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Weight Loss Plateau

  • 22-01-2014 11:16am
    Registered Users Posts: 1,014 ✭✭✭

    Hi all, looking for some advice please. In Jan 2013 decided enough was enough, I was very overweight (woman in late 20s) & needed to cop on & loose weight. Began by joining Slimming World, and walking, which eventually lead to jogging, joined a sports team and began training regularly with them. Then joined a gym in September and moved away from Slimming World towards a more sustainable healthy diet including healthy fats etc. (loosely based on paleo style), on the instruction of my fitness instructor. Have been going to the gym 5-6 times ever week since, absolutely love it & really feeling the benefits of it and know that I am progressing.

    I have lost 7 stone, quickly at first, but it has really slowed down of late. I am 12 st 10 lbs now, the ideal weight for my height would be somewhere between 10st7lbs to 12st1lb. I guess I would love to get to about 11st7lbs ish, I know that weight loss will be very slow but right now its been at a standstill for about 2 months! Can someone tell me if this is normal?! I can feel the changes in my shape, starting to look more toned, and in clothes can feel that they are looser and I have gone down another size , but the weight is not moving. Maybe its just a case of building muscle and my weight will not go down much more now. If I am honest I am pretty obsessed with the number of the scales, which I KNOW I shouldn’t be, I guess once I started to see it go down it became such a motivation for me and its what kept me going, and maybe I need to adapt to being happy with toning rather than numbers on the scale!
    I would just love some opinions on the training I am doing, and in general if my diet sounds ok. I am very careful about what I eat, and feel that I am doing well on the diet side of things. I guess I am prob eating enough calories to sustain my current weight but maybe not to loose any more weight. But with the amount of training I am doing, I am hungry especially after morning gym sessions, and don’t feel like I could eat less that what I am currently eating. Maybe I am doing everything ok & should just accept that my current weight is where I am going to stick! Opinions very welcome!!

    Typical Training Week at the moment consists of:
    Morning Spin Class (40 min) x 2 mornings
    Morning Interval running treadmill (30 min) & Weight/Strengh/Core Training (45 mins) x 2 mornings
    Evening Toning/Weights/Core Class (1 hour) x 2 evenings (with some treadmill or cross trainer 15-20 min)
    Also from next week one 1 session of sports training (this will increase with time so will prob do one less gym session)

    Typical Diet
    Morning before gym: Rice cake with peanut butter or Wheatgrass smoothie (natural yogurt, rice milk, handful berries, tsp peanut butter, wheatgrass)
    After gym: Banana
    Breakkie: Porridge with berries or smoked salmon, spinach, avocado, cottage cheese, tomato, mushroom or egg (omelette with various veg etc), or Porridge pancake with cottage cheese & egg with berries.
    Mid Morning Snack: Handful unsalted nuts
    Lunch: Home made soup & 3 x rice cakes with salad mix (spinach, tomato, cucumber, onion, peppers, avocado, cottage cheese), maybe with some brown rice in the soup.
    Snack: Celery sticks and sugar snap peas with hummous
    Dinner: Chicken / Turkey / Fish, occasional steak, with plenty of veg (steamed or baked), and generally portion of brown rice / brown pasta / sweet potato etc
    Evening: Sq of dark chocolate / yogurt rice cake



  • Registered Users Posts: 24,578 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Mimojo wrote: »
    I can feel the changes in my shape, starting to look more toned, and in clothes can feel that they are looser and I have gone down another size , but the weight is not moving. Maybe its just a case of building muscle

    You've answered your question there.

    Also, bin your scales.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16,096 ✭✭✭✭the groutch

    Mimojo wrote: »
    I am pretty obsessed with the number of the scales, which I KNOW I shouldn’t be


  • Registered Users Posts: 9,504 ✭✭✭runawaybishop

    If your clothes are fitting better and you are happier with your shape then keep doing what you are doing. The scales aren't as important as you seem to think they are - they can fluctuate day to day by a fair amount. Weigh yourself maybe once a week first thing in the morning if you really have to.

    Maybe try and get more eggs and bacon into your diet in the morning.

  • Registered Users Posts: 332 ✭✭IlmoNT4

    First of all, well done... 7 stones is something you should be very proud of... Bravo!

    If you are moving towards a Paleo diet, then ditch the scales... Use photos, clothes sizes and a body fat test to monitor your progress...Only do this once a month if you can.... Try and add in some more weight training, lift heavy!

    Some things you could try and remove from your diet...

    rice cakes could be subs for a slice of apple with peanut butter (paleo doesnt allow peanuts, you could try almond butter etc)
    Check yogurts for sugar content..anything DIET, defo remove (although with Paleo, yogurts are out)
    Rice milk can be full of sugar
    Porridge is also a no no in Paleo land... Eggs for breakfast is always good, google paleo breakfast, there are lots of ideas which can be made the night before
    Rice... another no no in Paleo, you could swap out the rice for some sweet potatoes baked in coconut oil
    Whats in the soups?
    Cottage cheese = could swap this out for a chicken breast, some fish
    What type of veg are you using?
    Rice and pasta --> if you can find subs for these that work for you, make the switch
    Dark chocolate ...are you having this every night?
    Yogurt, rich cake, is sugar + carbs....
    hummus - are you making this yourself? Chickpeas are also a no no in Paleo land... :)

    I like this web site a lot-->
    Makes paleo easier... Also you dont have to go full Paleo, but you can remove things from your diet slowly and create whatever works for you. First port of call if I was you, dump the rice cakes, rice and pasta and see how you get on.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,504 ✭✭✭runawaybishop

    You make Paleo land sound depressing and restrictive. The OPs diet is clearly fine since they are losing weight and looking better.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 332 ✭✭IlmoNT4

    I use to think it was very restrictive but I pick and choose stuff from it and incorporated it into my diet. Its just knowledge and doesnt have to be followed strictly....For the OP, they are just ideas that might work for their diet...the body adapts to all exercise and diet and so you must be willing to change things, along with your diet

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,578 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    loulou2009 wrote: »
    Also you dont have to go full Paleo


  • Registered Users Posts: 9,504 ✭✭✭runawaybishop

    Paleo isn't that restrictive, you just made it sound like it is :) You don't really need to avoid dairy and rice on Paleo though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,014 ✭✭✭Mimojo

    loulou2009 wrote: »
    First of all, well done... 7 stones is something you should be very proud of... Bravo!

