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How to lose a stone before Christmas??



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 298 ✭✭traceybere

    mack1 wrote: »
    To be fair to Vegeta, you did claim something had
    OP - you say you are losing about 1lb a week at the current rate - that's pretty good going. I know it is not going to meet your target of a stone by xmas but to be honest it is a nice sustainable rate of weight loss.
    If you really want to lose some more weight I would say up the exercise intensity a bit, I know you are pushed for time, which is why I am saying up the intensity, not the time. If you are going for a 20min walk now, do 5min walk, 2mins running, 2mins walking, 2mins jogging, 2mins running etc etc you get the idea.
    I wouldn't cut anymore kcals as 1400 is already very low.

    Thanks a million - thats sound like a plan :)

    And thanks everyone for your responses - very much appreciated

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 13,497 ✭✭✭✭Dragan

    Cheeky_gal wrote: »

    Here's your link. ->

    I'm sure if you mess around in google you will find many more articles like the above.

    Thank you.


    my main problem witht he above study is that they did not seem to do anything in conjunction with the subjects fat intake? The simply state that saturated fats are undesirable ( fair enough point ) but that his levels of unsaturated fats in a diet are difficult to maintain outside of Mediteranean countries?

    Very few low carb plans that i have ever seen do a swap of carbs for protein, it is nearly always carbs for fats?

    My second problem is that the do not mention if they performed any health history screening with the subjects.

    My third is that the study was done by the subjects filling out a questionaire, which is a sure fire way to get things all messed up.

    In short, i don't think the above would stand up to a massive amount of scrutiny by anyone........ much like a lot of the studies i have read where they advocate the opposite.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,166 ✭✭✭Cheeky_gal

    Dragan wrote: »

    my main problem witht he above study is that they did not seem to do anything in conjunction with the subjects fat intake? The simply state that saturated fats are undesirable ( fair enough point ) but that his levels of unsaturated fats in a diet are difficult to maintain outside of Mediteranean countries?

    Very few low carb plans that i have ever seen do a swap of carbs for protein, it is nearly always carbs for fats?

    My second problem is that the do not mention if they performed any health history screening with the subjects.

    My third is that the study was done by the subjects filling out a questionaire, which is a sure fire way to get things all messed up.

    In short, i don't think the above would stand up to a massive amount of scrutiny by anyone........ much like a lot of the studies i have read where they advocate the opposite.

    I posted another link for you there if you scroll up to my comment.

    If you don't agree with Pagona Lagiou (University of Athens Medical School, Greece)'s research that's your decision, I'm baffled as to how this debate is still going on, can people not just accept that everyone has their own opinion and move on...!?!

  • Registered Users Posts: 451 ✭✭mack1

    Cheeky_gal wrote: »
    can people not just accept that everyone has their own opinion and move on...!?!

    when you begin posts with "It has been proven..." you have gone beyond opinion. If your opinion is that you lose weight on a high carb diet then I don't think many would argue with you - but many people have experienced the opposite, so when you claim that there is proof that they are wrong an argument ensues.

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,625 ✭✭✭✭BaZmO*

    Eat less, exercise more. And when you do eat cut out the junk food by eating more wholefoods. Do that and you'll lose a stone by Christmas no probs.

    I wouldn't worry about trying to get all scientific as it just gets all complicated and becomes a chore.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,772 ✭✭✭Nuttzz

    i've lost a stone in the last month,

    changes i've made

    porridge and a bagel and black tea for breakfast (8-9am)

    lunch at 1pm, normally brown sandwich or light meal

    normal enough dinner at 6pm

    I dont eat anything after 7 bar a piece of fruit if peckish, same between meals.

    I drink about 3-4 litres of water.

    I walk every evening for 35 minutes at a brisk pace

    I run on a saturday and do a 5km walk

    Started at Sept 29th weight 18st 8 ibs, today 17st 6ibs. Herself started the same time on the same plan and has lost 10ib

    This week i have started to un the training by going back to the gym and doing bike work and weights.

    Good luck but as yousay yourself there is no quick fix

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,166 ✭✭✭Cheeky_gal

    mack1 wrote: »
    when you begin posts with "It has been proven..." you have gone beyond opinion. If your opinion is that you lose weight on a high carb diet then I don't think many would argue with you - but many people have experienced the opposite, so when you claim that there is proof that they are wrong an argument ensues.

