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New England Patriots thread (MOD WARNING - #4503)



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,647 ✭✭✭BaronVon

    Yeah, I'm surprised to see Spikes back, he did a bit of mouthing in his time away. I like him, good run stopper, he'll have his uses.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,620 ✭✭✭me89

    JCTO wrote: »
    Chekwa gone so another CB gone although he was more a ST. And guess who is back Spikes! :) Never thought I would see the day.

    The weekly CB cuts continue

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,719 ✭✭✭JaMarcusHustle

    I guess slavery isn't so bad when you're out of work :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 37,860 ✭✭✭✭eagle eye

    Belichick must have some new plan that is going to change the game again. Maybe he intends to put everybody on the D-line, could you imagine the opposing coaches if they seen that!? :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,826 ✭✭✭nerd69

    eagle eye wrote: »
    Belichick must have some new plan that is going to change the game again. Maybe he intends to put everybody on the D-line, could you imagine the opposing coaches if they seen that!? :D

    any other coach you'd be questioning but bb will somehow win the division again perhaps just a field goal unit so the qb can't get the pass off who knows

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  • Registered Users Posts: 37,860 ✭✭✭✭eagle eye

    Well after what happened I am going to be doing something that I never even contemplated or thought was possible. I will be booing Robert Kraft after what he did.

    He just threw Brady and Belichick's legacy out the window imo. He is accepting the penalties which were given for cheating.

    Anything could happen now, how will Belichick react to this? How will Brady react?

    Even though Brady's appeal is separate he must be foaming at the mouth over this I'd imagine.

    We've always know that Bob Kraft loves his money but he had the right balance as far the team was concerned. He just sold out to keep the other owners happy and go negotiate another multi billion dollar tv contract. I'm very, very disappointed in Bob Kraft. I feel worse right now than I did when we lost the Superbowl after our undefeated season.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,719 ✭✭✭JaMarcusHustle

    Now that I see it, I'm not sure I like actually like it after all :(


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,438 ✭✭✭j8wk2feszrnpao

    eagle eye wrote: »
    I'm very, very disappointed in Bob Kraft.
    I don't think we should forget what Bob Kraft has done for the team. I mean, 7 SB appearances, and 4 wins; that's incredible coming from where the Pats were.

    Did he take the hit so that Tom would ge a reduction? I don't know. And if he did, I don't think he should. If he and the team are innocent, then fight your corner. Appeasing 31 other rich men and the NFL by accepting the punishment, after all the bravado, is quite the sucker punch to the fans.

    We are disappointed by Kraft. And in reality, it shouldn't start with what occurred on Tuesday. He defended Goodell throughout his faux pas in recent times. On one hand he deemed Ray Rice unworthy to return, and on the other he backed the guy that deemed the incident worthy of a 2 game ban.

    Goodell was rounded booed at the Draft each time he stepped on stage. He is incredibly unpopular with the fans. But the owners seem to love him; will anyone be surprised to see him extended and receive a pay rise?

    It kinda reminded me today of FIFA. Blatter is hated around the World by the fans, and yet those in charge keep him going, no matter what occurs. Cause the money keeps rolling in.

    So I'll always be grateful for what Kraft has done for the Pats. It's been an unbelievable run of success. But it's a business. And we, the fans, are part of the business.
    And just like Kraft is able to separate business from personal when it comes to football, we have to do the same. Goodell is who he is thanks to Kraft and others.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,510 ✭✭✭Hazys

    I like the FIFA analogy as it was something i was thinking about too. If the NFL continues to be unchallenged in everything it does, its just going to end up as corrupt, arrogant and self serving as FIFA.

    Is the NFL to big to fail just like FIFA?

    1000's of slaves will die to make the 2022 World Cup happen, will anybody not watch it?

    What would it take for you to stop watching the NFL?