    If you are moving towards a Paleo diet, then ditch the scales... Use photos, clothes sizes and a body fat test to monitor your progress...Only do this once a month if you can.... Try and add in some more weight training, lift heavy!

    Some things you could try and remove from your diet...

    rice cakes could be subs for a slice of apple with peanut butter (paleo doesnt allow peanuts, you could try almond butter etc)
    Check yogurts for sugar content..anything DIET, defo remove (although with Paleo, yogurts are out)
    Rice milk can be full of sugar
    Porridge is also a no no in Paleo land... Eggs for breakfast is always good, google paleo breakfast, there are lots of ideas which can be made the night before
    Rice... another no no in Paleo, you could swap out the rice for some sweet potatoes baked in coconut oil
    Whats in the soups?
    Cottage cheese = could swap this out for a chicken breast, some fish
    What type of veg are you using?
    Rice and pasta --> if you can find subs for these that work for you, make the switch
    Dark chocolate ...are you having this every night?
    Yogurt, rich cake, is sugar + carbs....
    hummus - are you making this yourself? Chickpeas are also a no no in Paleo land... :)

    I like this web site a lot-->
    Makes paleo easier... Also you dont have to go full Paleo, but you can remove things from your diet slowly and create whatever works for you. First port of call if I was you, dump the rice cakes, rice and pasta and see how you get on.

    Cheers for the response! Yes think I need to ditch the scales, I guess after a full year of watching the numbers I am finding it hard to stop! But I know the scales are not everything!
    Rice Cake: Yes I figures they were not the best thing to go with, just I find them handy, and filling. Will def try to sub in apple slices instead. Would corn cakes be a better option?
    Peanut Butter: I didn’t realise Paleo didn’t allow this, but I do find it handy. Might give the almond butter a try though, thanks for the suggestion
    Yogurt: I am only eating full fat Greek or Natural yogurt – Again I knew it wasn’t allowed on paleo, I guess I am not fully strict on it, more taking ideas from it
    Porridge: I find very handy for brekkie as its filling. I did find that I was eating a lot of eggs every week before this, how many eggs per week are ok? 2 per day?
    Brown Rice & Pasta: Gym instructor recommended getting carbs in on the days that I am training, and find brown rice to be the best for me. Would I be better off to go with sweet potato? Are there other carb options I should be looking at also?
    Soup: Homemade tomato soup, butter squash, mixed veg mainly, don’t use any stock cubes or anything
    Cottage Cheese: I generally buy low fat version of this, maybe I should sub it out though
    Veg: Use as much variety as possible: for Salads mainly use – tomato, onion, peppers, spinach, rocket, cucumber, celery, beetroot, for dinners mainly have steamed – brocelli, kale, green beans, sugar snap peas, peppers, onion, spinach, courgette
    Dark Chocolate: Use this maybe 2/3 nights a week, maybe 1 or 2 squares if I am craving something sweet, same with yogurt rice cakes, which I now realise are a bad idea!)
    Hummous: Yes make myself, again didn’t realise chickpeas are a no no. Would be having 1 tbsp daily with veg as a snack
    Thanks for the link, will go and investigate further! I don’t think I want to go full paleo, but I can certainly take ideas from it and slowly reduce intake of certain foods. Defo rice cakes are gone, might take me a bit longer to get out of rice and pasta, but could try ever second day to start maybe? Are you following paleo and would be recommend it?
    If your clothes are fitting better and you are happier with your shape then keep doing what you are doing. The scales aren't as important as you seem to think they are - they can fluctuate day to day by a fair amount. Weigh yourself maybe once a week first thing in the morning if you really have to.

    Maybe try and get more eggs and bacon into your diet in the morning.

    Good idea, think I need to actively stop weighing it, just pick the first or every month or something and go from there. I guess it has developed into a bad habit really.

    Will try to get more eggs in. Is bacon a good option? Is it not too salty?

  • Registered Users Posts: 332 ✭✭IlmoNT4

    Yes correct you can have dairy (butter) and rice if you wish, Paleo for Athletes encourages rice etc before events...I personally find that if I have rice, I want pasta and white bread so I just dont have any of them :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,014 ✭✭✭Mimojo

    loulou2009 wrote: »
    Yes correct you can have dairy (butter) and rice if you wish, Paleo for Athletes encourages rice etc before events...I personally find that if I have rice, I want pasta and white bread so I just dont have any of them :)

    I haven't eaten any bread in a year, and recently tried to reintroduce brown bread, but I found that 2 slices was never enough, I always wanted more, and I wanted white bread, so have cut it out again and don't think I will be going back! Brown rice does work for me, I am careful about the portion size & find that it keeps me full for longer. I am more careful about brown pasta and try to have a small portion once or twice per week. I guess its what works for each person really

