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Catweazles Half-Ironman or Chicken challenge



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,087 ✭✭✭nomadic

    I'm not a fan of tapering either. I think I'll just take it a bit easier next week. You've had good weekends training/racing there.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    A poor week for me training wise - I dont feel so bad as I should be tapering but still a lazy week. Saturday played a round of golf and swore I would do a bike session after but went for a pint after instead, which ended that plan. The golf on tv is killing me as well, eating loads of crap as well which is anoying me

    Monday 600m swim
    Tuesday 650 swim 3k run
    Wednesday 800 swim
    Thursday 1000 swim 12k run
    Sunday 30k cycle 8k run

    Sunday was supposed to be a brick but got caught up with stuff when I got home so headed out about an hour later

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,100 ✭✭✭DustyBin

    This is it man
    Everythings lead up to this weekend!! (not trying to freak you out or anything :D)

    Best of luck in Swinford, you've proved you've nothing to fear on any part of the course - just knock the stuffing out of it now and enjoy the holiday afterwards

    The thoughts of Mrs C counting down the hours and waiting to nab you and throw you into the car should be more than enough motivation to get a great time - enjoy

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Wishing you a good race for the weekend CatW. Pace Pace Pace and leave it all on the run course :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,957 ✭✭✭interested

    such nonsense about pacing it ;) last thing you want to do is arrive at the line in good shape, head for your holidays and sign straight up for a long distance next year :)

    see you at the weekend !

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,117 ✭✭✭El Director

    The very best of luck Cat for the weekend! When the goin gets tough just think of the holiday and the fact that you can rest up well! Good luck to the missus too, she'll do great I'm sure.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,793 ✭✭✭Macanri

    Catweazle, all the best for Sunday dude. Give it socks and enjoy the holiers.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    I am enjoying this taper more than the marathon one, I was so regimented with the sessions before the marathon I was at a loss with what to do when they were gone. The usual up to my tonsils in work before holidays with work I should have closed off long ago has me down to just lunchtime sessions and with tapering there is no guilt at doing so little.

    Monday 1000m swim
    Tuesday 8k run
    Wednesday 800m swim
    Thursday 5k run 200m swim

    Will do a small swim tomorrow and leave it at that. A friend is back from the States so I have to go out on friday but I will be disciplined and only have a few beers.

    Time-wise I am trying to stop putting thoughts in my mind, I got too focused on a time for the marathon, so anything under 7 hours and I will be happy. Anything over 7 hours and I will be looking for a Lost Sheep entry as wont have finished at all with the flight that evening Mrs C will have me thrown in the back of the car

    I am fairly sure as long as I don't have mechanical problems or injury 7+ wont be an issue. I am starting to get nervous but I am quietly hoping I will surprise myself with a good time

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    Sitting by the pool bar with a nice cold Heineken in my hand so I got under 7 hours anyways and made the flight! This was my years A race so it is going to be a long report + its too hot to sit by the pool

    Race Report Swinford 1/2 Ironman


    Messed up on the morning of the race, forgot to print the boarding cards so a trip into work was called for first. It was raining which was disappointing as we were promised good weather, it stopped just in time. Got there a little bit late but not too bad parked up in the field beside transition. Rang Mrs C to wish her happy Anniversary and paniced when I overheard the PA announcing transition to close in 5 minutes so no time to look for any boardies, just get the stuff ready. Noticed Padraig Marrey and Ruadhri Geraghty were in attendence so that was number 1 and 2 sorted, this race would suit them perfectly for Challenge Barcelona in October. Met two lads from my club as well, didnt know they were entered, it shows how often i make it down

    The Race briefing area had a lovely view of the swim, I had glanced at it the previous night after registration, any Olympic races I had done were pool or river based so seeing the full 1900m swim laid out in front of me was intimidating but today I wasnt worried, it was a beautiful setting. I went over to a guy who looked familiar and asked him was his name Mark, no Joe he says so I headed off and recognised another fellow who was Interested and introduced him to our gyms star swimmer who pointed out the other swimmer who would be in the mix. My gym friend was nervous as he had an ordinary wet suit on and was concerned that everyone else had a triathlon wet suit, I was laughing at his unease as I see him in the pool every day and I would have put my house on it that he would be in the top three. (He ended up winning it so I was delighted for him) Wished best of luck to Interested and decided to go back to the first guy Joe, I had realised then he was Abhainn. Said hello and then went over to a guy who I knew from school. Met him at Tri3 a few months back but didnt know he was doing this, a lot more of him later. Disappointed I didnt see nomadic but it was more difficult to meet him as I had seen pictures of Interested and Abhainn from their previous exploits. Some time he did.

