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Weight Loss Plateau



  • Registered Users Posts: 332 ✭✭IlmoNT4

    Hi again :)...good to see your still working at this...

    Couple of things jump out...

    natural yogurt - is this real natural yogurt...check its sugar content
    1/2 LF Mozzarella --> Try not to eat anything thats been labeled low fat .... usually means they've added in sugar

    Are you tracking your macros and micros with fitness pal?

    The GF bread, do you make this yourself? or bought? if bought, check the calories and again the sugar content.

    My impression of your diet is that it might be a little carb/sugar heavy and you could do with more protein, but without a daily tracker on the calories and nutrients its hard to tell.

    Your doing a lot of exercise, whats your weight training like? are you increasing your lifting ?

    I dont see any mention of a refeed day in here... Are you working this diet 7 days a week?
    Hows your sleep?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,390 ✭✭✭Stench Blossoms

    Stressing about it probably isn't helping.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,014 ✭✭✭Mimojo

    loulou2009 wrote: »
    Hi again :)...good to see your still working at this...

    Couple of things jump out...

    natural yogurt - is this real natural yogurt...check its sugar content
    1/2 LF Mozzarella --> Try not to eat anything thats been labeled low fat .... usually means they've added in sugar

    Are you tracking your macros and micros with fitness pal?

    The GF bread, do you make this yourself? or bought? if bought, check the calories and again the sugar content.

    My impression of your diet is that it might be a little carb/sugar heavy and you could do with more protein, but without a daily tracker on the calories and nutrients its hard to tell.

    Your doing a lot of exercise, whats your weight training like? are you increasing your lifting ?

    I dont see any mention of a refeed day in here... Are you working this diet 7 days a week?
    Hows your sleep?

    Hi again you too!! Thanks for coming back, your advise is great!
    Natural Yogurt – Sugar content is ok on this, its full fat, but really only have about 3 x 125g yogurts per week
    LF Mozzarella – Good point, need to check this out!!!
    I am not using myfitnesspal – Maybe I should do a week on it or so & figure out how I am doing?
    I think myself I might be eating too much fruits. My PT has said I should be eating smaller portions of carbs with each meal so I am trying to stick with this. The GF bread is shop bought, but I am careful about the ones I buy and do check that the sugar levels are low. I feel myself like I need the carbs to keep going, I am generally pretty hungry after exercise and find that carbs are filling that gap. Do you think I need to increase the amount of protein I am taking in? So increase the portion sizes at each sitting?

    On the exercise front, weights wise I am still pretty new to it, for lunges using 5kg dumbbells 8 x reps of 30, squatting 4 reps x 25 with 15kg on barbell, doing 4 x reps of 15 of shoulder press, bench press, bend over row, bicep curls etc etc. Then 20 x push ups / tricep dips / sit ups x 4, plank / side plank . military plank x 3 x 1 min etc etc. That kind of a routine for about 45 mins, try to do it twice per week but doesn’t always turn out that way. Then 2 x classes a week for 40 mins using 5kg dumb bells and 10kg bar bells, similar routines to what I am doing myself really.
    What do you think? Maybe I should be going for heavier weights with less reps?

    On the cardio side of things really enjoying the interval runs and hill sprints as they are a real challenge.
    Sleep is great thanks! Literally fall into bed around 10pm and am absolutely conked till morning! Usually up about 5.45ish so have to get to bed before 10 to keep going!!
    What is your opinion on recovery supplements? Like a post recovery shake maybe? Have been doing a lot of research into this at the moment, its not something that I really want to get into to be honest, I feel like I should be able to get everything from food, but I am wondering if it is beneficial?

    Also what do you mean by refeed day??! Ya this diet would be similar for 7 days per week

  • Registered Users Posts: 332 ✭✭IlmoNT4

    OK First thing...I think you would really benefit from weighting and putting everything you eat into My fitness pal. It'll tell you exactly how many carbs, protein you are getting. it's generally considered to aim for 150g - 100gs of carbs (if your doing low carb).

