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Adult Braces Experience

  • 04-10-2011 1:37pm
    Registered Users Posts: 1,025 ✭✭✭

    I find the forum great for questions and research. Haven't found a thread though with someone's experience from start to finish (I may not have looked hard enough!) so maybe this will help.

    At 26 I've decided to fix up the minor imperfections in my teeth. I mentioned it to my dentist who set up an appointment with an orthodontist. The orthodontist is an active member of the Orthodontic Society of Ireland, which was important to me. I wanted to go for the best option I can afford. I like saving money on socks or pens or stuff but I think teeth, eyes etc are worth doing right.

    I went for the consultation with him last week and I liked him so going to get this done. I had questioned on Invisalign and other invisible solutions but he recommended that fixed appliance methods give the best results so should go with this. So in two weeks time I'm getting the good old train tracks top and bottom.

    It is pretty expensive for what I, and friend & family, consider minor enough issues but maybe they're just being nice. I will post a few pics when I figure out how. I'm not sure how detailed I'm allowed to go into costs but lets say above 4, less than 4.5 but part of that was because I decided to have ceramic brackets on the top teeth which are a couple of hundred extra.

    Advice I would give so far is do a lot of research before the consult as I didn't do enough on things like bite (mine is off, surgery would correct it but I won't be doing that as it's not something that bothers me) and ask plenty of questions because I had loads walking away that I'll have to ask him before putting on now.

    If anyone has any other experiences/advice for the putting on stage let me know.



  • Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators Posts: 21,653 Mod ✭✭✭✭helimachoptor

    Op, what i would say is that while you think fixing a small gap or straightening one or 2 teeth is not just that simple. Other teeth may need to be pulled back to allow the teeth be straight and then the gap closed etc.

    The fact that he's a registered Ortho probably means he knows what he's talking about.

    There are couple of Orthos on here but your own Ortho will be more than happy to help you with any questions.

  • Registered Users Posts: 115 ✭✭fichillie

    Best of luck OP!

    I'm in a similar boat to yourself...25 and always wanted the teeth straightened. It was only ever an issue with my top teeth and I now have my train tracks on top. I will be getting them on the bottom too, to just pull them back abit. I had to get two teeth pulled on top, which I hated, having to pull perfectly healthy teeth, but hopefully it will be worth it.

    Like you my Ortho is a member of the Orthodontic Society of Ireland, and his details are here:

    I'm paying E2,800 for what he expects to be 18 months treatment, but I'm hoping they'll be off by christmas next year!

    For the putting on stage, I got the spacers and brackets on first for a week. Have to say that was the worst for me, looked like a loser with brackets on my teeth and no wire lol! The following week I got the wire on, which was really sore from that night, and for 3 days afterwards, but has been fine since then.

    I guess this is handy for what to eat afterwards .

    On a side of my elastic ties holding the wire to the bracket broke tonight!Freaking out abit cause my ortho is on hols, but I've left a message so hope he gets back to me soon. :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 81 ✭✭anigheh

    i am quite a bit older than either of u guys and have been considering dental work all my adult life..... but with mortgage and kids i have always put it off... i suppose the question i would ask is, in my 40's would it actually be possible to straighten teeth???

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,538 ✭✭✭btkm8unsl0w5r4

    I currently have a patient 66 years of age with braces on. Your never too old.

  • Registered Users Posts: 81 ✭✭anigheh

    wow...maybe i should take some of my hard earned cash and spend it on something for me.. for a change

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,025 ✭✭✭smallerthanyou

    I thankfully don't have to get teeth pulled. I already have my wisdom teeth out so didn't want to go less than the 28. He reckons it should be a year but I am hopeful it will be slightly less. There's one particularly sticky forward one that's the main reason I'm getting the brace so that one might take a while to reign in.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 56 ✭✭SooooBored


    Im 25 and got my braces on about a month ago. As with the OP my orthodontist is an active member of the Orthodontic Society of Ireland. This was a must for me.

    At the moment I have fixed braces on the bottom having had 2 teeth removed. On the top I have this guard thing (basically a plastic piece that clips on to the top teeth and is not really visable but does slightly effect speech at the start) that is stopping me from biting down on the bottom brace. This also kind of trains yours jaw/mouth into the correct position. The plan is to get 2 removed from the top and get a fixed brace applied but a clear or tooth coloured one. The whole treatment is expected to last 18 months and cost bout 4.5.