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,504 ✭✭✭runawaybishop

    Mimojo wrote: »
    Cheers for the response! Yes think I need to ditch the scales, I guess after a full year of watching the numbers I am finding it hard to stop! But I know the scales are not everything!
    Rice Cake: Yes I figures they were not the best thing to go with, just I find them handy, and filling. Will def try to sub in apple slices instead. Would corn cakes be a better option?
    Peanut Butter: I didn’t realise Paleo didn’t allow this, but I do find it handy. Might give the almond butter a try though, thanks for the suggestion
    Yogurt: I am only eating full fat Greek or Natural yogurt – Again I knew it wasn’t allowed on paleo, I guess I am not fully strict on it, more taking ideas from it
    Porridge: I find very handy for brekkie as its filling. I did find that I was eating a lot of eggs every week before this, how many eggs per week are ok? 2 per day?
    Brown Rice & Pasta: Gym instructor recommended getting carbs in on the days that I am training, and find brown rice to be the best for me. Would I be better off to go with sweet potato? Are there other carb options I should be looking at also?
    Soup: Homemade tomato soup, butter squash, mixed veg mainly, don’t use any stock cubes or anything
    Cottage Cheese: I generally buy low fat version of this, maybe I should sub it out though
    Veg: Use as much variety as possible: for Salads mainly use – tomato, onion, peppers, spinach, rocket, cucumber, celery, beetroot, for dinners mainly have steamed – brocelli, kale, green beans, sugar snap peas, peppers, onion, spinach, courgette
    Dark Chocolate: Use this maybe 2/3 nights a week, maybe 1 or 2 squares if I am craving something sweet, same with yogurt rice cakes, which I now realise are a bad idea!)
    Hummous: Yes make myself, again didn’t realise chickpeas are a no no. Would be having 1 tbsp daily with veg as a snack
    Thanks for the link, will go and investigate further! I don’t think I want to go full paleo, but I can certainly take ideas from it and slowly reduce intake of certain foods. Defo rice cakes are gone, might take me a bit longer to get out of rice and pasta, but could try ever second day to start maybe? Are you following paleo and would be recommend it?

    Good idea, think I need to actively stop weighing it, just pick the first or every month or something and go from there. I guess it has developed into a bad habit really.

    Will try to get more eggs in. Is bacon a good option? Is it not too salty?
    Why do you want to go strictly Paleo? The movement has been away from militant Paleo, not towards it. Eat rice if you want to. Eat dairy unless you have an intolerance. etc etc. The general promise of Paleo is whole natural foods. Thats what you should be focusing on. A rice cake is absolutely not goign to hinder you.

    You cant beat bacon and eggs for satiety and upping your protein intake. You can steep/ rinse the bacon if you want but i wouldn't bother personally.
    loulou2009 wrote: »
    Yes correct you can have dairy (butter) and rice if you wish, Paleo for Athletes encourages rice etc before events...I personally find that if I have rice, I want pasta and white bread so I just dont have any of them :)

    Fair enough.

  • Registered Users Posts: 312 ✭✭martomcg

    How many calories a day are you consuming? Whats your maintenance calories?

    If you've been eating under maintenance for a very long time then a plateau is common occurance.

    Some people increase calories to maintenance for a few weeks and then gradually decrease them into a deficit again (maybe by removing 100kcals a week)

    Also if you've been doing a similar training routine for a long period the body adapts so it becomes easier. Try switching up exercises.

    Also Paleo style diets (that drastically cut carbs) typically involve shedding vast amounts of water weight so scales really arent a good measure of progress.

  • Registered Users Posts: 332 ✭✭IlmoNT4

    OP, Totally understand the scales thing...Been there, done that. Everything is balanced on what those numbers say eh... You gotta just put the scales away, and look at the bigger picture.... Clothes sizing... dropping from a 12 to a 10... Measure your body with a measuring tape, and track that way. Pop into a shop in 8 weeks time, try on a small size than you normally would... I'll bed if you are training hard and sticking to a clean diet you'll notice big improvements. Theres a big difference from being 12 stone with 30% body fat and being 12 stone and 20% body fat... that number of the scale can be meaningless....

    Paleo is mostly about no grains :) ... I know rice cakes are handy, but anything that has cake on it, and has had to be processed, well its not going to be good for you. Try seeds, berries, protein shakes etc. I get the rice cake thing, I use to eat a lot of them,

    Yogurt: Check the back label for the sugar content

    Porridge: I eat and have eaten 2 -4 eggs every day for the past 2 years and no problems. I sometimes make egg muffins..get a fairycake tray, load up with peppers, bacon, kale whatever you want, crack and egg into each, now have 8 mini snacks you can take with you to work/gym...

    Brown Rice & Pasta: Gym instructor recommended getting carbs in on the days that I am training, and find brown rice to be the best for me. Would I be better off to go with sweet potato? Are there other carb options I should be looking at also?

    Sweet potatoes rock, bake em, turn them into chips, soup etc
    All veggies have carbs in them... Are you using anything for tracking calories? Like fitnesspal?
    The carb thing and training...theres lots of different opinions on this.... Do you need loads of carbs for a 40 min session, probably not... you do need some carbs but this is about trying things out and seeing what your body is ok with. You need to have energy to train so play around with this. Before weight training I'll have some protein (small can of tuna) about an hour before hand, after training I'll have a chicken breast/protein shake.....If I'm doing cardio, a small banana or 3 figs about 2 hours before hand... works for me...

    Soup: Homemade tomato soup, butter squash, mixed veg mainly, don’t use any stock cubes or anything --> Awesome

    Cottage Cheese: I generally buy low fat version of this, maybe I should sub it out though...

    Low fat anything is bad news... when they take the fat out of something, they need to replace it with something else...that something is usally sugar.... Fats are really good for you... Butter, oils, avocado fill up on these

    Veg: Use as much variety as possible: for Salads mainly use – tomato, onion, peppers, spinach, rocket, cucumber, celery, beetroot, for dinners mainly have steamed – brocelli, kale, green beans, sugar snap peas, peppers, onion, spinach, courgette

    --> These are all awesome , go you

    Dark Chocolate: Use this maybe 2/3 nights a week, maybe 1 or 2 squares if I am craving something sweet, same with yogurt rice cakes, which I now realise are a bad idea!)