    Murder? Hernandez, Ray Lewis, Carrauth, etc...we still watch

    Steroid epidemic? we still watch

    NFL teams taking money off the army to show patriotism? we still watch

    Corrupt and ridiculous suspensions like Rice, Brady and Peterson? we still watch

    The concussions, safety issues and players having a life expectancy of 54? we still watch

    Not only do we still watch, the NFL has never been more popular and it is growing bigger and bigger each year. They literally could have human sacrifices as the Super Bowl halftime show and we would still watch.

    This is why i thought it was so important for Kraft to challenge the NFL. The issue, investigation and punishment for Deflategate was so out of wack with reality it had to be challenged but the fact that Kraft didn't even bother putting in a formal appeal shows how much of a dictatorship the NFL really is and Kraft is part of the problem. He didn't want to rock the boat of the NFL and keep the money train chugging along.

    As Patriots fans all we wanted was a fair trail and if found guilty, a fair punishment, we didn't get it and I'm left feeling disgusted. NFL will do and say whatever it likes and will continue to go unchecked and their arrogance and corruption will only grow.

    Will i boycott the NFL next season and not watch? Probably not.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,719 ✭✭✭JaMarcusHustle

    Am I disappointed in Kraft? Yes, I'd rather we appealed. But then I don't have to deal with the consequences.

    Will I boo him? No, that's retarded. In the blink of an eye, people are forgetting what he's done for this Franchise which is quite shocking really.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 929 ✭✭✭JCTO

    Am I disappointed in Kraft? Yes, I'd rather we appealed. But then I don't have to deal with the consequences.

    I agree I was angry when we didn't appeal then the business side of my brain kicked in and started to see the conundrum he was in from a business sense.
    Will I boo him? No, that's retarded. In the blink of an eye, people are forgetting what he's done for this Franchise which is quite shocking really.

    I 100% agree. I hate the Boo nation modern society has become. Firstly it is a pointless act secondly as you pointed out Kraft has done a lot for the Patriots.

    Also at this point I wish we could just start to concentrate on the season ahead.

  • Registered Users Posts: 32,370 ✭✭✭✭Son Of A Vidic

    I haven’t been on since the prejudicial work of fiction that is the Wells report was released. No doubt I probably missed some amount of nonsense from haters & baiters, who must have desperately tried to milk such a pathetically minor issue as the psi levels in a football. Anyway I’m not concerned with that nonsense, but I am concerned with Robert kraft.

    His U turn last week left a very bitter taste in my mouth and I can safely say I have lost respect for the man after what he did. After the ridiculous punishments were announced, Kraft raised the battle standard, made his battle cry and rallied the fans. He then opens a webpage correctly pointing out some of the nonsense in the Wells Report.

    And after all this, he then decides to abandon the cause and meekly get back in line to accept an unjust way OTT punishment against the franchise. His membership of the billionaire owners club of 32, obviously means more to him than the good name and honour of the franchise. I also don’t swallow his for the good of the league bull**** excuse. Patriot way my hole.

    If he had any interest in his so called Patriot way nonsense, he would have put his team first and not waved the white flag to his club of 32 buddies. I couldn’t care less if a legal fight may or may not have been eventually futile. Some things in life come down to principle and honour and kraft for me put money and business interests above all that.

    It’s a massive betrayal to all us loyal fans and I never thought Kraft had that kind of behaviour in him. We’ve lost some great players down the years because we wouldn’t give a little bit extra. Kraft didn’t practice what he’s been preaching all this years. He put money and his elite buddies before the team.

    Buddies that most be delighted to seem him roll over and accept this nonsense. Anything that handicaps the leagues most dominant franchise must fill rival owners with glee. Because it only increases their chance of success. Yet it would appear that Kraft is way to naive to even see it.

    Because of our team first policy we lost Vereen for the sake of an extra $500,000. We cut players like Arrington and with the cap space we’ve created, we could have kept Revis. But no, Rob wouldn’t budge, let the players follow the money if they want, because the team always come first. Ironic then, to see kraft following the money and putting his team last.