    Race brief over and didnt listen to any of it as usual, down to the pontoon and we had a couple of minutes to get warmed up. Padraig Marry asked me how the bike was going for me, (He was the bikefitter) and complained that he hadnt enough training in to compete. I laughed at this as he had broken the cycle record from Galway to Limerick only a couple of weeks ago. He ended up winning it, hes an unreal cyclist but I thought Geraghty would catch him on the run but he won by 4 minutes. Gaelforce should be epic this year with him and Geraghty taking on Peter and Eoin Keith

    The siren went and off we went, the swim went very well for me. I was relaxed and kept to a bilateral breathing all the way. Started to lose a bit of sighting out past the Island and on the way back I saw loads of red hats behind me, brilliant (red hats sub 40 minutes black hat 40+). My right leg I could feel was beginning to cramp so I started trying to kick a little more than usual to keep it at bouy. I went off course a bit on the way home, their were a couple of red bouys in fromt of me, I knew we had to keep bouys to the right on the way out so I decided they would serve no purpose unless they were kept to the left on the way home. So had to make a few corrections to get out around them, I was still going well though, mainly bilateral breathing with the odd two stroke thrown in, stroke was long and I was feeling good. Got out of the water looked at the watch just over 38 minutes, a few wobbles going up the hill to transition and the cramps were killing me but I was away and delighted with the time. Saw Abhainn not far behind me coming out of the water, as usual a slow transition for me and he was long gone.

    This swim put the demons on my shoulder, I had sub 6 firmly in my sights now

    Beautiful swim, plenty of room, nice water and easy to sight up to the Island

    Time 38.50 58/102

    Fobbed around stretching so a slow transition of 4.21


    This was the area I was most worried about in this event, not enough time in the saddle. I had hoped to keep slightly over 25k an hour and get in just before 3.30 but I knew heading out I was going to go much harder for it.

    Started out well, overtook a few straight away and was nicely tucked down on the tri bars. We were into a headwind so I knew for the long straights of Castlebar - Parke and out the N5 we were going to have a tailwind. The 5k coming into the Windy Gap I slowed down trying to get the heart rate under 140, I was as ready as I ever was going to be and up the Gap with a mountain bike relay member behind me. He was shouting encouragement but I wasnt listening just keeping my head down and pushing the pedals, thank god i had done it a good few times beforehand as I knew where the gradients lessened and you could catch a breath. Think that k was over 4.30 but I was at the top and that was it for killer hills. My pace started to go up from then on, nice and quick into Castlebar and then around into the first long straight.

    Overall I am a poor cyclist but this is where I am strongest, I can push a big gear and tuck down nicely, the k's started to come down on my watch, 1.47/1.43/1.39/1.32/1.30/1.30/1.22 I was flying and started to overtake a few again. I then got into a battle with one guy overtaking him in the downhill and flat sections and him going by me on every hill. This went on till we got to the turn off for Parke where it was more technical and the other guy pushed on.

    Back out to low 2 minute k's for this section and then we hit the turnoff again for the N5, more flat and fast sections so I caught up and overtook the other cyclist again. Stayed ahead till near the end and he said the there is a long drag here so take it easy, slowed down and spun the legs out for the last few k and got in just over 3 hours. I was over the moon at this stage, I was doing mental maths and I reckoned anything under 2.15 for the half marathon would get me under 6 hours. This I thought would be no problem to me, how wrong was I!