    When I'm really having a bad sugar time. Get a can of full fat coconut milk, stick it in the fridge for an hour. Get some blueberries, strawberry, cut em up, scoup out the thick part of the coconut milk, sprinkle some crushed hazelnuts..its awesome.... you can use the rest of the coconut milk for a curry chicken soup

    I follow Paleo as best I can for the past few really suits my body and my old diet really didnt work for me (and my diet was very similar to yours). I trained for years and years and never got the results I wanted, then I changed my diet and everything feel into place. Theres no one diet that is a magic diet, I go through phases of eating a hardcore paleo, get bored, have to research and add more dinners, snacks in to keep it interesting.......The main thing is I try to eat well, buy the best food I can afford, cook all my meals, not eat anything that has been processed, comes from a box, a can.... but saying that if theres a slice of cake with ice cream going on the weekend I dont say no :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,014 ✭✭✭Mimojo

    loulou2009 wrote: »
    OP, Totally understand the scales thing...Been there, done that. Everything is balanced on what those numbers say eh... You gotta just put the scales away, and look at the bigger picture.... Clothes sizing... dropping from a 12 to a 10... Measure your body with a measuring tape, and track that way. Pop into a shop in 8 weeks time, try on a small size than you normally would... I'll bed if you are training hard and sticking to a clean diet you'll notice big improvements. Theres a big difference from being 12 stone with 30% body fat and being 12 stone and 20% body fat... that number of the scale can be meaningless....

    Paleo is mostly about no grains :) ... I know rice cakes are handy, but anything that has cake on it, and has had to be processed, well its not going to be good for you. Try seeds, berries, protein shakes etc. I get the rice cake thing, I use to eat a lot of them,

    Yogurt: Check the back label for the sugar content

    Porridge: I eat and have eaten 2 -4 eggs every day for the past 2 years and no problems. I sometimes make egg muffins..get a fairycake tray, load up with peppers, bacon, kale whatever you want, crack and egg into each, now have 8 mini snacks you can take with you to work/gym...

    Brown Rice & Pasta: Gym instructor recommended getting carbs in on the days that I am training, and find brown rice to be the best for me. Would I be better off to go with sweet potato? Are there other carb options I should be looking at also?

    Sweet potatoes rock, bake em, turn them into chips, soup etc
    All veggies have carbs in them... Are you using anything for tracking calories? Like fitnesspal?
    The carb thing and training...theres lots of different opinions on this.... Do you need loads of carbs for a 40 min session, probably not... you do need some carbs but this is about trying things out and seeing what your body is ok with. You need to have energy to train so play around with this. Before weight training I'll have some protein (small can of tuna) about an hour before hand, after training I'll have a chicken breast/protein shake.....If I'm doing cardio, a small banana or 3 figs about 2 hours before hand... works for me...

    Soup: Homemade tomato soup, butter squash, mixed veg mainly, don’t use any stock cubes or anything --> Awesome

    Cottage Cheese: I generally buy low fat version of this, maybe I should sub it out though...

    Low fat anything is bad news... when they take the fat out of something, they need to replace it with something else...that something is usally sugar.... Fats are really good for you... Butter, oils, avocado fill up on these

    Veg: Use as much variety as possible: for Salads mainly use – tomato, onion, peppers, spinach, rocket, cucumber, celery, beetroot, for dinners mainly have steamed – brocelli, kale, green beans, sugar snap peas, peppers, onion, spinach, courgette

    --> These are all awesome , go you

    Dark Chocolate: Use this maybe 2/3 nights a week, maybe 1 or 2 squares if I am craving something sweet, same with yogurt rice cakes, which I now realise are a bad idea!)

    When I'm really having a bad sugar time. Get a can of full fat coconut milk, stick it in the fridge for an hour. Get some blueberries, strawberry, cut em up, scoup out the thick part of the coconut milk, sprinkle some crushed hazelnuts..its awesome.... you can use the rest of the coconut milk for a curry chicken soup

    I follow Paleo as best I can for the past few really suits my body and my old diet really didnt work for me (and my diet was very similar to yours). I trained for years and years and never got the results I wanted, then I changed my diet and everything feel into place. Theres no one diet that is a magic diet, I go through phases of eating a hardcore paleo, get bored, have to research and add more dinners, snacks in to keep it interesting.......The main thing is I try to eat well, buy the best food I can afford, cook all my meals, not eat anything that has been processed, comes from a box, a can.... but saying that if theres a slice of cake with ice cream going on the weekend I dont say no :)

    Cheers for the advice! Yes Im a Size 12 now, so ultimately to get to a Size 10 would be AMAZING, that would be a great goal to have, look at it that way rather that obsessive on the scales.

    Understand what you mean on the rice cakes, they are processed so I will look into alternatives for them.
    You mentioned protein shakes – Do you use these? Would you recommend? It is something I know literally nothing about, and I did wonder about them. Whats your opinion?
    Good ideas on the eggs front, will try to incorporate more in, and maybe porridge a little less. Don’t think I want to cut it out completely, but good to have more options.

    Also prob good idea to have more sweet potatoes. I guess the more variety the better, I find I get sick of the same recipes all the time, so am constantly looking for new ideas otherwise find that I do get bored and healthy eating get harder!
    Have used myfitness pal in the last but don’t want to go back there to be honest, it is to much hard work, feel like if I stick to healthy whole food I am happy!
    As you said its prob trial and error more than anything, figuring out what works and what doesn’t.
    Will def try out your idea for sugar craving, excellent idea and something different! Also haven’t tried figs so might seek them out also!!!
    I can see now that diet really is so important, doesn’t matter how much training you are doing diet has to be right to get the results you want. I am not training for anything specific but want to be as fit and health as I possibly can be really. It really is an addiction when you get in it. With the training getting more into strength and weights, and increasing the weighs I can lift really is an encouragement. I really am only at the start with the weights, but I can see a little progress already which is great.
    As you said avoid processed foods wherever possible and stick to healthy whole foods you cook yourself. Im the same, at a weekend if I am offered a glass of wine it would be rude to say no!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,014 ✭✭✭Mimojo

    Paleo isn't that restrictive, you just made it sound like it is :) You don't really need to avoid dairy and rice on Paleo though.

    Thanks - Do you follow Paleo, and would you recommend?

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,504 ✭✭✭runawaybishop

    Protein shakes are just a supplement. You should be looking to get your protein from food sources (meat/fish, eggs, dairy).

