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Son Of General Retro Discussion



  • Registered Users Posts: 944 ✭✭✭a5y

    OK, I've a question: When so many games are still so f#cking awful at writing and portraying thoughtful consensual sex scenes, why would anyone want to play a game where the unique selling point is a rape or implied rape scene? And it won't matter what other innovations to gaming get included, they will not be discussed nearly as much.

    Really. The last time I can think of a game getting positively praised for its portrayal of sex by the press was Katawa Shoujo (yes, its a worksafe link) in January, and a large part of that was because it was anticipated it would be so bad for so many reasons (ie its an eroge game, its made by fans on 4chan, and all the high school girls have a physical handicap) that when it wasn't it was treated as perhaps more praiseworthy than it should have been. That the game was actually thought provoking was never enough to get it as much press as it did.

    Its rare that good games can get that kind of attention simply for being good, and its why so many of them end up flying under the radar when mediocre but controversial fodder gets column inches and sell well (compare Beyond Good and Evil, Shadow of The Colossus and Guardian Heroes with Mortal Kombat, GTA1 and Carmaggedon).

    Where sex is concerned in the industry it needs to learn to crawl before it can walk, and learn to walk before it can run. It really seems as simple as that.

    Tomb Raider as a series has the baggage of being originally sold with The First Western Videogame Sex Symbol, and it is trying to run, with baggage, like a drunk, through an airport and security are screaming at it and they're about to fire the tasers if it doesn't stop.

    (I badly need to lay off the metaphors for a bit :rolleyes:)

  • Moderators, Category Moderators, Arts Moderators, Computer Games Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 29,229 CMod ✭✭✭✭johnny_ultimate

    a5y wrote: »
    Tomb Raider as a series has the baggage of being originally sold with The First Western Videogame Sex Symbol

    In a weird sort of way, doesn't that make it the potentially the best series to actually challenge expectations?

    Again, I am far from sold on the game, and the E3 demo was at depressing odds with what I thought the game was going to be. I've also been a vocal critic of 'sex in videogames' on the games forum over the years. But we can't get morally righteous before we even know what the context and execution is, because that makes us no better than the Metro Herald (did the Rape Crisis Centre really need to chime in on this one?).

  • Registered Users Posts: 34,631 ✭✭✭✭o1s1n
    Master of the Universe

    Having read over some comments from E3 and looked at the video this is in, it's completely being blown out of proportion.

    Unless of course that's not the scene in question and there is in fact an orgy in there somewhere.

    But I seriously doubt it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 944 ✭✭✭a5y

    In a weird sort of way, doesn't that make it the potentially the best series to actually challenge expectations?

    From a subversive point? Sure,it has more merit, but not much. Challenging expectations alone isn't enough and it doesn't justify releasing the game before they can do a competent job of it, or before there's enough trust built up between the people who write gaming sex scenes and people who have to sit through them.

    If this was just another sex scene that would be one thing. But there's trust involved here, because otherwise its just another exploitation film genre element slipping into gaming, and it is not going to sit well on the shelf next to a copy of Bayonetta's box art.
    Again, I am far from sold on the game, and the E3 demo was at depressing odds with what I thought the game was going to be. I've also been a vocal critic of 'sex in videogames' on the games forum over the years. But we can't get morally righteous before we even know what the context and execution is, because that makes us no better than the Metro Herald.
    I disagree. There's judging what you're uninformed about, and there's judging exploitative marketing. This I've seen before. Before it was gore and violence as a gimmick to sell games. Now that all that is a little jaded: marketing is green lighting rape.

    So digitised blood never exsanguinated anyone, fine. But frankly there's already too many "ha ha rape is edgy" rape jokes accepted in other media and too much gender discrimination and outright misogyny in gaming already. And unlike digital blood, this is provably consequential.

    Screw that. This will be awful. There's already enough awful games released simply because its predicted they'll make money (we're still seeing sequels, film cash ins and shovelware) but this is just degrading on a whole new level.

    I'm not a prude. I want better sex scenes in games. But this isn't the way to go, and it contributes nothing to gaming other than a precise kind of notoriety that pushes girls and women away from video games, and that's to everyone's loss.

  • Registered Users Posts: 34,631 ✭✭✭✭o1s1n
    Master of the Universe

    Bouncing boobs in DOA and arse shots in Bayonetta will push girls away from games a lot more than this. As I was saying, it's being blown totally out of proportion. The guy even gets his head blown off for his stupidity.

    Skip to 2:18

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  • Moderators, Category Moderators, Arts Moderators, Computer Games Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 29,229 CMod ✭✭✭✭johnny_ultimate

    a5y wrote: »
    If this was just another sex scene that would be one thing. But there's trust involved here, because otherwise its just another exploitation film genre element slipping into gaming, and it is not going to sit well on the shelf next to a copy of Bayonetta's box art.