    Bike 3.05.30 69/102

    Transition 2.33 (ran the wrong way out to had to go back and out the other side)


    This is where things started to go wrong. My first mistake was only having a quick sip of the Powerade at the transition aid station. I was feeling great and I thought my two gels would be enough. My second mistake was forgetting to take off the cycling shorts, so my expensive shorts went flying into the first bush as soon as I realised it. We headed straight up a
    nasty enough hill at the start, I was blaming the brick but I quickly realised I was spent. I had over-egged the bike. Had to walk up to the top of it, started to run again and passed one of the teammates who said he made the same mistake on the bike.

    I would normally be a better runner than him but I could see him holding on behind me. I was running at about 6 minute ks for the 1st three and at around 3ks i had to stop and take a leak. very little came out and it was strong colour, badly dehydrated I thought to myself. Got to the first aid station on 4k and started downing the water and getting drenched with a
    sponge, I was in a bad way. I kept trying to keep to 6 minute k's, I had it in my head that if I could get to 11k at 5 hours I could hold on and do it. No way I had to walk, started a walk run strategy for the next few k averaging about 7.30ks.

    At the second aid station at 8k again I knocked back the water but also forced down a banana (I couldnt take another gel at this stage), after a bit of the stomach groaning I began to feel a bit better and was managing to keep running for longer. Kept running and got to 12k where I expected the next aid station but there was a sign saying it was another 1k. I had to walk, this is where my school friend overtook me, I knew there was someone behind me for a good while but I didnt realise it was him. Told him to keep going I couldnt stay with him and he headed off, I was a bit crushed at that stage, I remember flying by him at the run at tri 3 and I was upset at seeing him forging ahead of me in the run here which I suppose is the strongest part for me usually.

    Got to the 13k aid station, stayed ages here I forced down two bananas here and nearly went through all their oranges. Set out again, literally after two minutes I started to feel better, I was able to pick up the pace and slowly my school friend was slowly coming back to me. No more walking from here on in, I was still slow as xmas but I was running again. The school friend pulled up walking around 15k, as I was coming closer to him I started encouraging him telling him to stay with me.

    We began the death march together, heads down no talking just keep moving, we were on the motorway at this stage and people were blasting the horns at us and shouting encouragement. I was adamant to him that my new favourite food....bananas would see us through to the finish. 17k and the last aid station, the marshal came running up to us and just lashed two sponges over the friend, I think the friend got a fright, My turn next to get a soaking. Then the bananas, these ones pre peeled and all, another two down for both of us and back to the death march.

    17k - I could feel the school friend was dying and the pace slowed, sub 6 was long gone and he had planned for sub 6.30 so he was well on schedule. A car started blasting us from behind it was Mrs C and my sister pulling up shouting us on, this was a great lift for me, she has been great to me through all this, not many partners would accept doing a half Ironman on their wedding anniversary. 18k and he pulled up again telling me to move on. Strangely I was feeling much stronger at this stage
    and I could see a guy a long long way in the distance and I thought he was walking. I had 4k to run and if I could hold sub 6 minute ks I would break 6.15. I picked up the pace 18k 5.57/ 19k 5.59/20k 6.03. I was nearly catching the runner ahead of me who was doing a run walk strategy. I overtook him at 21k going fast as I didnt want him coming back at me and I though i might just break 6.15 if I sprinted until the marshal at the turn tells me only another 300ms to go. I had factored in only another 100m, beastly uphill 300m as well. Kept a decent pace up and crossed the line at to a hug from Mrs C. I was absolutley shattered, this was without a doubt way harder than the marathon

    Run 2.26.07 81/102

    Overall 6.17.21 77/102

    Made the flight in loads of time and fair play to Ryanair, they gave me priority boarding and reserved an escape door seat for me as well when they saw how Quasimodo like I was. I am still waddling about the place, swam 4 lenghts of the pool yesterday and I was hardly able to finish the last lenght.

    Thoughts on the 1/2 Ironman was that it was absolutely superb, if I am still fit and training I will definetly do this as my A race again next year. The swim course is magnificent, the bike is superb. I would find small fault with the run surroundings as it is hard to keep going at the end when you are at deaths door on a motorway, some scenery distractions would be nice. Maybe a 2 lap course next year might suit better as you will see more of the entrants as well. But I loved it overall a big thanks to the Swinford squad for putting on such a great show in their first year. I would expect greater numbers next year as word gets out about it. I would love to go longer but I think after this race it tells me to wait at least another year build on the endurance and improve on this time before I consider it.