    Also, omelettes. Good sources of protein, fast, varied.
    Mimojo wrote: »
    Thanks - Do you follow Paleo, and would you recommend?

    I wouldn't follow the definition of Paleo at all. I eat bread on occasion as well as rice. I do agree with the general premise of eating unprocessed foods and sufficient proteins and fats and not going crazy on carbs. I think there are are worse diets you could go on than Paleo, i would just be careful to approach it moderately. Paleo should fit around your life, not the other way around. Diets should be sustainable after all.

  • Registered Users Posts: 332 ✭✭IlmoNT4

    Size 10 would be amazing :) and totally do-able, and a much better goal than wanting to weight X stone... I use to be a size 16..heading to a size 18...I'm a size 8 now (I never in my wildest dreams thought this would happen, and Ive done weight watchers etc etc )...I went from 33% body fat to 13%, through weight training... I lifted heavy and lifted 5 times a week. I didnt know anything about body building at the start, so I got a personal trainer (and not just a gym dude who gives out programs) but a trainer who taught me how to lift properly and then worked with me to get what I wanted. Best money I ever spent....Followed all that up with a good diet and suddenly I was in my size 8 dress :)

    I'm not recommending you go to 13% body fat...Its difficult for women to go there, and I could only maintain it for a short time...I'm back to around 18% which is fine..I set myself a goal to see what 13% looked like... but I dont want to live a hardcore clean lifestyle to stay there, I enjoy my cake, wine and social life too much :)

    Protein shakes: I use them with water and you can add some blueberries for a carb hit... Ask the dude in the shop for a high protein, low carb, low sugar .... paleo doesnt recommend protein shakes but like I said before, whatever works :)

    Have used myfitness pal in the last but don’t want to go back there to be honest, it is to much hard work, feel like if I stick to healthy whole food I am happy!

    --> Agreed I get bored updating it, but I do play around with the protein, fat and carb intake and monitor it every so often to see if I'm getting enough calories in.... eating enough is very important and as another poster said, if you dont eat enough, your body will freak out.

    I can see now that diet really is so important, doesn’t matter how much training you are doing diet has to be right to get the results you want. I am not training for anything specific but want to be as fit and health as I possibly can be really. It really is an addiction when you get in it. With the training getting more into strength and weights, and increasing the weighs I can lift really is an encouragement. I really am only at the start with the weights, but I can see a little progress already which is great.

    --> Go for it :) Diet, training and rest are the keys

    As you said avoid processed foods wherever possible and stick to healthy whole foods you cook yourself. Im the same, at a weekend if I am offered a glass of wine it would be rude to say no!!

    --> watch out for the booze...It can derail everything. 1 glass of wine is totally fine...but if your like me and 1 glass of wine can easily turn into 4 glasses, a pack of crisps, a hangover and a hangover day eating junk. I prefer to have my reward as something nice like a cake, and I try an buy myself something decent and have it in a cafe so I'm not stuck with a big cake. 1 slice of cake rarely leads me to 6 slices of cake ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 332 ✭✭IlmoNT4

    Excellent points Runawaybishop....Protein shakes are a supplement and not a replacement meal

    I totally agree with you on Paleo and diet.. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,014 ✭✭✭Mimojo

    loulou2009 wrote: »
    Size 10 would be amazing :) and totally do-able, and a much better goal than wanting to weight X stone... I use to be a size 16..heading to a size 18...I'm a size 8 now (I never in my wildest dreams thought this would happen, and Ive done weight watchers etc etc )...I went from 33% body fat to 13%, through weight training... I lifted heavy and lifted 5 times a week. I didnt know anything about body building at the start, so I got a personal trainer (and not just a gym dude who gives out programs) but a trainer who taught me how to lift properly and then worked with me to get what I wanted. Best money I ever spent....Followed all that up with a good diet and suddenly I was in my size 8 dress :)

    I'm not recommending you go to 13% body fat...Its difficult for women to go there, and I could only maintain it for a short time...I'm back to around 18% which is fine..I set myself a goal to see what 13% looked like... but I dont want to live a hardcore clean lifestyle to stay there, I enjoy my cake, wine and social life too much :)

    Protein shakes: I use them with water and you can add some blueberries for a carb hit... Ask the dude in the shop for a high protein, low carb, low sugar .... paleo doesnt recommend protein shakes but like I said before, whatever works :)

    Have used myfitness pal in the last but don’t want to go back there to be honest, it is to much hard work, feel like if I stick to healthy whole food I am happy!

    --> Agreed I get bored updating it, but I do play around with the protein, fat and carb intake and monitor it every so often to see if I'm getting enough calories in.... eating enough is very important and as another poster said, if you dont eat enough, your body will freak out.

    I can see now that diet really is so important, doesn’t matter how much training you are doing diet has to be right to get the results you want. I am not training for anything specific but want to be as fit and health as I possibly can be really. It really is an addiction when you get in it. With the training getting more into strength and weights, and increasing the weighs I can lift really is an encouragement. I really am only at the start with the weights, but I can see a little progress already which is great.

    --> Go for it :) Diet, training and rest are the keys

    As you said avoid processed foods wherever possible and stick to healthy whole foods you cook yourself. Im the same, at a weekend if I am offered a glass of wine it would be rude to say no!!