    Kraft lost a golden chance to expose the NFL and the league office & the little mini-Jets mafia that’s in there. The misinformation, the inaccurate leaks, Kensil and his judgmental commentary before anything was even released. Goodell then making no attempt to apologise for the inaccurate leaks or even investigate them. A Federal court slaughtered Goodell last year over the Ray Rice affair and it would have ripped up the prejudicial & assumptive nonsense in the Wells report.

    So I’ll never accept Kraft’s weasel words and any attempt he might make trying to defend his actions. He put the billionaires club first and there’s no other way he can spin it. I’ve been a Pats fan long before Kraft took over and I’ll be a Pats fan long after he is gone. My loyalty is to the team and the coach and it always will be. In fact to be honest, I don’t give a crap who owns the franchise as long as they adhere to two rules – don’t meddle with the HC/GM/team and don’t move the franchise.

    I’ll credit Kraft for having the wisdom in picking Belichick and having the cop on to learn from the fu©k ups he made with Parcells. But Belichick and Brady have made this franchise what it is today. We’ve been blessed to have the GOAT HC and GOAT QB working together for so long and as long as we can keep it that way I’m happy.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,438 ✭✭✭j8wk2feszrnpao

    Welcome back Corvus :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,241 ✭✭✭Vanolder

    Any of you lads familiar with 'the free kick' Irish sports forum ? trying to get a third division (fantasy football) up and running, pop in.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 929 ✭✭✭JCTO

    Corvus I get the anger for Bob right now but even if he wanted to take on the NFL I feel like many do it would have been a bad idea for the Organization as the other owners were not backing him. The dilemma we are then faced with is what if the other owners gang up and vote Bob out as an owner which they have the power to do. That would have left the legacy in ruins and in the unknown of what chump was going to take over and buy in.

    From a business stand point he was stuck between a rock and a hard place really. Whether us fans ever agree on that or not it is not our call and it sucks that we have to live with the decision he made.

  • Registered Users Posts: 32,370 ✭✭✭✭Son Of A Vidic

    JCTO wrote: »
    Corvus I get the anger for Bob right now but even if he wanted to take on the NFL I feel like many do it would have been a bad idea for the Organization as the other owners were not backing him. The dilemma we are then faced with is what if the other owners gang up and vote Bob out as an owner which they have the power to do. That would have left the legacy in ruins and in the unknown of what chump was going to take over and buy in.

    From a business stand point he was stuck between a rock and a hard place really. Whether us fans ever agree on that or not it is not our call and it sucks that we have to live with the decision he made.

    The risk of being voted out was always there, but it was something I could never see happening. The Patriots are the best run franchise in the league and have become a model organisation for other owners. I think any attempt to push Kraft out would have done untold damage to the league and to the NFL's image. It would have gone nuclear and if it reached a Federal court, the Wells report nonsense would have been shredded and with it the justification for attacking Kraft. kraft not having the balls to call their bluff over any threat/bullying and sticking to his guns is what really pisses me off.

    I also hope he doesn't try to twist Brady's arm to force him to back down. Because one thing we all know, Brady's a fighter and he'll not take any shít from the clown Goodell. Unless Goodell wipes away the suspension, this is going to Federal court and I think Tom & his team are really relishing that prospect. Any meddling by Kraft could permanently damage his relationship with Brady. So I hope he has the good sense to not jeopardise that.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 929 ✭✭✭JCTO

    The risk of being voted out was always there, but it was something I could never see happening.

    A lot of insiders would disagree. But none of us really know how it would have gone. It is all a matter of opinion. A lot of business insiders and Pats insiders reckon Kraft was worried about his standing as a NFL owner.

    The Patriots are the best run franchise in the league and have become a model organisation for other owners. I think any attempt to push Kraft out would have done untold damage to the league and to the NFL's image.