    Nah, it has been proven sure look at the articles...omg! And yes, it's obvious you'll lose weight if you cut out carbs...thats been proven too! :rolleyes:

    Anyways look at the comment above mine by Nuttzz, now theres proof. Congrats Nuttzz...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 13,497 ✭✭✭✭Dragan

    Cheeky_gal wrote: »
    I posted another link for you there if you scroll up to my comment.

    If you don't agree with Pagona Lagiou (University of Athens Medical School, Greece)'s research that's your decision, I'm baffled as to how this debate is still going on, can people not just accept that everyone has their own opinion and move on...!?!

    Thank you,

    the second link you posted seems to mostly back up low-carb diets? :confused:

    Also, it's not that i don't agree with Pagona Lagious, simply that by the end even she was saying her study is far from conclusive, and more work needs to be done? It's also not the researcher i would ever disagree, simply that i have certain things i like to see when reading these studies and if they are not in place i don't take them too seriously.

    From my day job i am more than aware of how numbers can be easily skewed an manipulated....i like to see that people have safeties in place to ensure this cannot happen during studies such as the above.

    Finally, the 7th Rule of Debate Club is debates will go on as long as they too.....everything in this thread has so far been very polite....i see no reason to end the discussion?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 377 ✭✭spiral

    Vegeta wrote: »
    Not even close to that % I'd say more like 5%

    I have a cup of green veg (broccoli, sprouts etc) with breakfast, mid morning meal and lunch and that's it veg wise. I have nuts (or nut butter) usually at mid morning and afternoon meals.

    All in I'd say 30-35 grams of carbs which is roughly 120-140 calories which is in or around 5% of daily allowance

    Fair enough thats yourself but I said if you eat sufficient veggies fruit etc you can still have a reasonable amt of carbs without eating bread etc.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,393 ✭✭✭✭Vegeta

    spiral wrote: »
    Fair enough thats yourself but I said if you eat sufficient veggies fruit etc you can still have a reasonable amt of carbs without eating bread etc.

    Oh hell yeah, if you are eating carbs the more you get from vegetables and the likes the better.

    I should be very clear here actually. Carbs are not evil, they have a purpose. I am trying to lose bodyfat while retaining my muscle so low carbing, I have found, is working for me, very well actually.

    This thread has gone way off topic and I fell a little responsible for that so apologies to the mods. I think the OPs questions have been well answered

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,394 ✭✭✭Transform

    Anyone can drop a few pounds hell even a few stone if they are coming from being very overweight

    For example i have a client who started at 16 stone (female at 5'10" - so very overweight), she is now down to 14 stone in a year (yes not amazing progress but still).

    Now she has made no major changes to diet other than cutting out the junk and lowering her portions HOWEVER she will not drop any futher weight until she address her excessive carb intake - this is yes specific to her but common to soooooooooo many clients i have delt with.

    Watching your carb intake is essential for those with some (no more than a stone) weight to drop but for those that have more to drop then hell doing all the obvious s&*t will work as they have put in practice at eating too much crap.

    Focus on getting all your carbs from fruit, veg and some whole grains -its not Atkins, Zone etc its just what works for most and if you look in the miror and don't like the results your getting then your plan is obviously not working.

  • Registered Users Posts: 32,380 ✭✭✭✭rubadub

    traceybere wrote: »
    I'm loosing around 1lb a week
    I'm 5'4 and 12stone :(
    Slower the better IMO. For most people 2lb per week is the most fat they can loose per week. Also in your first month or so weight loss is easier as it is liquids & other factors causing you to lose more. So 1lb per week is very good at this stage.

    If I was a 5'4'' woman I would be very happy with 1lb per week, in fact I would be aiming for lower loss rates. It is a higher % of your weight being lost than say a large man. Rushing it will only screw your metabolism more.

    I lost about 3 stone of fat at around 0.25lb per week and it has stayed off.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 298 ✭✭traceybere

    Nuttzz wrote: »
    i've lost a stone in the last month,

    Started at Sept 29th weight 18st 8 ibs, today 17st 6ibs. Herself started the same time on the same plan and has lost 10ib

    This week i have started to un the training by going back to the gym and doing bike work and weights.

    Good luck but as yousay yourself there is no quick fix

    WOW Nutzz - thats good going - fair play @)

  • Registered Users Posts: 382 ✭✭seaner

    is cutting down on carbs a sustainable lifestyle change? I'm genuinely wondering, cuz to me, it would seem hard to try and keep this up...forever?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 22,819 ✭✭✭✭g'em

    traceybere, losing a stone by Christmas is entirely do-able. It's not particularly easy, but it's not particularly hard either.

    these points have been made already, but I'm going to say them again just to point out that they work :

    * Eat smaller portions
    use a smaller plate if needed to make your plate look fuller than it is. Do NOT, however, starve yourself or undereat, this is counterproductive.