    You need to make sure your getting enough fat in there, real butter, coconut oil, avocados etc Eat as much as you want of these.

    personally I stay away from things that come out of packets...Anything that is a natural food (nothing has been done to it, you generally can eat all you want of this)

    Your not doing enough exercise to demand an increase in carbs. if you were telling me that your were an endurance athlete then I'd say stuff all the carbs in you want but the amount of cardio you are doing, I'd aim for 150g of carbs a day, but thats just me, everyone is different and you'll need to play with this. If you feel hungry, tired and cold then your diet is off

    Weight training: YES, YES, YES increase your weights and keep increasing them every 2 weeks. Weight training is the number one way (in my opinion) to get your metabolism going. Reduce the reps, increase the weights (10 reps, 3 sets kinda deal, lift heavy). If you have a PT, get him/her to show you how to lift correctly to avoid injury. If you have the cash, hire someone for a month to just do weight training with you so you nail your form. Injury seriously sucks...

    Keep these going, they target your core, tip them into the cool down part of your work out.: 20 x push ups / tricep dips / sit ups x 4, plank / side plank . military plank x 3 x 1 min etc etc

    Aim to lift 4 times a week.... reduce cardio if must.

    A refeed day: So the body gets use to the same diet and the same work out and hits a plateau...If you are constantly eating under your calorie requirements 7 days a week then your performance will drop. There loads of people who could describe it better but a lot of body builders (and me) either take their rest day as a refeed day...On that day you eat more food, given the body additional calories to repair and increase your performance for the the round. I work a 1 month routine..... I'll training hard, lift heavy,eat clean for 6 days a week, on day 7, rest and refeed (its not a cheat day where you stuff your face, but its a day where you eat more food) on the forth week of training I ease off, have an easy recovery week. Stick to diet but drop my weights and generally rest.

    Your body cant keep doing the same thing, with the same diet. Some people do this on a 6 week plan, it all depends on your body and what works. My guess for you, is that your not eating enough calories and your macros are off, and you need to change your training. Switching your focus to weight training I think will give you some good results.

    Also whats your stress levels like? alcohol in take?

  • Registered Users Posts: 332 ✭✭IlmoNT4

    Theres been a heap of research into recovery time...Mostly the conclusion was that immediately post-hypertrophic and glycogen depletive exercise the best thing to have is a (good quality) whey protein shake (non ionic exchange, non denatured filtered) and some simple carbs (dates or whatever) for immediate uptake followed by... another one about 30 mins later! And THEN your high protein food source with good carbs like brown rice

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  • Registered Users Posts: 332 ✭✭IlmoNT4

    Oh and.... weighting yourself dude....

    Throw your scales out.....:) I know its hard, but its just showing one part of a much bigger picture. The number on the scales doesnt mean anything....

    Get you PT (or someone) to measure you, and do the same thing a month later
    get you body fat measured, and then get that measured every month.
    Check on your clothes, take pictures of yourself....
    Keep a diary of what you coudlnt do and what you can now do.... Squat 10kg...2 months later squat 40kgs. Make it a seriously positive diary, not a dairy of I failed because of what my scales said.

    I understand the fixation on the scales but its an emotional charged way of measuring yourself. The scales is telling you that you are up and down by 5 lbs a week. When I use to I weight myself it tells me X number and 3 days later I'm minus 8 lbs...It can be disheartening to see these numbers (been there, gone up 8 lbs, better train harder, eat less, feel like sh*t about myself etc).... It can be water weight, too much salt etc...its not worth the mental headache.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,014 ✭✭✭Mimojo

    loulou2009 wrote: »
    OK First thing...I think you would really benefit from weighting and putting everything you eat into My fitness pal. It'll tell you exactly how many carbs, protein you are getting. it's generally considered to aim for 150g - 100gs of carbs (if your doing low carb).

    You need to make sure your getting enough fat in there, real butter, coconut oil, avocados etc Eat as much as you want of these.

    personally I stay away from things that come out of packets...Anything that is a natural food (nothing has been done to it, you generally can eat all you want of this)

    Your not doing enough exercise to demand an increase in carbs. if you were telling me that your were an endurance athlete then I'd say stuff all the carbs in you want but the amount of cardio you are doing, I'd aim for 150g of carbs a day, but thats just me, everyone is different and you'll need to play with this. If you feel hungry, tired and cold then your diet is off

    Weight training: YES, YES, YES increase your weights and keep increasing them every 2 weeks. Weight training is the number one way (in my opinion) to get your metabolism going. Reduce the reps, increase the weights (10 reps, 3 sets kinda deal, lift heavy). If you have a PT, get him/her to show you how to lift correctly to avoid injury. If you have the cash, hire someone for a month to just do weight training with you so you nail your form. Injury seriously sucks...