    By the same logic, though, Irreversible or (to pick a more mainstream example) Girl With the Dragon Tattoo have no right existing on a HMV shelf next to, say, something with a disturbingly misogynistic-streak like Transformers.

    Yes, most games do not handle sex well. It would be hugely unfortunate if all developers shied away from it because of the idiocy of others, though.
    I disagree. There's judging what you're uninformed about, and there's judging exploitative marketing. This I've seen before. Before it was gore and violence as a gimmick to sell games. Now that all that is a little jaded: marketing is green lighting rape.

    So digitised blood never exsanguinated anyone, fine. But frankly there's already too many "ha ha rape is edgy" rape jokes accepted in other media and too much gender discrimination and outright misogyny in gaming already. And unlike digital blood, this is provably consequential.

    Screw that. This will be awful. There's already enough awful games released simply because its predicted they'll make money (we're still seeing sequels, film cash ins and shovelware) but this is just degrading on a whole new level.

    I'm not a prude. I want better sex scenes in games. But this isn't the way to go, and it contributes nothing to gaming other than a precise kind of notoriety that pushes girls and women away from video games, and that's to everyone's loss.

    I partially agree, partially respectfully disagree.

    I agree that marketing should not play up 'shock tactics'. I'm currently ****-deep in a thesis that partially examines the whole Asia Extreme phenomenon of the early 2000s, which I've just written a paragraph on how such marketing distorted the nature of what were, in essence, extremely intelligent and subversive films. It's a simplification, and a morally questionable one.

    But like Asia Extreme, we shouldn't let the marketing idiocy of those folks at Edios (or Squenix, or whoever it is now) distort what actually may be justifiable challenging content. It's why I filter out marketing newspeak wherever possible, because I like to judge the work on its actual merits rather than what a marketer says.

    And, from a purely cynical point of view, they actually have done their job well. They have commuters reading about their game months before release.

    Simply, we do not know the exact manner in which Tomb Raider's rape scene will play out. It could be a disaster. It could be a rare example of a big budget franchise game actually challenging and provoking (remember the genuinely surprising 'No Russian' sequence in the otherwise moronic MW2?). And we can't judge based on what the Metro-Herald or the Squenix marketing manager have to say: all we can do is judge and analyse from a more objective basis when we see the full story for ourselves.

  • Registered Users Posts: 944 ✭✭✭a5y

    o1s1n wrote: »
    Bouncing boobs in DOA and arse shots in Bayonetta will push girls away from games a lot more than this. As I was saying, it's being blown totally out of proportion. The guy even gets his head blown off for his stupidity.

    Skip to 2:18

    So... they're sticking in a slice of exploitation movie in as a cut scene?

    Well in that cause I suppose the only reason I have to object is how badly written the "I was nearly raped"/"I just shot a man"/"What would daddy tell me as a pep talk in his ludicrously gravely voice?" combo was handled to handwave the nightmare fuel away.

    Its the laziest elements of Hollywood film making and acting screen writing passed off as a game, a character and a plot. Nothing about Lara is treated like a woman, except when her sexuality is something that can be used for a kind of "women in refrigerators" tension.

    Hell, they could at least have tried to be slightly subversive and used her mother as her rock instead of the absurd cliche dad.

    Little girls shouldn't grow up wanting to be like their mum, right? :rolleyes: FFS

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 33,733 ✭✭✭✭Myrddin

    Nothing but a quiet week for the papers, I'm sure one of the Kardashians will buy a new dog or something soon & everyone will forget about this. Move along.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,019 ✭✭✭Touch Fuzzy Get Dizzy

    EnterNow wrote: »
    Nothing but a quiet week for the papers, I'm sure one of the Kardashians will buy a new dog or something soon & everyone will forget about this. Move along.
    One of them is going into Corrie now

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 33,733 ✭✭✭✭Myrddin

    Sera wrote: »
    One of them is going into Corrie now

    All the aulones will probably think she's a lovely girl & a great actress...till they stumble across her more 'amateur movies' :D Or is this one of the sisters or something

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  • Registered Users Posts: 944 ✭✭✭a5y

    Cheers for the swift reply Johnny, hope the thesis is going smoothly. I hated mine.

    This needs a summary for the sake of TL;DR.

    "I also partially agree and partially respectfully disagree. I have no hope for this. Duke Nukem Forever 2."
    By the same logic, though, Irreversible or (to pick a more mainstream example) Girl With the Dragon Tattoo have no right existing on a HMV shelf next to, say, something with a disturbingly misogynistic-streak like Transformers.