    For the rest of the year I dont really have much of a plan, maybe the Dublin Marathon off the back of a more relaxed structure, I am entered in Loughrea and Lough Key as well. However Lough Key is on Mrs C birthday so I think disgreesion is the better part of valour this time and I might swap that pass for Blacksod Olympic instead.

    I will keep the log going until the end of the year but I will stick it to just weekly updates and race reports especially if I do Dublin and it is just boring running milage. Thanks to all of ye for the advice and well wishes I am glad i started and kept this log up :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,957 ✭✭✭interested

    great report chief and fair play to you for taking this on. congrats on your first half and enjoy the holiday.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,724 ✭✭✭kennyb3

    Catweazle, great report, a very enjoyable read. Sound unbeilevably tough.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,087 ✭✭✭nomadic

    Well done, that same marshall soaked me with a sponge aswell and it was very welcome. Enjoy the sun!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,436 ✭✭✭Izoard

    Great report and well done in Swinford!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,117 ✭✭✭El Director

    Wow man that was some read. Emotional stuff really, felt for you on that run. I suppose this is a lesson to us all re nutrition. But you stuck to it and did it, something to be proud of and you will learn so much from it. The swim and bike leg seemed to go great, these half iron reports are giving me plenty of food for thought for Groomsport mmmmm.... Must respect the distance.

    Well done again man and fair play to you and your never say die attitude! Enjoy the well earned rest!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    If ever a holiday was well earned.......:cool:

    Great report. Well done on your first HIM.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,469 ✭✭✭RedB

    Excellent stuff CW - I hope I can learn from your experience. Great report. Well done. Respect.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,492 ✭✭✭Woddle

    Thanks for the report and well done.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,793 ✭✭✭Macanri

    +1, Respect man. A great report, I was there saying yes he has sub 6 in the bag until you wrote "How wrong was I". Fair play for sticking with it 'til the end.
    Enjoy your well earned holiday. (ps. don't do too much swimming!:))

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    Catweazle thanks for introducing yourself before the swim. You did very well and came well under your target. Sub 6 and quicker is a good target. Loved the report. Enjoy the beer and hols

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,100 ✭✭✭DustyBin

    Good man catweazle, you set out your target from the start of the log and you nailed it!!
    Fair play, that's a great swim you pulled out

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    After 10 days of eating and drinking on holidays I find I have nearly put on a stone since I have come back so diet is going to have to be addressed again.

    Very little done in Portugal besides some swimming in the pool and a few rounds of golf, I had Gary Lineker beside me on the next sunbed a fair bit....a good swimmer too!

    So after a poor day or two when I first arrived I averaged about 1500m per day, plenty of sighting practice dodging lilos, kids and spotting hot bikini clad ladies and the lack of a wetsuit or pull buoy meant I had to use the legs for a change also. Since I have come back I still have not decided on doing DCM, although last week would have been week 1 of a 12 week course so I did do some running anyways to hedge my bets.

    8k Thursday
    8k Friday
    8k Saturday

    And I had hoped to do between 18 & 22k on Sunday but due to a rip-roaring hangover nothing was done at all. Legs feel good though. I have spotted a 12 week running program that really only focuses on two key hard sessions a week and whatever else I can throw in myself. I think this will suit me after the massive mileage that the Higdon Intermediate 2 called for + tri season is not over yet for me. Will definitely be doing one more if not two races in September so I will need to keep the swimming and cycling up.

    Monday 5k run and 350m swim, I don't know if the indoor chlorine pools over here are easier to swim in than the outdoor ones of Portugal. I had no watch on me but I felt very strong in the water today, haven't had that feeling in a long while but I knew I was traveling fast, hopefully I can keep that up

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    catweazle wrote: »
    I had Gary Lineker beside me on the next sunbed a fair bit....a good swimmer too!

    Until he got a restraining order against you! :D

    Welcome back. Hill cycle Saturday morning if you fancy it! That will help shift that stone of excess weight. ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 189 ✭✭Iron Enthusiast

    Hey Catweazle, congrats on the HIM and a great report.