    --> watch out for the booze...It can derail everything. 1 glass of wine is totally fine...but if your like me and 1 glass of wine can easily turn into 4 glasses, a pack of crisps, a hangover and a hangover day eating junk. I prefer to have my reward as something nice like a cake, and I try an buy myself something decent and have it in a cafe so I'm not stuck with a big cake. 1 slice of cake rarely leads me to 6 slices of cake ;)

    Yes Size 10 would be AMAZING, if I could reach that this year, even by the end of the year would be amazing! Thanks for all your comments, very helpful! And WOW WOW WOW, size 16/18 to size 8…that is completely inspirational! I really want to try to get my body fat measured now and focus on that rather that the number on the scales. At the moment I have just changed my programme so lifting twice per week, and then 2 toning classes which have a lot of lifting also. That mixed in with 2 spin classes & 2/3 treadmill interval running. Do you do much cardio at all, or focus on weights mainly? I have increased the weight (not its not heavy by any stretch of the imagination!) but I do feel like I am progressing, and really starting to notice a change in my body shape overall from weight training. I am lucky to have a trainer in the gym who is excellent, and has shown me each of the exercises, and regularly checks up on me and changes my programme so that is a huge help.
    To get to 13% body fat, again WOW! I can only imagine it is very difficult to stay at that level, 18% is seriously amazing too! What should I be aiming for? Really I need to find out what I am at now & go from there. I do sometimes feel like I am living and breathing gym & food diaries, but for 95% of the time I absolutely love it, and I still cant believe it when I put on Size 12 jeans, as I was at a size 20 this time last year.
    On the protein shakes, I am wondering about giving them a try, but for the moment going to make sure my diet is 100%. Good idea on fitness pal, when you make a change to see what levels of each you are at. I guess I am just trying to make sure everything else is ok, and on the whole I am happy with my diet. I went a long time with very low carbs, so only just re introducing brown rice and pasta, and for me I think it works. I would find that on days that I am in the gym in the morning I am very hungry during the day, and having some brown rice at lunch (a half portion) really does the trick for me. I will play around with it in the coming weeks/months anyhow.
    On the rest – How many rest days do you have in a week? I vary between 1 and 2, this week will just have Sunday, but yesterday was a light day as only did a class so feeling ok. Do you think 1 day is enough? Before Christmas I did feel like I got a bit burnt out, so took a couple of days off from the gym & felt fine again, so if I feel the same again I will do the same, seems to work out ok!
    I am really careful with alcohol, generally allow myself a night off once a month or so, and am careful even then about the amount I drink. Sometimes it doesn’t always work, but totally agree, one glass leads to one bottle, then I end up eating crisps with it, and the next day it is SO hard to stick to the plan, overall it is just not worth it!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 332 ✭✭IlmoNT4

    I never do classes, I just lift :)
    I do spin twice a week as well...

    In terms of body fat...its down to what you want to aim for, what will suit your life style, the amount of time you can train, rest...... I just took it 1% at a time, set small goals like 6 weeks time I want to reduce from 29% to 27%.... When I got to around 18% I enjoyed training and thought, may as well go for gold :) When you look in the mirror and think, yes I look good, I'm in my size 10 jeans and I feel amazing...then thats the right body fat for you.

    If you love something and enjoy it, then you will succeed. I love training and looking after myself. Its a great feeling and it a very positive way to live.

    Rest day: I dont really tend to do rest days. I'll usually do an active recovery on rest days (so maybe a swim, a walk). Its rare that I would not train.... What works for me is to train hard for 3 weeks (push my body hard) and then on the 4th week, I ease off, drop the weights back, let my body repair.... I had to play around with it, some times I'll train hard for 4-5 weeks and then ease off.... When I feel like I'm peaking...I ease off....
    If 1 day feels ok for your body then its enough.... you have to listen to what your body is telling you. Rest is vital for improving your training. Its important not to over train..... You'll go through phases where you'll feel able to train 7 days a week, but it a fake economy... If it was me, I'd try and give the body a few more days rest, look up some active recovery, which can include swimming, a walk, yoga, a stretching session, a core session....You want to try and avoid that feeling of burn out, so scheduling in time out is a good thing to do.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,014 ✭✭✭Mimojo

    loulou2009 wrote: »
    I never do classes, I just lift :)
    I do spin twice a week as well...

    In terms of body fat...its down to what you want to aim for, what will suit your life style, the amount of time you can train, rest...... I just took it 1% at a time, set small goals like 6 weeks time I want to reduce from 29% to 27%.... When I got to around 18% I enjoyed training and thought, may as well go for gold :) When you look in the mirror and think, yes I look good, I'm in my size 10 jeans and I feel amazing...then thats the right body fat for you.

    If you love something and enjoy it, then you will succeed. I love training and looking after myself. Its a great feeling and it a very positive way to live.

    Rest day: I dont really tend to do rest days. I'll usually do an active recovery on rest days (so maybe a swim, a walk). Its rare that I would not train.... What works for me is to train hard for 3 weeks (push my body hard) and then on the 4th week, I ease off, drop the weights back, let my body repair.... I had to play around with it, some times I'll train hard for 4-5 weeks and then ease off.... When I feel like I'm peaking...I ease off....
    If 1 day feels ok for your body then its enough.... you have to listen to what your body is telling you. Rest is vital for improving your training. Its important not to over train..... You'll go through phases where you'll feel able to train 7 days a week, but it a fake economy... If it was me, I'd try and give the body a few more days rest, look up some active recovery, which can include swimming, a walk, yoga, a stretching session, a core session....You want to try and avoid that feeling of burn out, so scheduling in time out is a good thing to do.

    It really is a great feeling & a great way to live. I do find that lots of people thing I am too extreme, at the start when I began to shed pounds people were very encouraging, but not am starting to get comments about loosing too much weight, wasting away etc etc, which is frustrating, but I guess people don’t understand. I don’t really discuss with most people how often I go to the gym & I know that would also get negative feedback, purely as they think I am over doing it, but I know myself what I am capable of, and I absolutely love it, cant imagine life any other way now!
    Good tips on the rest day, will do some research on active recovery methods for sure. As you said you know your own body & when you feel really tired its time to listen and take a few days break. Again its getting to know what works for you!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,014 ✭✭✭Mimojo

    Just reading back through this thread to review the good advice in here! Still on track, finally seems to have cracked the weight loss plateau I seemed to be stuck in. Am 7lbs down since the last update, so currently sitting at 12st 3lbs, and even through its not a huge loss I am very happy with it, and have gone down another size on top, and prob a half size in jeans (so Im not an 11 lol!) so that is keeping me motivated!