    The after treatment is to get a clearstep thing (basically an invisable gum shield) for the bottom and for the top to get a tiny permanent wire fixed behind the teeth.

    I have to say me teeth were not too bad but I had become more and more aware of them, I suppose the fact that every1 on tv seems to have perfect teeth ( most being caps tho). Its the best decision I have ever made and I feel that people seem to be a jelous of me having them as most are too vain or embarrassed to get them (granted that cost can be an issue).

    Alot of people say they are afraid of the dentist but I think they are just afraid of what they dentist will tell them i.e your teeth need orthodontic work.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,025 ✭✭✭smallerthanyou

    Getting them on on Monday. Starting to worry now that I won't be able to eat my favourite foods - I have popcorn and apples as my work snacks most days. Have yogurts too so think they'll be grand. Suppose I'll just have to have a "work toothbrush" too. And maybe a "hang-bag toothbrush".

    Still very happy though with the decision.

  • Registered Users Posts: 115 ✭✭fichillie

    Apples will be sore the first few days I'd say, but after that once you have a knife to cut it up it should be grand. And I still have my popcorn at the cinema anyway!

    A work toothbrush is a v good idea! Best of luck Monday!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,025 ✭✭✭smallerthanyou

    They went on ok anyway. Just got the top ones on today. I was surprised how non-invasive the whole thing was because I’m very nervous and jumpy at the dentist. I think they look grand, discreet enough so the ceramic brackets were a good choice. Bit sorer now than they were this morning, starting to feel some pressure but not sore as such. Went with a diet of soup & yogurts so far but think I could have eaten most things.

    Have a multiple of toothbrushes now. A work one, a home one, a handbag one and a tiny inter-bracket one. Have a mouthwash some wax and all kinds of things. I think my teeth will be the most brushed and well looked after they’ve ever been!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 56 ✭✭SooooBored

    fichillie wrote: »
    once you have a knife to cut it up it should be grand

    Ye, I can prity much eat any thing once i have a knife and fork. I have a guard on top to stop me biting on the bottom brace (overbite) so I cant really eat a roll or burger when I'm out cause I cant rip it with my teeth.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,025 ✭✭✭smallerthanyou

    Braces are going fantastically, I think I even like the look of them, I look about 5 years younger!. There's nothing I haven't tried and been able to eat, except chewing gum but never really ate that anyway. Still only have the top ceramic one on though. It's so pain and issue free that I fear he may not have tightened them too tight so I could get used to them and my first tightening will be a wake-up. Or else it's likely that they just don't have that far to move so maybe that's why its not that sore. I don't need the wax even because they don't catch anywhere.

    Getting the bottom metal one on in a few weeks. I had misunderstood and thought the bottom one had to be metal for some reason but after reading on here turns out I could have picked ceramic on bottom as well. I think even if I had understood properly I couldn't have justified the extra few hundred euro for ceramic brackets.

    So ya braces are class, I'd recommend to anyone thinking about it and my teeth haven't even moved yet.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,772 ✭✭✭Jwacqui

    I have barely experienced any pain with my braces and have then on nearly 4 months already. They have moved loads and are quite straight already. Had power chains put on bottom at last tightening and was uncomfortable for a few days but other than that they have been a breeze!

    I have ceramic on top and bottom.

    Just sorry I waiting til I was 23 and didn't get them on earlier.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,691 ✭✭✭Lia_lia

    I'm 22 and got mine about a month ago.

    Best decision I have made in ages! They are quite pricey considering I am a student (about €4,500 including extractions), but with a payment plan I'll be grand. And my ortho is brilliant so I'm happy out. :) They were quite painful the first few weeks but now I can't even feel them anymore! I have ceramic braces on top and will be getting metal ones on the bottom in a few months. He only charged me an extra €150 for the ceramic brackets, yay!

    I was told I can't get ceramic braces on the bottom, not really sure why. But sure you won't really be able to see them so I don't mind.

    Anyway, if you are thinking of getting braces...just do it! The time will fly anyway I'd say. And nobody really notices them. Loads of adults are getting them these days.

  • Registered Users Posts: 115 ✭✭fichillie

    In the space of 2 months I cant believe how much my teeth have moved, I'm delighted! I still cant bite into anything though without my front teeth being really sore, even sandwiches. But I'm happy using the fork and knife for everything.