    I've been following your progress for the last few months so well done again!:pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    Thanks Iron Enthusiast, good luck yourself, you are on duty this weekend arent you ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    pgibbo wrote: »
    Until he got a restraining order against you! :D

    Welcome back. Hill cycle Saturday morning if you fancy it! That will help shift that stone of excess weight. ;)

    He was safe enough but if the lovely Mrs Lineker was with him I would have been in trouble, alas it was a boys only holiday with his four young lads. Mrs C surprised me when she informed me she used to have a poster of him up on the wall when she was a young lass. I would have thought Bros or Nik Kershaw would have been more to her taste. She got her picture with him so she was delighted

  • Registered Users Posts: 189 ✭✭Iron Enthusiast

    Well spotted, cheers mate:pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,793 ✭✭✭Macanri

    Sorry for highjacking your log CW, but good luck to you IE on your IM.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    Monday 9th August 1000m swim

    Tuesday 10th August 8k run

    Wednesday 11th August 8k run
    Was working in Cork so early run, i struggle at earlier than 8am.

    Thursday 12th August
    8k Run 1200m Swim

    Friday 1000m Swim

    Saturday 1200m Swim 10k Race

    Sunday 23k Run 100m swim

    Thoughts for the week

    Still swimming well, the stroke feels very strong so hopefully that feeling will keep up.

    No cycling as usual, had planned to do some on saturday but rained out so went for swim instead

    Running - Week 10 of my supposed Dublin Marathon plan, running went well all week. The 10k race was done in 55 minutes as I stayed with Mrs C while this pace was perfect for me I could not help but be disappointed in Mrs C's performance, I would have thought she would have been pushing sub 50, hilly course though, she reminds me of me cycling.......useless at hills. The 14 and a bit LSR was supposed to be 15 miles but had mistimed my route and was coming by the car just over 14 miles. Bloody blisters was at me again and I was suffering anyways with the heat so lazily called it a day. Not too excited about the lsr but it was a glorious day for running at least.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    Didnt get around too logging daily efforts last week mostly a mix of short swims and runs

    Total for week

    Swim - 5,700m

    This included a Aquathon of 750m, no results given and for once I cant give out too much as its my own club. Made a major effort to draft off some better swimmers in the club, this went well all the way out to the half way point, was finding the pace comfortable. The mistake I made was to be a bit careful going around the buoy and I lost them by a few meters, made a furious effort to catch them but foolishly didn't sight and when i did I had gone left and was further away from them. Tried to catch them up the rest of the way back but was only closing on them when we got to the finish. I am guessing it was a decent time though. Lesson as well from a swimming friend, arms coming in from my side and not doing a full catch were my main issues, so I have a few drills he gave me to work on

    Run - 37k
    All drips and draps of 8k runs with a fast 10k on saturday. I have been humming and hawing over the merits of doing Dublin Marathon for the last 3 weeks and today was the end of it. I just have not the motivation for the long runs at the moment, was supposed to do 17 miles today, went out with Mrs C for the first part of it. She is still mad about her poor 10k run so she was around 8.15 minutes mile pace for 5 miles. I decided to go in with her and went for a cycle instead.

    Cycle - 44k
    Did a local route with a decent hill on it, came back to a strong headwind so i really struggled, haven't been on a bike since Swinford and it showed.

    Thoughts for the week

    Swimming still going well enough so thats a plus point. Running isn't, the Aquathon had a 5k after it and I knew I wasnt running it well, no times but by feel i would guess i was in 23 minute zone. I should be in the 21s if I was going well. The 10k on Saturday was a struggle to hold 8 minute miles. The new plan is to go for a pb in a local half marathon in early October, I am entered into Loughrea and Lough Key but will only be doing at most one of these at the moment. If I do neither - I would like to do one more this year so I will enter Blacksod in Belmullet

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    catweazle wrote: »
    If I do neither - I would like to do one more this year so I will enter Blacksod in Belmullet

    One I would love to do this one day but its on too late in the season for me. Fantastic part of the world.
    The course is tough even on a calm day!

    I even found Ireland's very own Stonehenge when I was driving around there one new years eve day:)