    Have modified my eating patterns based on the advice here and my most recent meeting with my gym instructor. Looking back I was eating well but eating too much for my current weight, so once I had a few changes it seemed to work for me thankfully.

    Before the gym am now having freshed squeezed OJ instead of the rice cake with peanut butter

    After the gym banana

    For brekkie mainly have porridge (30g) made with water, and strawberries and blueberries thrown in, or eggs.

    Mid morning snack is green tea with 5 nuts - Realised my "handful" of nuts was about 20, so was getting a lot more calories than I ever realised!!

    Lunch mainly consists of salmon, mackerel or prawns (again a smaller portion), with plenty of salad & veg, and some healthy fat (olive oil dressing, or avocado) and sometimes a handful of seeds through on top. Every 2/3 days have some GF bread with this

    Dont find I am as hungry in the afternoons so generally dont have an afternoon snack

    For dinner generally have a portion of brown rice/buckwheat/sweet potato with fish/chicken/turkey/steak with plenty of steamed greens

    The evening is still my downfall so sometimes have a couple of sqs of dark chocolate, but have stopped beating myself up about it, doing my best and hopefully will phase it out!

    I have realised that I am def a carbs person so I am having small portions of carbs and it does seem to be working well for me, rather than feeling starving all the time.

    Have cut out cottage cheese, and realised I was eating A LOT of natural yogurt getting a lot of calories without realised it so have cut that down a lot, prob only have 1 portion of natural yogurt every 2/3 days now. That has been a major change but have gotten used to it now. I guess it is being more aware of everything.

    The main change is that I am more aware of the portion sizes throughout the day, and conscious of the amount of food I am eating. I have cut out rice cakes in the mornings which has taken a bit of getting used to but dont miss them too much, and also more aware of the amount of fruit I am eating daily and keeping track of this. Had been eating peanut and cashew nut butter with rice cakes but as I have cut those out I am not eating any nut butters any more either.

    Got a minor sports injury week before last so that has set me back a little with training, last week didnt get much done at all, but back doing mainly cardio this week, and hoping to be fully fit again by next week and resume full training including weights. Have a new programme which incorporates more weights training which I am really enjoying and cant wait to get back to.

    So all in all making progress slowly but surely! My new goal is to be 11stone by the end of August, if I continue with the current progress I feel that this is achievable, but I know coming into summer am away on holiday etc so that might set me back a little, so really to get as close to 11st as possible by the end of August would be great! After than will reassess and see where to go from there!

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,504 ✭✭✭runawaybishop

    Good work, keep it up. Don't rush back into training with an injury, just mind yourself.

    I am a big fan of encouraging weight training for fat loss myself, good to see you are doing some. I came across this example recently, its quite encouraging of weight training.

    Here is an example of people that dieted, dieted + jogged and dieted +jogged +lifted weights over a period of 12 weeks. The jogging and strength training progressed from 30 minutes to 50 minutes a session towards the end.

    The diet group lost 14 and a half pounds of fat in 12 weeks.

    The aerobic group lost only one more pound (15 and a half pounds) than the diet group

    The weight training group lost 21 pounds of fat (~45% and ~35% more than diet and aerobic only groups respectively).

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,014 ✭✭✭Mimojo

    Good work, keep it up. Don't rush back into training with an injury, just mind yourself.

    I am a big fan of encouraging weight training for fat loss myself, good to see you are doing some. I came across this example recently, its quite encouraging of weight training.

    Here is an example of people that dieted, dieted + jogged and dieted +jogged +lifted weights over a period of 12 weeks. The jogging and strength training progressed from 30 minutes to 50 minutes a session towards the end.

    The diet group lost 14 and a half pounds of fat in 12 weeks.

    The aerobic group lost only one more pound (15 and a half pounds) than the diet group

    The weight training group lost 21 pounds of fat (~45% and ~35% more than diet and aerobic only groups respectively).

    Thanks for the reply, ya have another physio session on Friday so hoping that will be the injury all sorted, and will ask when its safe to go back to weight training then.

    Very interesting results alright, I have been increasing the amount of weight training I am doing over the past 4 months or so, and can really notice the difference, particularly in body composition, feeling much more toned than before, and although the lbs are slow the shift, I def know that it is working.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,697 ✭✭✭MaceFace

    Good work, keep it up. Don't rush back into training with an injury, just mind yourself.

    I am a big fan of encouraging weight training for fat loss myself, good to see you are doing some. I came across this example recently, its quite encouraging of weight training.

    Here is an example of people that dieted, dieted + jogged and dieted +jogged +lifted weights over a period of 12 weeks. The jogging and strength training progressed from 30 minutes to 50 minutes a session towards the end.

    The diet group lost 14 and a half pounds of fat in 12 weeks.

    The aerobic group lost only one more pound (15 and a half pounds) than the diet group

    The weight training group lost 21 pounds of fat (~45% and ~35% more than diet and aerobic only groups respectively).

    Can you post a link to that study?
    21 pounds of fat loss in 12 weeks is incredible. I am very interested in knowing the diet, deficits and types of lifting involved.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,504 ✭✭✭runawaybishop

    MaceFace wrote: »
    Can you post a link to that study?
    21 pounds of fat loss in 12 weeks is incredible. I am very interested in knowing the diet, deficits and types of lifting involved.

    In a 12 week study of 3 groups: diet only, diet plus aerobics (5 times a week, progressing from 30 mins to 50 mins) and diet plus aerobics plus weight training. Diet group lost 14.6 pounds of fat, diet plus aerobics lost 15.6 pounds, and diet plus aerobics plus weights lost 21.1 pounds of fat (44% and 35% more than the other groups, respectively).
    Kramer, Volek et al. Influence of exercise training on physiological and performance changes with weight loss in men. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., Vol. 31, No. 9, pp. 1320-1329, 1999.