    Hmm. OK fair point, but in my head the shelf that mattered wasn't the market place one (controlling the markets is a whole world of other arguments), but the one I keep the games I own on. The sort of one's that reflect my choices and I invite myself to be judged on.

    (I'm unfamiliar with Irreversible but I enjoyed the Millennium series)
    Yes, most games do not handle sex well. It would be hugely unfortunate if all developers shied away from it because of the idiocy of others, though.
    True, but that said there are good reasons for both taking risks and shying away - the size of the knowledge base and reference for what has previously worked and what hasn't for a start.

    But more importantly, sex scenes do not equate to rape or implied rape scenes. That they both involve sexuality is the only tangental overlap, but ultimately they're as different as love and war crimes.
    I partially agree, partially respectfully disagree.

    I agree that marketing should not play up 'shock tactics'. I'm currently ****-deep in a thesis that partially examines the whole Asia Extreme phenomenon of the early 2000s, which I've just written a paragraph on how such marketing distorted the nature of what were, in essence, extremely intelligent and subversive films. It's a simplification, and a morally questionable one.

    But like Asia Extreme, we shouldn't let the marketing idiocy of those folks at Edios (or Squenix, or whoever it is now) distort what actually may be justifiable challenging content. It's why I filter out marketing newspeak wherever possible, because I like to judge the work on its actual merits rather than what a marketer says.

    And, from a purely cynical point of view, they actually have done their job well. They have commuters reading about their game months before release.
    Ah. Game theory. The marketers conditions for success are different from the films' creators. Oversimplification of Battle Royale as a modern day Lord of the Flies bloodbath sells more units that discussing any underlying meanings of what the novel and film were trying to discuss.

    The marketers can justify it simply: "Even if we lie, but they buy it and like what we sold it to them as, so long as we sell more of it, our outcome justified our approach. Aligning our interests to those of the original creators' is counter productive. Our goal is to sell units, ensuring we do not fail at that should be our only concern."

    Or "marketers will lie because they know if they don't make as much money as they can they will be replaced with a better money making liar."

    I think I'm seeing your point here.
    Simply, we do not know the exact manner in which Tomb Raider's rape scene will play out. It could be a disaster. It could be a rare example of a big budget franchise game actually challenging and provoking (remember the genuinely surprising 'No Russian' sequence in the otherwise moronic MW2?). And we can't judge based on what the Metro-Herald or the Squenix marketing manager have to say: all we can do is judge and analyse from a more objective basis when we see the full story for ourselves.
    Hmm. There's one problem however.

    The new Tomb Raider game's creators had to have known that by including the scene, the marketers will be all over it - nothing they could create for a Tomb Raider could be a better marketing hook, even if they tried.

    So as I see it their fingerprints all over this, it was planned to be precisely like this, for their target audience to see it like this.

    This is where its different to that Tartan Asian Extreme stuff, because here this is the intended message, directed at both the target audiences (notoriety loving gaming/tabloid media, and buyers of games). There's nothing lost in translation and no evidence that the game is any deeper than it actually appears.

    I can see why you try and filter out the marketing (I avoided the pre-Prometheus stuff myself for similar reasons), but I can't hear about this and not think "This is representative, it has to be; this couldn't have been included in the final game without the creators knowing it'd establish this tone and level of controversy".

    And it appears incredibly shallow, a clumsy mix of the worst of Hollywood's writing for women, mindless cliche and exploitation. Its not advancement, its regression if anything, and its meant to be portrayed as such.

    (Engaging in STOP TYPING mode.... now! :pac:)

  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators Posts: 10,250 Mod ✭✭✭✭Andrew76

    a5y wrote: »

    (I'm unfamiliar with Irreversible but I enjoyed the Millennium series)

    Very good film but
    the rape scene in it is difficult viewing imo. I was warned beforehand about it so decided to watch it alone rather than with the wife. She decided to watch it at a later date and found it very uncomfortable. So I guess it was treated realistically in that sense

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,864 ✭✭✭Steve X2

    Andrew76 wrote: »
    Very good film but
    the rape scene in it is difficult viewing imo. I was warned beforehand about it so decided to watch it alone rather than with the wife. She decided to watch it at a later date and found it very uncomfortable. So I guess it was treated realistically in that sense

    I agree 100 percent, good film but
    that rape scene was uncomfortable to watch to say the least. Not a film for a first date by any means.


  • Registered Users Posts: 34,631 ✭✭✭✭o1s1n
    Master of the Universe

    On a totally non sexual assault related note (!) I noticed 'Son of General Retro Discussion' is fast approaching it's thread killing 10,000th post. :(

    Shall we start thinking of a name for the next one? I quite like the whole generational thing we have going on, so 'Grandson of general retro discussion' gets a thumbs up for me!