    * Eat more often
    most of us are indoctrined to eat at breakfast, lunch and dinner. It's fine to eat snacks between meals, just reduce the size of your 3 'main' meals to compensate

    * Cut out junk.
    If it's deep fried/ battered/ from a chipper/ called an "extra-value-meal"/ out of a cardboard box in the freezer section/ has more than five ingredients/ you don't understand what any of the ingredients are... just don't eat it. Sounds horrendously hard? Nah, not really, we've just become so accosted to taking the lazy option for eating we've forgotten how to eat well.

    * Drink more water
    the better your body is hydrated, the less blaoting and water retention you'll suffer

    * Move more.
    Run around the park with the kids. Take the dog for two walks a week. Get off the bus two stops early. Take the stairs instead of the lift. Put on your favourite CD and dance (endless entertainment for the kids!!). Instead of chatting on the phone with a friend suggest you meet up and walk together. If you're feeling crappy don't reach for the crisps - get up, put on some runners and go outside. I *promise* you'll feel better within minutes. Join a salsa class. Go for a swim. Cycle at the weekends. Get a skipping rope and skip in the back garden.

    It's abosltuely and utterly ALL do-able, it just requires a bit of initial effort ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,577 ✭✭✭Colm_OReilly

    As a suggestion to the OP, play with your child more. Physical play I mean. Pick them up, swing them around, push them up overhead, lie on your back and try to balance them on your feet for a bit, if you can do that press them out with your feet, do jockey back, piggy back races with them, exercise together and it'll be fun. You'll be doing weight training and bonding with your child as well.

    This is a vid link of a kid shooting his parent's workout and then doing one of his own. I've seen vids with parent's using their kids as weights but can't find any now.

    Hope this helps,

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,166 ✭✭✭Cheeky_gal

    g'em wrote: »
    * Drink more water
    the better your body is hydrated, the less blaoting and water retention you'll suffer

    I just have a question. As tea and coffee both act as diuretics and make you dehydrated, how many glasses/bottles of water would you need to replace a cup of coffee?

  • Registered Users Posts: 451 ✭✭mack1

    Cheeky_gal wrote: »
    I just have a question. As tea and coffee both act as dilutes and make you dehydrated, how many glasses/bottles of water would you need to replace a cup of coffee?

    Actually, while the the substance Tea and Coffee themselves dehydrate, I've read that having a cup of either has more than enough water to produce a net hydrating effect. Only alcohol actually dehydrates.

    PS - I know I've broken the rule I pointed out to you earlier by not providing a link to prove this, but I will try find it for you later!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,166 ✭✭✭Cheeky_gal

    mack1 wrote: »
    Actually, while the the substance Tea and Coffee themselves dehydrate, I've read that having a cup of either has more than enough water to produce a net hydrating effect.

    PS - I know I've broken the rule I pointed out to you earlier by not providing a link to prove this, but I will try find it for you later!

    haha you're grand, thanks for replying, I don't quite get what you mean though by "net hydrating effect"?!? Is this a good thing cuz I drink about 3 cups of coffee a day.

  • Registered Users Posts: 382 ✭✭seaner

    read this:

    now personally I find that when i drink tea or coffee I need the loo more than if I drank teh equivalent in water. But interesting thoughts in the above link....

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  • Registered Users Posts: 451 ✭✭mack1

    Cheeky_gal wrote: »
    haha you're grand, thanks for replying, I don't quite get what you mean though by "net hydrating effect"?!? Is this a good thing cuz I drink about 3 cups of coffee a day.

    I mean that while coffee itself dehydrates (coffee the substance itself, not the drink - ie. if you ate a handful of coffee beans or something) the drink coffee is like 5% coffee and 95% water - so it does not dehydrate.

    AFAIK the main reason people say lay off the tea and coffee is because of the sugar people put in them.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,166 ✭✭✭Cheeky_gal

    Thanks Mack, Seaner, very helpful!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,184 ✭✭✭neuro-praxis

    Hi OP, you probably won't listen to this advice (if you're anything like I used to be!) but it is my opinion that your quick-fix mentality will be your undoing. If you want to drop to a certain weight, pick your weight and work steadily towards it. The likelihood is, that with your current mindset, you may well drop your stone for Christmas and then regain it quickly during the festive season, with possibly a few extra pounds for good measure.