    Just as a matter of interest...Smallerthanyou, Sooobored, Jwacqui, Lia_lia.....are ye all ladies? Something I've noticed is that it always seems to be women I see with braces and not the fellas! I wonder if us ladies are a little bit braver ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,772 ✭✭✭Jwacqui

    Yup, I'm a lady! :D

    Braver? Maybe we're just vainer! :p

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 56 ✭✭SooooBored

    fichillie wrote: »
    In the space of 2 months I cant believe how much my teeth have moved, I'm delighted! I still cant bite into anything though without my front teeth being really sore, even sandwiches. But I'm happy using the fork and knife for everything.

    Just as a matter of interest...Smallerthanyou, Sooobored, Jwacqui, Lia_lia.....are ye all ladies? Something I've noticed is that it always seems to be women I see with braces and not the fellas! I wonder if us ladies are a little bit braver ;)

    How dare you :eek: I'm a man.
    I'd always wanted my teeth straight. There not bad at all really, but Ive noticed them getting less straight over the years. Had been waiting for the tooth fairy or something to magically straighten them over night but this didnt happen......shock horror. Id always played sport so had the fear of getting a smack in the gob with them. So when I finished playing I went to the dentist/ortho and just literally said ''make the moulds now fella and take some money or I wont be back''

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,025 ✭✭✭smallerthanyou

    I'm a lady - well I try to be anyway!

    Ya now that you mention it I rarely see lads with train tracks. I have a male friend who went for the invisalign option up north because he wasn't willing to get a train track. I think in the end he'll spend about the same as me if not more between all (petrol, time off work etc). But he has them on 8-10 months and I can't see that much of a difference. These will be off before his because he sometimes takes a big break from going to the north because he can't get time off work. All in all for not biting the bullet it'll take him longer, cost the same if not more and, I'm open to correction on this one, won't give as good results.

    Today I noticed for the first time movement in my teeth (two that used to touch with teeth together don't any more). Great feeling. Didn't think movement would be that quick. Give the little extra motivation that I need sometimes when I look in the mirror and there's food stuck everywhere!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,538 ✭✭✭btkm8unsl0w5r4

    I'm a lady - well I try to be anyway!

    Ya now that you mention it I rarely see lads with train tracks. I have a male friend who went for the invisalign option up north because he wasn't willing to get a train track. I think in the end he'll spend about the same as me if not more between all (petrol, time off work etc). But he has them on 8-10 months and I can't see that much of a difference. These will be off before his because he sometimes takes a big break from going to the north because he can't get time off work. All in all for not biting the bullet it'll take him longer, cost the same if not more and, I'm open to correction on this one, won't give as good results.

    Today I noticed for the first time movement in my teeth (two that used to touch with teeth together don't any more). Great feeling. Didn't think movement would be that quick. Give the little extra motivation that I need sometimes when I look in the mirror and there's food stuck everywhere!

    That sums up two things "invisalign" and traveling for braces very nicely. Stay local and stay simple. Those clear retainer are not invisible and make you look like your teeth are covered in a clear slime only lingual braces are truly not visible.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,025 ✭✭✭smallerthanyou

    I got my bottom metal brace on and all the enthuasiam I felt is gone.....

    They look awful, really really bad. If you have the option to get clear on the bottom I think the extra cost is worth it now. Maybe it's just that it's sore as well that has me disheartened and when I get used to this set it'll be grand again.

    The top that were tightened feel fine. No pain or pressure after and there's definite noticable movement after only 5 weeks.

    Suppose can't change mind now so just have to get through the year as planned without once being tagged in a photo!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 115 ✭✭fichillie

    I got my bottom metal brace on and all the enthuasiam I felt is gone.....

    They look awful, really really bad. If you have the option to get clear on the bottom I think the extra cost is worth it now. Maybe it's just that it's sore as well that has me disheartened and when I get used to this set it'll be grand again.

    The top that were tightened feel fine. No pain or pressure after and there's definite noticable movement after only 5 weeks.

    Suppose can't change mind now so just have to get through the year as planned without once being tagged in a photo!

    Oh no!I'm nervous now, I don't have my bottom ones on yet...doesn't look like I'm getting them until the New Year.
    I never even asked about the clear ones, cause I just wanted cheap and cheerful.