    Would it though? If he take legal action against the league and he actually does win surely they would look a lot worse. But look at it this way who is to say they didn't weigh up their options and compare the Pros and Cons on letting Bobby take the NFL to court OR kicking him out before he has that chance.
    It would have gone nuclear and if it reached a Federal court, the Wells report nonsense would have been shredded and with it the justification for attacking Kraft. kraft not having the balls to call their bluff over any threat/bullying and sticking to his guns is what really pisses me off.

    Way I see it from a business sense the way he handled it works out in his head the best for all. NFL stays looking good, The other owners still look good and he stays looking good as the good guy. Really the only ones pissed off are us Pats fans.

    As I said I get the anger I still carry some myself but lets face it there is some Pats fans out there being ridiculous about this whole thing not you now or any on here but Bobby Kraft has his reasons and I would agree with many of the so called experts that money and business was in the forefront of his mind and he believes those decisions protects his legacy. I also don't agree that it was an easy decision for him to make considering he already made a tit of himself calling for an apology. Will I ever agree 100% with his decision? Nope I am a football fan first when it comes to the Pats so from a footballing standpoint he pussied out.
    I also hope he doesn't try to twist Brady's arm to force him to back down. Because one thing we all know, Brady's a fighter and he'll not take any shít from the clown Goodell. Unless Goodell wipes away the suspension, this is going to Federal court and I think Tom & his team are really relishing that prospect. Any meddling by Kraft could permanently damage his relationship with Brady. So I hope he has the good sense to not jeopardise that.

    He already said he wont interfere with Brady pending case. Besides there is nothing Kraft can do in the Brady case other than go above Bill and release Tom. Bob has no right to interfere as this is Tom Brady and the NFLPA versus the Roger Goodell and the NFL excluding the owners as they are challenging his suspension.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,172 ✭✭✭BKWDR

    Had an hour after work before i could go out last night so watched the 4th quarter of the SB....gets better with every watch. Excited for the season now

  • Registered Users Posts: 32,370 ✭✭✭✭Son Of A Vidic

    JCTO wrote: »
    Would it though? If he take legal action against the league and he actually does win surely they would look a lot worse. But look at it this way who is to say they didn't weigh up their options and compare the Pros and Cons on letting Bobby take the NFL to court OR kicking him out before he has that chance.

    I still think the PR damage on removing Kraft, would have done untold damage to the leagues image. Goodell has presided over a series of debacles and I think the league could ill afford taking it nuclear. Then throw in the fact that it was Kraft who secured the CBA, tied up some sweet business deals for the league and saved the 2011 football season because the NFLPA really trusted him. Losing kraft would have meant they lost their best negotiator and peacemaker.

    JCTO wrote: »
    Way I see it from a business sense the way he handled it works out in his head the best for all. NFL stays looking good, The other owners still look good and he stays looking good as the good guy. Really the only ones pissed off are us Pats fans.

    He can justify it in his head but he has lost because of it. Maybe if he had used and emphasised some stronger language in his statement, something like....

    "After today's meeting, I was left with no choice but to make this decision. I would like to reiterate, I was left with no choice in this."

    At least it would then suggest he had a gun to his head and was backed into a corner. People would have still been angry but I think a stronger statement could have saved him a lot of anger & hate. I mean when he came out with "we have two polarising camp that will never agree."

    I nearly shít myself with that nonsense. His team was shafted over an issue of such petty irrelevance, it was beyond ridiculous. Of course the team & fans want to fight their corner and expose the nonsense and of course there are rivals & haters who love it. There was no grey area here, Kraft abandoned a just & morale fight to expose the nonsense all in favour of his billionaire buddies. I can understand how he can justify and rationalise it all in his own mind, but he let the team and the fans down and I don't think he'll ever repair that damage.
    JCTO wrote: »
    As I said I get the anger I still carry some myself but lets face it there is some Pats fans out there being ridiculous about this whole thing not you now or any on here but Bobby Kraft has his reasons and I would agree with many of the so called experts that money and business was in the forefront of his mind and he believes those decisions protects his legacy. I also don't agree that it was an easy decision for him to make considering he already made a tit of himself calling for an apology. Will I ever agree 100% with his decision? Nope I am a football fan first when it comes to the Pats so from a footballing standpoint he pussied out.

