, leaving everything feel disconnected and rushed. The best example is -- Pullman's aide tells his daughter that Pullman collapsed. Normally it would show her running to her father and then discovering that she's been misled. It would've led to tension and a possible comedic moment. Instead we get to see the deception as it is happening.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,423 ✭✭✭✭Outlaw Pete

    Liked this first one. A good popcorn muncher for the time.

    But this was boring nonsense with as many cliche's shoehorned in as they could muster. Few blatant Encounters rip offs to boot. Terrible stuff.

    The only part of the film that interested me was the all too brief shot of Robert Loggia. It's credited on IMDB as being one of his last films (two others to be released dated 2016). The shot looked like CGI though. I wonder was it perhaps shot green screen. Anyway, genuinely the only thing of interest in the film for me.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 737 ✭✭✭Cantstandsya

    The only part of the film that interested me was the all too brief shot of Robert Loggia. It's credited on IMDB as being one of his last films (two others to be released dated 2016). The shot looked like CGI though. I wonder was it perhaps shot green screen. Anyway, genuinely the only thing of interest in the film for me.

    I honestly thought that shot was CG... amazed it wasn't. Just shows how bad the film looked.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 40,061 ✭✭✭✭Harry Palmr

    your review

    Who'd have thought that a film that was itself frankly not much cop by the standard of high quality cinema now looks so much better than its belated sequel. The 20 years since ID4 have become infested by bad plastic values of McQ, Michael Bay and Zack Snyder where there is no room for light wit, subtly or grace of even the most basic sort. China teenagers may even not think much of this.

  • Registered Users Posts: 108 ✭✭Hb6g6

    Seen it last night, it was what it was, the primary plot of this movie doesn't make much sense in context of the first film e.g.
    They suddenly know there's a Queen Alien and if you kill her all of the rest die. Kinda stupid idea when you compare that to the plot of the first one when there was no Queen involved

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Hb6g6 wrote: »
    Seen it last night, it was what it was, the primary plot of this movie doesn't make much sense in context of the first film e.g.
    They suddenly know there's a Queen Alien and if you kill her all of the rest die. Kinda stupid idea when you compare that to the plot of the first one when there was no Queen involved

    That's why the 10 year war doesn't make sense. They theorize that there must have been a queen on the ship they destroyed, yet who were they fighting for 10 years? And why was there so many prisoners?

  • Registered Users Posts: 108 ✭✭Hb6g6

    That's why the 10 year war doesn't make sense. They theorize that there must have been a queen on the ship they destroyed, yet who were they fighting for 10 years? And why was there so many prisoners?
    Also why were the ships still there from the 1996 attack if they go back to space when you kill the Queen, I was actually liking the idea of a war after the 1996 attack but the unravelling plot just killed it for me.

  • Moderators, Category Moderators, Arts Moderators, Entertainment Moderators, Technology & Internet Moderators Posts: 22,671 CMod ✭✭✭✭Sad Professor

    Spoilers allowed from this post onward.

  • Registered Users Posts: 737 ✭✭✭Cantstandsya

    Ok, now that spoilers are allowed I'll say a little more...

    People have already mentioned the 10 year war thing. This annoyed me while watching the movie. The alien prisoners in Area 51 are described as being "catatonic" since the destruction of the mother ship and we learn that this was because there was a queen on board. We're told that the key to victory is killing the queen as this will stop the aliens in their tracks... but then we're simultaneously told that a group of holdouts fought a war for 10 years after the death of their queen... Further, we're told that the beam cutting down to the "molten core" will magically turn off the second the queen is killed and the ship will fly away. This is all inconsistent nonsense and not even worth picking apart.

    In the prequel novel and the movie novelisation (which yes, I read) some of the rubbish in the film is fleshed out a bit more... not to the extent that it is any good but it at least makes some sense. Some examples:

    1) The President does nothing in this movie, simply going to a bunker which the aliens then attack. In the novelisation she's involved in the plot with the queen searching for the sphere. The reason the aliens attack her bunker is so that the queen can personally interrogate her to find the location of the sphere... The President stands up to the queen before being killed (indeed, one of the trailers shows this confrontation with the President addressing the queen... it was obviously cut out). It's still a fairly pointless plot but at least gives the character something to do.

    2) David's father driving across the country in a school bus is completely pointless in the movie, resolving with the bus being chased by the queen for no reason. In the novel the bus arrives just as the queen is shot down, same as the movie, but she then begins to stumble out of her suit only for David to drive the school bus into her head, killing her... it reminded me of the deleted ending for the original where Russell Case flies his crop duster into the alien weapon.

    Okay, neither of these cut down plots are any good but at least they make some sense in the novel, as opposed to the movie where their half inclusion is jarring and senseless. I have to wonder why they were left in at all considering their incomplete state? The President does nothing and David's father does nothing. Both of these plot lines should have been completely removed and the new characters fleshed out some more.

    On the topic of new characters... what was the point of Will Smith's son? He has no charisma at all. His character and Liam Hemsworth's should have been combined into one. If you need a Chinese presence for that market then make Hemsworth's friend Chinese. There were 4 pilots in that plot line, there only needed to be one, maybe two for marketing in China.

    Thing is that even if all of this stuff were cleaved out of the movie what was left would still be junk. I really think this was an awful, awful film.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    I went to see it last night with a friend. He said the funniest parts were glancing over at me to see me annoyed at various parts of the movie.

    On the plus side, there was a nice little Star Trek joke.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,431 ✭✭✭MilesMorales1

    It was alright? I dunno. It wasn't unpleasant to watch, but I wasn't terribly passionate about it either.

    I haven't seen the first one, but how does the 1996 war work with that 10 year war in africa?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,108 ✭✭✭johnnysmack

    Just watched it. Terrible dialogue, cringe worthy characters, awful through and through, highly recommend it 10/10!