    Take your time, if you lose it slowly it will stay off. A quick drop usually results in a quick regain. I know it is hard to be patient but you can do it.

    I have a few stone to shift and am working away at it with good success with healthy, varied diet and exercise. I have set my goal at Christmas 2008. I will probably reach my goal sooner than that, but for now that is where I am focused. I have no intention of ever regaining this weight so it is worth the long-term approach. Best of luck. :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,069 ✭✭✭triple h

    First of all i should state i am not over weight.

    anyway i lost weight this summer after doing the Camino De Santiago --- I am not religious i did it for the sport and for the laugh. We ( 5 of us) walked 200 km in 11 days. It was great, it was tough, but it was amazing. I would highly recommend this walk to anyone.
    I forgot to weigh my self before i left but i am now back to a 32" waist in jeans again. I am 180cm ( 5" 11", i think). I moved up to a 34" jeans about two and a half years ago. I should have gone to 33" but for some strange irish reason you cant get 33" jeans in Ireland. So i ended up growing into the 34" ( big lesson in life --- always wear cloths that fit, or you will grow into your big cloths), but i am so happy to be 32" waist again and all thanks to this walk.

    I drank loads and loads of beer during the camino. Half way into our walk each day and at the end of each day. When i say i drank loads of beer, i mean loads. We could not count how much beer we drank each day. Beer has oats, wheat and barley, what has coke ? and that brings me to another good thing about this walk, i have given up soft drinks now. Jesus i could go on more here, i will stop. Is there a place in here where i could talk about the camino de santiago, i would love to talk to others, i could not find the place in here.

    Do this walk you will lose weight, no kidding and you can drink all the beer you want while doing it, oh, and water too ( i am not thattttttttt bad, or am i)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,166 ✭✭✭Cheeky_gal

    I'd say it's all about personal experiences really, because I know a few people that have done the Camino De Santiago and they all came back looking the exact same, except for the tan!

    So I wouldn't really portray it as some "magical cure", sure I spent a month hiking mountains, a distance of about 12km each day there a few months back (for a month) and lost only 3 pounds!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,069 ✭✭✭triple h

    Cheeky_gal wrote: »
    I'd say it's all about personal experiences really, because I know a few people that have done the Camino De Santiago and they all came back looking the exact same, except for the tan!

    So I wouldn't really portray it as some "magical cure", sure I spent a month hiking mountains, a distance of about 12km each day there a few months back (for a month) and lost only 3 pounds!

    although come to think of it, we were pushing it. We would walk 20 km most days and we would leave at 9am and be finished by 2pm. So i guess you would want to walk fast to lose the pounds. I could not believe it when i heard it took most people 12 hours to walk the same distance. So sorry, i guess you are right.

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 9,506 Mod ✭✭✭✭BossArky

    OP, can you bring your kid out with you? (do 4 year olds have prams or bikes these days? :confused:)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 496 ✭✭juanveron45

    What ever you do dont do lipotrim its a quick fix band aid approach that will slow down your metabolism and make you fatter in the long run, these types of diets are good for losing weight but thats where it can get misleading, the weight you lose on these diets comes from water some fat and alot of muscle, what you want to achieve is to keep the muscle and lose the fat, pschologically this method isnt a best method for most method because weightloss on the scale is slow ,no more than 2lbs a week, but it didnt take you weeks or months to get out of shape so your not going to get in shape in weeks

    Focus on eating healthy food,foods in there natural forms and that can include on occasion potatos and brown rice as well as fruit veg , lots of lean meats and essential fats

    And degsys made a good point about the booze,its not your friend when trying to lose fat so give it up

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 473 ✭✭Lothaar

    Go to to make sure your diet is right.

    Exercise at lunch, if you can.

    Cycle to and from work for some 'free' cardio. It's better than wasting the time commuting in a bus/car.

    My wife swears by Callanetics. There's an 'AM/PM' DVD you can get that involves a 20-min workout in the morning, and another one in the evening. When it's broken up like that it's much easier to fit in.

    I'll see if I can get my wife to post here, as she just lost a stone in 8 weeks.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,882 ✭✭✭Diamondmaker

    It was mentioned earlier but it should be stressed.

    Drink is high in Calories in its self.

    Creates lethatrgya dn hang overs which reduce ability to be disciplined on the rest of the diet

    Creates Kebab and Fast food urges

    If you are like me Hangover day is eat anything in sight all day day.

    Also there was a thread on here some time ago outlining the effects alcohol has on the meatbolism and these were not in any way condusive to losing weight.