    Keep these going, they target your core, tip them into the cool down part of your work out.: 20 x push ups / tricep dips / sit ups x 4, plank / side plank . military plank x 3 x 1 min etc etc

    Aim to lift 4 times a week.... reduce cardio if must.

    A refeed day: So the body gets use to the same diet and the same work out and hits a plateau...If you are constantly eating under your calorie requirements 7 days a week then your performance will drop. There loads of people who could describe it better but a lot of body builders (and me) either take their rest day as a refeed day...On that day you eat more food, given the body additional calories to repair and increase your performance for the the round. I work a 1 month routine..... I'll training hard, lift heavy,eat clean for 6 days a week, on day 7, rest and refeed (its not a cheat day where you stuff your face, but its a day where you eat more food) on the forth week of training I ease off, have an easy recovery week. Stick to diet but drop my weights and generally rest.

    Your body cant keep doing the same thing, with the same diet. Some people do this on a 6 week plan, it all depends on your body and what works. My guess for you, is that your not eating enough calories and your macros are off, and you need to change your training. Switching your focus to weight training I think will give you some good results.

    Also whats your stress levels like? alcohol in take?
    loulou2009 wrote: »
    Theres been a heap of research into recovery time...Mostly the conclusion was that immediately post-hypertrophic and glycogen depletive exercise the best thing to have is a (good quality) whey protein shake (non ionic exchange, non denatured filtered) and some simple carbs (dates or whatever) for immediate uptake followed by... another one about 30 mins later! And THEN your high protein food source with good carbs like brown rice
    loulou2009 wrote: »
    Oh and.... weighting yourself dude....

    Throw your scales out.....:) I know its hard, but its just showing one part of a much bigger picture. The number on the scales doesnt mean anything....

    Get you PT (or someone) to measure you, and do the same thing a month later
    get you body fat measured, and then get that measured every month.
    Check on your clothes, take pictures of yourself....
    Keep a diary of what you coudlnt do and what you can now do.... Squat 10kg...2 months later squat 40kgs. Make it a seriously positive diary, not a dairy of I failed because of what my scales said.

    I understand the fixation on the scales but its an emotional charged way of measuring yourself. The scales is telling you that you are up and down by 5 lbs a week. When I use to I weight myself it tells me X number and 3 days later I'm minus 8 lbs...It can be disheartening to see these numbers (been there, gone up 8 lbs, better train harder, eat less, feel like sh*t about myself etc).... It can be water weight, too much salt etc...its not worth the mental headache.

    Thanks for all the super advice!

    Ok will get onto myfitnesspal next week and input everything, your right is a great way to get your stats exactly as they are.
    I do use real butter, have ½ avocado daily, and have use coconut oil in cooking and in cacao balls etc for snacks.
    I am trying to keep everything as natural as possible, slowly but surely I am eliminating things as I go along!!

    Ok so you think I am overdoing it on the carbs? Thanks for that, I really wasn’t sure, I was really staying away from carbs until the last few months, and feel now like that is all I am eating! 150g per day, that’s a good indication, and something that I can work with. If I have 30g porridge oats in the morning, then that leaves me 120g for the rest of the day, so really means having carbs with either lunch or dinner rather than both, or much smaller portions that I am currently having. Again I will try this out and see how I get on. I think its prob all in my head that I “need” carbs, if I fill up on protein and plenty of veg like I did before for dinner etc I know that this works, I suppose you just get into the habit of something and think you cant live without it!!

    Really interested in your comments on weight training, so def heavier then!! My trainer in the gym is off at the moment so I might try talking to a different trainer, just to get a different perspective on it, and ask about increasing the weights. In fairness the trainers are really helpful. I do really need to practice my form, as you said don’t want an injury. Will keep going with the core stuff, its an area I really need to work out!!

    So 4 x lifting per week? I am enjoying the running side of things, and with sports am finding I have something on most evenings. What do you think about the classes? Maybe ditch these for weights instead?
    What is your take on doing cardio? Maybe I am doing too much at the moment?