    I don't think anyone thinks he had an easy decision to make. Yet when you look at what he has stood for down the years, it probably should have been. Especially for a guy who always put the team first and espoused the Patriot Way. For him to then side with his club of 31 buddies and take one up the ass for them was the ultimate kick in the face to the fans. I agree that some fans have gone way OTT with calls to boo Kraft, boycott games, stop buying team merchandise and with some even saying they're finished with the NFL. That's just nonsense imo and hurts the team more than anything.

    JCTO wrote: »
    He already said he wont interfere with Brady pending case. Besides there is nothing Kraft can do in the Brady case other than go above Bill and release Tom. Bob has no right to interfere as this is Tom Brady and the NFLPA versus the Roger Goodell and the NFL excluding the owners as they are challenging his suspension.

    After what he did, I wouldn't trust anything he now says in public. But I do think he is smart & savy enough not to interfere with Brady and upset Bill. But what's done is done, he sided with his VIP club and that's fine. As I said in my initial post on this, I couldn't careless about who owns the team now just as long as they don't interfere with it.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 929 ✭✭✭JCTO

    We will have to agree to disagree on that one.

    As for football one thing stood out to me: reported earlier in the day that defensive lineman Jake Bequette had been working at the tight end position. The former third-rounder and 2014 practice squader was wearing a gray shirt indicative of an offensive player and did spend a lot of time with tight ends coach Brian Daboll during this OTA session.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 10,077 ✭✭✭✭AbusesToilets

    A new, innovative system where there are no CBs and all offensive players are TEs? Sounds Gronktacular

  • Registered Users Posts: 32,370 ✭✭✭✭Son Of A Vidic

    Unless he turns out to be a revelation at TE, I'll be shocked if Bequette makes the roster for 2015.

    I'm really looking forward to seeing Scott Chandler on the field and I'm excited at the thought of him and Gronk lining up on a redzone trip. Just imagine Gronk, Minitron, La Fell, Chandler and a pass catching RB lining up in the redzone. Defenses would literally shít themselves.:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 37,860 ✭✭✭✭eagle eye

    I just gotta say that I'm considering not watching the NFL anymore. All this rubbish that has gone on and Kraft not appealing has left me feeling quite gutted. Unless Brady wins his appeal and misses no games I think I might just move away from the NFL.

  • Registered Users Posts: 32,370 ✭✭✭✭Son Of A Vidic

    eagle eye wrote: »
    I just gotta say that I'm considering not watching the NFL anymore. All this rubbish that has gone on and Kraft not appealing has left me feeling quite gutted. Unless Brady wins his appeal and misses no games I think I might just move away from the NFL.

    Jaysus eagle don't do that, your a long time Pats fan. I have to admit I did very briefly feel that, but I came to my senses because I won't let the bastárds grind me down. Like some of us, your were a Pats fan long before Kraft took over so fúck him and what he does. I follow the team and support our HC and I couldn't careless who owns the team now.

    As for Brady, if the ban isn't removed he will take it to court, get an injunction and he won't miss one game this season. I'll actually be disappointed if Goodell overturns the ban. Because I'm especially looking forward to watching Goodell and the piece of prejudicial buffoonery that is the Wells report, getting ripped apart by a Federal judge.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,719 ✭✭✭JaMarcusHustle

    Jesus, you two have gushed over Kraft in the past and now you're on to booing him and saying "**** him"...?

    You're both being very melodramatic and choosing to have short memories.