  • Registered Users Posts: 4,881 ✭✭✭TimeToShine

    In a 12 week study of 3 groups: diet only, diet plus aerobics (5 times a week, progressing from 30 mins to 50 mins) and diet plus aerobics plus weight training. Diet group lost 14.6 pounds of fat, diet plus aerobics lost 15.6 pounds, and diet plus aerobics plus weights lost 21.1 pounds of fat (44% and 35% more than the other groups, respectively).
    Kramer, Volek et al. Influence of exercise training on physiological and performance changes with weight loss in men. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., Vol. 31, No. 9, pp. 1320-1329, 1999.


    I wonder would the timing of your exercise have any impact on this? Let's say lifting Friday/Sat/Sun instead of Monday/Wed/Fri. An additional 7 pounds of fat loss in 12 weeks is crazy when you think about it, the men must have been extremely overweight or the diet very restrictive. I'd like to know how they gauged fat loss as well and if they have published the difference in ratios of muscle:fat loss with and without resistance training.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,014 ✭✭✭Mimojo

    Another update! Currently sitting at 11st 12.5lbs, did get some good fat loss in the previous few weeks, but at the moment weight is yo-yoing up and down. Have had a mad few weeks so I know I havent been as strict with food as I would usually be & have had a lot of different bits on. Holiday coming up in 2 weeks so looking forward to having a break from everything and getting back 110% when I come back.

    Still going to the gym 5-6 times a week, and enjoying sport and some yoga thrown in. Finding this stage the toughest, fat loss is very slow.

    For the last 3 weeks I find that I am really hungry all the time, I dont know what is causing this. Trying to be careful with carbs & am limiting my intake, but I think this is resulting in me being hungrier than normal. The evenings are the worse, & find I am snacking after dinner (generally natural yogurt or fruit or homemade cacao balls) but am a bit worried as I feel this is prob the reason why fat loss is stalling a bit.

    Gym routine is going really well, after 7 months in the gym I can really see progress, feel fitter and stronger, and increasing weights and reps little by little. Will go back to my trainer when I get back from holidays for another new programme, she had suggesting moving to more weight training and less cardio next so I am really looking forward to that. Still doing interval running on the treadmill which I find has gotten easier and has certainly increased my endurance. Still doing one toning class per week, and generally one or two spin classes, along with 2 weights sessions with interval running. Generally have sports 2 nights a week, and one yoga class so am pretty busy but find that I am enjoying it & dont feel like it is too much.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,014 ✭✭✭Mimojo

    Hi all,

    Hope for some advise, or assurance!!

    As per my previous posts in this thread, I was down to 11st 12.5lbs in May. I went on holidays at the end of May and put on a couple of lbs, but returned to normal a week or two later. I was only at 11st 12.5lbs for about a week, before my hols I was at 12st 3 or 4lbs, which I was happy with. However its now July and I am moving from 12st 3 to 12st 8 week in week out, and I just cant seem to shift the remaining weight! I dont know if I am doing something wrong, or I am in actually loosing fat and getting fitter so have nothing to worry about.

    My typical eating for a day is as follows:

    6.15am: Freshly squeezed OJ before gym
    8am: Banana after gym
    8.30am: Brekkie of 30g oats soaked in hazlenut milk with 2 tbsp of greek yogurt, blueberries & strawberries
    9am: Green Tea
    10am: Kiwi
    11am: Green Tea with handful of mixed nuts (walnuts, cashew, pumpkin seeds etc), apple

    1pm: Lunch
    This is generally something like:
    3 slices of GF Bread with 1/2 avocado, tomato, 1/2 pepper, 1/2 LF Mozzarella
    2 slices GF Bread with 2 scrambled or poached eggs, natural yogurt
    2 slices GF Bread with chicken breast or leg, natural yogurt
    Bowl of Paleo Curried Brocelli Soup with 2 slices GF Bread
    Leftover dinner from the might before

    4pm: Celery sticks with LF Humous

    5.30pm: Dinner
    Usually something like this:
    Chicken leg / Chicken Breast /Turkey Breast / Salmon Fillet / Prawns etc
    with plenty of veg (brocelli, onion, pepper, green beans, asparagus, mushroom etc etc)
    1/2 Sweet Potato / Small portion of brown rice / Small portion GF Pasta

    After gym / sport / run (if I am doing that evening)
    Something like:
    1 slice GF Bread with 1 egg
    Greek Yogurt with frozen berries & Agave Syrup
    Homemade Cacao Balls (2) with 2 dates
    Natural Yogurt with pumpkin seeds

    Snack are generally
    Natural Yogurt Pot (125g)
    Cacao Balls Homemade (2)
    Dates (4)
    Few squares of dark chocolate

    My typical weeks exercise is (and this changes a bit but at the moment):

    Monday Morning: Interval Run (30 mins) with Free Weights/Weights Machine/Core (40 mins) or Weights only for 1 hour
    Monday Evening: Sports Training (1 hour)

    Tuesday Morning: Spin Class (40 mins) Core (20 mins)
    Tuesday Evening: Weights Class (40 mins), Pilates Class (1 hour)

    Wednesday Morning: 10km Run (slow pace, takes about 55mins to 1 hour)
    Wed Evening: Sports Training or match (not every week)

    Thursday Morning: FREE (sometimes do spin if I havent had sport the evening before)
    Thursday Evening: Climbing Wall (1 hour), Circuits Class (40 mins)

    Friday Morning: Hill Sprints (40 mins)
    Friday Evening: Sports Training - Not every week

    Saturday Morning: Run - Up to approx 14km at the moment, very slow, prob 1.5 hours
    or Interval Run (30 mins) & Weights Class (1 hour)

    Sunday: REST

    The amount of exercise I am doing has really increased & I do feel like I am eating well 95% of the time. Generally might have a couple of drinks every 3 or 4 weeks only, and at weekends stick to the plan for the most part.

    My weight is just driving me mad! Maybe I should be worrying about it, I guess its just the fact that it has been steadily going down for such a long time that I feel like I have hit a wall with it.

    My target weight is between 10st7lbs and 11st, I would be really happy with this, and for my height of 5ft9in think its ideal really.

    Any advise is very welcome on areas I might be doing wrong!