    Cheers for the advise on the reefed day, def makes a lot of sense. I have been doing a very similar routine for 8 months now, obv it has increased as I have gotten fitted, but on the whole its been very very similar, having a rest day on a Sunday, and my diet in generally is very samey and I am in the same cycle all the time. This is great advice, thanks again, its much appreciated and incredibly helpful! Again something I am going to incorporate, and it really just makes sense, cant believe I didn’t know this already! Like you said wont be stuffing my face, but my body prob is so used to the same routine exercise and food wise, week in week out, introducing a 1 month routine makes a hell of a lot of sense.

    Stress levels are the moment are not great, usually a very stress free person so have a lot going on at work so that might not be helping matters. Alcohol intake is very low, maybe have 3 glasses of wine once a month or so, am very careful.

    So would you recommend whey protein as a supplement? I think I am prob leaving it too long to eat after a workout too by what you are saying, and maybe not eating the correct proportions of food needed.

    I knew you would recommend to stop scales watching! I was actually really good there for a while….but lately when I see that I am doing up and down and not really moving anywhere fast it is really annoying me! My clothes in general are pretty much the same, but I do notice I am very slowly toning up, it’s a very slow process!!

    I have a training journal which I keep a track of what I am doing, and it is really helpful to look back a few months and be able to see progress, no matter how slow

  • Registered Users Posts: 332 ✭✭IlmoNT4

    I cant tell if your over doing your carbs without your macro and micro results from fitness pal :)

    dude only you can say what is right for you.... For me, carbs = weight gain...its just how my body works. Everyone is different. For me, less than 150g of carb is the golden place... you might be different.

    Re Porridge/Rolled Oats 2 tablespoons - dry (30g) is 62g of carb.... if you mix with milk, more carbs :)

    I can eat 2 full avocados a day, dont be afraid.... your skin will love you for it.

    I know its hard, there are all these pre ideas in your head....cardio = carbs.... Trainers can reinforce these ideas. Try and come at it from a clean slate, eat what feels right, eat what fuels your work outs, eat so you feel good after your training and eat for your results. There are no hard and fast rules...its a big experiment you have to work out. My breakfast last month was eggs and an avocado, this month its 5 banana smoothie with coconut water, cacao powder, protein power and chai seeds... I'll change it again in another few weeks. Your diet needs to change with the seasons... Research diets, raw vegan, high carb, GI, Paleo etc, take what works for you from all of them and make your own diet....

    Ok 8 months is too long :) 6 weeks is the MAX you can do the same routine... Your diet should be like you life..... different, dynamic and exciting :)

    Stress is a releases cortisone into the body. Its a stress hormone which can make losing weigh difficult. Meditation and training will help...but its important not to have too much high stress for too long.

    I take whey protein (non ionic exchange, non denatured filtered, low carb) and it works for me...I'm drinking a raw vegan one at the moment...its good...If Im lifting and training hard I'll usually drink a amino acids bcaa drink during my work out.

    You have 30 minutes after your workout for MAX uptake....have that protein baby ready to go, drink it on the way to the showers, after shower, have your dates (carbs)....then home for dinner...if you train at lunch time, back to work for your food protein and carbs.

    Put the scales in the bin tonight :) Let that relationship go, its toxic.....if you lift, you'll tone up quicker.

    Some of the other things you might be interested.... google Frank Medrano...very inspiring, guy is a vegan BTW!

  • Subscribers Posts: 6,408 ✭✭✭conzy

    loulou2009 wrote: »
    Re Porridge/Rolled Oats 2 tablespoons - dry (30g) is 62g of carb.... if you mix with milk, more carbs :)

    Some of your advice is textbook broscience and unless you have discovered some kind of loop hole in the space time continuum..

    There is 21.9g of carbs in 30g of oats

    There cannot be 62g of anything in 30g of something

  • Registered Users Posts: 332 ✭✭IlmoNT4

    broscience.... I havent heard that one before... :)

    I'm not a professional trainer/nutritionist/doctor/athlete etc...I'm sharing my experiences with the poster....Anything I know is from my own journey of 13 years of training, competing and my own weight issues and the scales.