  • Moderators, Category Moderators, Arts Moderators, Computer Games Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 29,229 CMod ✭✭✭✭johnny_ultimate

    Always thought the hammer scene of Irreversible was just as bad. One of the few cinematic moments that even years of desensitization couldn't block out. Antichrist is up there too (which, for all its pretentious nonsense, at least has the decency to critique horror cinema's misogynist bent).

  • Registered Users Posts: 944 ✭✭✭a5y

    o1s1n wrote: »
    On a totally non sexual assault related note (!) I noticed 'Son of General Retro Discussion' is fast approaching it's thread killing 10,000th post. :(

    Shall we start thinking of a name for the next one? I quite like the whole generational thing we have going on, so 'Grandson of general retro discussion' gets a thumbs up for me!

    Grandson is good. Though having the second thread hit 10,000 is kinda legendary. Maybe try and built on the myth? Kinda like in a "My cousin's neighbour's milkman's sister's dad was the original General Retro Thread on - Aaaand he met John Lennon once!" way.

  • Moderators, Category Moderators, Arts Moderators, Computer Games Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 29,229 CMod ✭✭✭✭johnny_ultimate

    In keeping with today's discussions:

    Daughter of Son of General Retro Discussion

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,864 ✭✭✭Steve X2

    Why do we have to lock a thread after 10k posts? Is this an old hangover from the days when was run on a shoestring budget and didn't have a modern SQL server database implementation? Or is it a Vbulletin thing(if it is they must be running on a very old version).

    I'm just curious about it really rather than giving out.

    I vote "Legend of the Son Of General Retro Discussion" or "Legend of the General Retro Discussion" by the way.


  • Registered Users Posts: 944 ✭✭✭a5y

    Zoo of Son of General Retro Discussion :pac:

  • Moderators, Category Moderators, Arts Moderators, Computer Games Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 29,229 CMod ✭✭✭✭johnny_ultimate

    Steve SI wrote: »
    Why do we have to lock a thread after 10k posts? Is this an old hangover from the days when was run on a shoestring budget and didn't have a modern SQL server database implementation? Or is it a Vbulletin thing(if it is they must be running on a very old version).

    I'm just curious about it really rather than giving out.

    Apparently a series of uber-threads were seriously stressing out the database, so they had to install the measure just to relieve the stress. I think it's the really, really big threads that were effecting it, but this is just to be safe.

    Boards are slowly moving away from vBulletin, as far as I know, so it might be relaxed at some point in the future.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,864 ✭✭✭Steve X2

    Apparently a series of uber-threads were seriously stressing out the database, so they had to install the measure just to relieve the stress. I think it's the really, really big threads that were effecting it, but this is just to be safe.

    Boards are slowly moving away from vBulletin, as far as I know, so it might be relaxed at some point in the future.

    I guess it's good housekeeping to keep the threads in check(especially with such a monster forum as

    I think vBulletin is pretty darn good once you don't use it as stock and update it to a more recent release. The only issue is of course the cost as it's not free like a lot of other options.
    They (boards) could do with fixing a few small niggles like the full screen youtube problem that a lot of people have.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 33,733 ✭✭✭✭Myrddin

    The tech team said over post over 10k on a thread kills a hamster :(

    General Retro Discussion V2


  • Moderators, Category Moderators, Arts Moderators, Computer Games Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 29,229 CMod ✭✭✭✭johnny_ultimate

    For Ciderman:

    Streets of General Retro Discussion

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,328 ✭✭✭Pyongyang

    How about Regal bastard child of General Retro Discussion? :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,864 ✭✭✭Steve X2

    "General Retro Discussion: GTI Edition" ?


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,328 ✭✭✭Pyongyang

    Densha de Super General Retro Discussion Pachinko Parlour 64 Go! Go! : Black Label DX

  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators Posts: 3,182 Mod ✭✭✭✭Dr Bob

    General Retro Discussion Returns?
    General Retro Discussion Jr
    That thread where we're supposed to talk about General Retro , but goes totally offtopic?
    Rise of the Robots Discussion?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,056 ✭✭✭Sparks43

    Went fishing last night and got this little beauty:D

    Its a Smoothound For those that dont know


  • Registered Users Posts: 5,019 ✭✭✭Touch Fuzzy Get Dizzy

    Legend of Dragoon Discussion
    We Love Pipo (Overblood Fans Discussion)
    I'd Buy That For A Dollar Discussion

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  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators, Regional Abroad Moderators Posts: 15,183 Mod ✭✭✭✭Atavan-Halen

    Spawn of son of general retro discussion: The thread that refuses to use contraception

This discussion has been closed.