    No pain no gain though, right? ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,194 ✭✭✭saa

    when im working i want to save up for bottom braces maybe top to fix back bite

    had braces on top teeth when i was younger refused bottom braces because i was a stupid stupid little girl.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,025 ✭✭✭smallerthanyou

    Ok I was a bit cranky yesterday from all the soft food! They're probably not that bad. You can never really see the bottom one, however if money isn't an issue I would go clear. But then money is always an issue.

    I find with the bottom on there is definitely more food stuck in them. And the back of my top teeth hit off my bottom brace a bit so that can be a little awkward. He mentioned that there is more of a tendency of the bottom brackets coming off so trying to be a little more careful.

    All in all still recommending but a bit disheartened and need to see some more movement to get the enthuasism back. Still though 6 wks down!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,772 ✭✭✭Jwacqui

    I have my braces on 5 months now and it's like they're just part of my teeth now. I eat everything and I've never had a bracket loosen or break. You'll be fine!!

    I'm obsessed with checking before and afters online though! And staring at my teeth!! :-/

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,025 ✭✭✭smallerthanyou

    The befores and afters is a great idea. I'll be doing that.

    I'm finding it hard to keep in behind the brace on some teeth clean so think I'll have to visit the hygenist or something. I think there's a little cavity on a front tooth that moved too so I can see it now. So probably have to get that checked too. Not sure can get it filled til brace comes off?

    Anyway happy with them again. The bottom one is fine. You never see it when talking so it's fine. Now I'm off to check out befores and afters.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,130 ✭✭✭Azureus

    I had braces on my bottom teeth for two years and two months (he originally said 18 months, but there ya go...) and Im getting them off later today! The difference is honestly unbelievable. Im so happy I went ahead and got them at 21. The top could probably do with a little bit of straghtening, but they werent near as bad as the bottom and for 2grand I couldnt afford it. But adult braces were definatey the best decision Ive ever made!

    Cant wait to see my bottom teeth without train tracks for the first time since 2009!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,772 ✭✭✭Jwacqui

    Smallerthanyou.. Do you use an interdental brush for between the brace? I brush then use that then brush again. Also got some little interdental sticks from boots that help dislodge anything that gets stuck.

    Can be a pain though! The glue really annoys me!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,494 ✭✭✭Sala

    I had braces from ages 22-24. I had "vampire fangs" and would have been happy just pushing them in a bit, but that wasn't possible! They said 18 months initially but it was actually 26 months. I wanted invisalign but wasn't suitable, I got ceramics.

    I had two extractions which I found awful, and probably wouldn't have gone through with it had I known what it was like! I had ceramic uppers and lowers but they were two different types, the bottom were self ligating but the top weren't, and I had clear ligatures which stained really badly. They let me change them myself and later gave me metal ties. They changed the type they used since the top clear brackets shattered when removed - so not only was the glue grinded off, I had to endure half the brackets as well! It cost E6000 - this was 2007 so prices now are much better and it's probably a great time to do it if you have the money.

    I absolutely hated them, and regretted them from the word go, but since my teeth were extracted I had no choice but to go forward. I actually cried the day I got them on! :o No one minds braces on other people, but on yourself you think they are so noticeable and everybody is looking at them. Funny thing is, very few people commented when I got them on and when I got them off. When I was talking about braces to someone else a friend I see regularly she was like " You had braces?? When?!?". I really do think the paranoia / vanity is all in your head ;)

    I have bonded upper and lower retainers so I don't have to wear my clear retainers as much. I wear them at night a couple of times a week, but if I don't wear them for like 10 days the pain is like being back in braces post - adjustment! I am determined to keep wearing them forever as I would hate to ruin the years of work, and wouldn't like to go back into braces again.

    I didn't enjoy the whole process, but now I have a lovely smile, and actually LIKE smiling in photos so it is worth in the end.

  • Registered Users Posts: 48 BMRising

    Getting mine on 13th December at age almost 27....and I am totally terrified :( I think I have quite a lot of lip coverage so hopefully they won't be too noticeable, I think I am going to be so so self conscious though :(

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  • Registered Users Posts: 48 BMRising

    oh also...I may need a gum graft (going for assessment on Thursday) - has anyone had one of these? the ortho said if I do need it (just one tooth, on the bottom) then I can get the top braces on and I wouldnt be getting the lower ones on anyway for a few months so the graft can heal in that time...would be interested in hearing others experiences esp re cost?