    Re broscience, share and help discredit.....I'm always open to learning. I'm not expert on any of this.

    yes quite right 21.9g, I mis-read

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  • Registered Users Posts: 39,161 ✭✭✭✭Mellor

    loulou2009 wrote: »
    Re broscience, share and help discredit.....I'm always open to learning. I'm not expert on any of this.
    That's an good attitude to have, most people when challenged on here tend to dig their heels in.
    loulou2009 wrote: »
    Ok 8 months is too long :)6 weeks is the MAX you can do the same routine... Your diet should be like you life..... different, dynamic and exciting :)
    There's no reason to change routine every few weeks. Especially for a beginner. Dynamic routines can have their benefits, but only if there's solid reasoning behind it. Change for the sake if change does more hark that good imo.

    Linear progression can last for quite a while. Imo it's best to ride it out as long as possible.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,014 ✭✭✭Mimojo

    loulou2009 wrote: »
    I cant tell if your over doing your carbs without your macro and micro results from fitness pal :)

    dude only you can say what is right for you.... For me, carbs = weight gain...its just how my body works. Everyone is different. For me, less than 150g of carb is the golden place... you might be different.

    Re Porridge/Rolled Oats 2 tablespoons - dry (30g) is 62g of carb.... if you mix with milk, more carbs :)

    I can eat 2 full avocados a day, dont be afraid.... your skin will love you for it.

    I know its hard, there are all these pre ideas in your head....cardio = carbs.... Trainers can reinforce these ideas. Try and come at it from a clean slate, eat what feels right, eat what fuels your work outs, eat so you feel good after your training and eat for your results. There are no hard and fast rules...its a big experiment you have to work out. My breakfast last month was eggs and an avocado, this month its 5 banana smoothie with coconut water, cacao powder, protein power and chai seeds... I'll change it again in another few weeks. Your diet needs to change with the seasons... Research diets, raw vegan, high carb, GI, Paleo etc, take what works for you from all of them and make your own diet....

    Ok 8 months is too long :) 6 weeks is the MAX you can do the same routine... Your diet should be like you life..... different, dynamic and exciting :)

    Stress is a releases cortisone into the body. Its a stress hormone which can make losing weigh difficult. Meditation and training will help...but its important not to have too much high stress for too long.

    I take whey protein (non ionic exchange, non denatured filtered, low carb) and it works for me...I'm drinking a raw vegan one at the moment...its good...If Im lifting and training hard I'll usually drink a amino acids bcaa drink during my work out.

    You have 30 minutes after your workout for MAX uptake....have that protein baby ready to go, drink it on the way to the showers, after shower, have your dates (carbs)....then home for dinner...if you train at lunch time, back to work for your food protein and carbs.

    Put the scales in the bin tonight :) Let that relationship go, its toxic.....if you lift, you'll tone up quicker.

    Some of the other things you might be interested.... google Frank Medrano...very inspiring, guy is a vegan BTW!

    Im off to myfitnesspal to have everything analysised! Thinking about it though I do think I am overdoing it carbs wise, think I need to re-educate myself! 150g carbs is a good indication, I am going to try out working with this number and see how it goes. I think as the gym instructor told me to eat more carbs I think I might have taken it a bit overboard!!
    I had been sticking to ½ avocado per day, so will up that. Also think I could be eating more eggs, might change around my breakfast for a few weeks. Your breakfast ideas sound good, might try them out.
    The more I think about it I have literally been eating a lot of the same stuff, at the same times for months now, think I need to give my entire diet a good shake up!
    I am also thinking I might go to a different trainer in the gym, just to get a different perspective on training, my own trainer is off for a few months anyhow, so just to get a different idea and perspective.
    I have been doing a lot of research into whey protein and recovery supplements etc, just don’t know if I need them or not, I guess I fee like I don’t know enough about this whole area and am afraid I will take the wrong one or something. Again if I could take to someone on it would be a help.
    After my workout think I am prob not eating the right foods, and am prob leaving it too long to eat so need to sort this out also.
    Looking back I have been around the same weight for almost 6 months, I def need to shake things up as I do seem to be at a standstill. Will also have to stop weighing in so often, that is a work in progress!!
    Im off to googe Frank Medrano now, again thank for all your super advice!!!