  • Registered Users Posts: 32,370 ✭✭✭✭Son Of A Vidic

    Jesus, you two have gushed over Kraft in the past and now you're on to booing him and saying "**** him"...?

    Yes Kraft got my praise because he always behaved in an admirable manner. But for me, his behaviour in recent weeks has been less than admirable. But now you think I'm onto booing Kraft :confused: Maybe you should read what I actually said RE:booing...
    I agree that some fans have gone way OTT with calls to boo Kraft, boycott games, stop buying team merchandise and with some even saying they're finished with the NFL. That's just nonsense imo and hurts the team more than anything.

    I made it very clear that I have lost a lot of respect for Kraft, I never said anything about booing him. But now thanks to Kraft's farcical behaviour, I now don't give a fúck who owns the team, the same way I don't give a crap who owns Man United. That's because I was a United fan long before the Glazers took over. And that's a reality for most sports fans, ownership usually doesn't and shouldn't have any influence on their loyalty to a team.
    You're both being very melodramatic and choosing to have short memories.

    Could you explain to me where I was actually being melodramatic?

    I made it very clear that I will always support the team and the HC, like I did long before Kraft took over. All Kraft did was remind me why I am a Pats fan and that has nothing to do with who owns the team and never will. I said I was a fan during the O'Sullivan years and I will still be a fan long after Kraft is gone. So I'm failing to see any melodrama in a forthright and honest opinion.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,719 ✭✭✭JaMarcusHustle

    Eagle Eye was the one who was talking about booing him.

    You said "your were a Pats fan long before Kraft took over so fúck him and what he does."

    Thats incredibly disrespectful and a way over the top reaction.

  • Registered Users Posts: 32,370 ✭✭✭✭Son Of A Vidic

    Eagle Eye was the one who was talking about booing him.

    You said "your were a Pats fan long before Kraft took over so fúck him and what he does."

    Thats incredibly disrespectful and a way over the top reaction.

    Disrespectful to who? kraft? Many would argue that Kraft disrespected the fans who have lined his pockets by what he did. So don't talk to me about disrespect. He abandoned a just fight that could have exposed the NFL's nonsense. He rallied the fans and then did a complete U turn. It is what it is, there is no sugar coating it.

    I have alternated between saying I now don't give a crap/give a fúck who owns the team. And didn't I clearly outline my rationale for feeling that way? I didn't just pluck those sentiments out of thin air and post them for the sake of it.

    I made it very clear that ownership doesn't matter to me. I appreciate the stability that Kraft has brought, but if he sells out tomorrow I couldn't give a crap. And why you ask? Because the NFL is booming, the owners are milking it and the club of 31 would carefully vet any new member wanting to take over the franchise. They would not allow a wrecking ball into their club to destroy a golden goose franchise.

    If Kraft sold the franchise tomorrow I would still be a fanatical Pats fan. And I think that's how most fans also feel. They are not fans because of ownership. So in that sense, who gives a crap who owns the franchise and I can't see how that is being ott. But if you want to see ott reactions, go to and some of the American Pats fans forums. You'll see some serious hate there, which I think is completely ridiculous btw.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 604 ✭✭✭Vandango

    Thats incredibly disrespectful and a way over the top reaction.

    Maybe you should focus on the disrespect Kraft demonstrated towards the fans. Especially after he made his battle cry to fight for justice. I also don't know how you think Corvus was ott. His posts were clearly logical, there was nothing ott in them. I think eagle was a bit emotive, but I wouldn't blame him after the shockng U turn we witnessed. A lot of Pats fans I've talked too, have unprintable opinions on Kraft now. Afaic, as long as Bill and the GOAT keeping doing their thing, I also couldn't give a damn who owns the team.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,719 ✭✭✭JaMarcusHustle

    Well I'd really have to question the loyalty of anyone who would boo Robert Kraft and say "f*ck him". Personally, Kraft has built up more than enough trust and brownie points over the years for me to be able to move on here.

This discussion has been closed.