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Auschwitz Museum Director Reveals 'Gas Chamber' Hoax



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,701 ✭✭✭Diogenes

    [/INDENT]Now is this a letter from hitler to kill jews? No it's not.

    So the Nazis decided to murder millions of jews and divert massive resources to do this, and didn't mention this to Hitler, and this occured at a time, when entire panzer divisions where under specific control.
    q) Why did Hitler want to kill EVERY Jew? (Why invade Russia for example?)

    Wheres your proof that Hitler invaded Russia to kill Jews? He invaded Russia because he had ideology differences with communism, distrusted Stalin and wanted access to the Caucasus oil fields.
    a) There is not one order from hitler to support that assertion.

    Wheres the order from Hitler to invade Russia? Or France?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,701 ✭✭✭Diogenes

    Diogenes, please don't - this is what i asked:

    It seems they made no effort to hide other crimes like their human experimentation programs, their work (if you can call it that) is still used and studied today, why destroy all the documentary evidence of the extermination programs?

    And again I'll ask why do you think they destroyed all the documentary evidence of extermination programs? I don't think you understand the question, I'm not asking you "why did they destroy all the documentary evidence". I'm asking you "why do you think they destroyed all the documentary evidence". Because there are vast amounts (and I'm talking millions of files here) recovered that document the holocaust.
    he U.S. Army made many significant finds of Nazi booty and records, among them gold, currency, artworks, and documentation discovered on April 7, 1945, by engineers of the U.S. 90th Infantry Division in the Kaiseroda Salt mine in Merkers, Germany. Millions of documents were captured at various locations, including records of the German Army High Command records; files from Krupp, Henschel, and other German industrial concerns; Luftwaffe (German air force) material; and records kept by Heinrich Himmler (the Chief of the German Police and Reich Leader of the SS), the German Foreign Office, and many others.

    Even where central files had been destroyed, the Allies were able to some extent to reconstruct events and operations from the records they did secure. The Reich Security Main Office (RSHA) records, for example, were burned in the basement of its Prague regional headquarters but copies of many of RSHA records were found and collected from the files of local Gestapo (secret state police) offices across Germany. Captured German documents provided a record of the policies and actions of the Nazi state. Both the Wannsee Conference Protocol, which documented the cooperation of various German state agencies in the SS-led Holocaust, and the Einsatzgruppen Reports, which documented the progress of the mobile killing units assigned, among other tasks, to kill Jewish civilians during the invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941, were among the documents central to the Holocaust submitted at Nuremberg.

    During the Nuremberg trial, Nazi Germany's dedicated filming of itself was also turned into evidence of its crimes. From the earliest beginnings of the Nazi Party in the 1920s, through the military invasions of World War II and graphic depictions of atrocities, German photographers and camera crews recorded (often proudly) what they accomplished in pursuit of their ideology. Toward the end of the war, teams of Allied military personnel worked tirelessly to locate, collect, and categorize this photographic and film record.

    In addition to official photography and films produced at the behest of the Nazi state, German soldiers and police took numerous photographs and film footage of German operations against Jews and other civilians. They documented the public humiliation of Jews, their deportation, mass murder, and confinement in concentration camps. This became powerful visual evidence of Nazi war crimes submitted at Nuremberg. For example, Allied prosecutors submitted the so-called “Stroop Report,” which included as an appendix an album of photographs taken on the orders of SS and Police Leader Jürgen Stroop to document his destruction of the Warsaw ghetto uprising in spring 1943. According to Stroop's own calculations, his forces captured more than 55,000 Jews and of these, killed at least 7,000 and sent 7,000 more to the Treblinka killing center.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3 Imrama

    most people actually forget that the allies never liberated the death camps as made popular in series like band of brothers

    they were 'liberated' by the soviets and the west was not allowed to examine them until the late 80s

    not to say people did not die in the concentration camps but the holocaust has also sadly become an industry that one cannot question in any way without having anti-semite thrown at you

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,701 ✭✭✭Diogenes

    The International Red Cross were at the camps, but I can't find much on what they said either...
    The Red cross admit massive mistakes were made in their reviews of the camps.
    The Red Cross handed over 60,000 pages of World War II-era documents to Israel on Tuesday and a top official acknowledged the organization's ``moral failure'' in keeping silent while the Nazis murdered six million Jews Six Million Jews their deaths a testimony to Nazi “Final Solution.”

    Very clearly, the ICRC's activities with regard to the Holocaust are sensed as a moral failure,'' said George Willemin, director of archives for the Geneva-based International Committee of the Red Cross


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,701 ✭✭✭Diogenes

    Imrama wrote: »
    most people actually forget that the allies never liberated the death camps as made popular in series like band of brothers

    they were 'liberated' by the soviets and the west was not allowed to examine them until the late 80s

    not to say people did not die in the concentration camps but the holocaust has also sadly become an industry that one cannot question in any way without having anti-semite thrown at you

    You're just so wrong about this you should frankly be embarrassed.

    1st Battalion Welsh Guard liberated Belsen. And the 101st Airborne, (that'd be the band of brothers fellows) liberated Landsberg. The filmaker Sam Fuller was part of the American 16th Infantry division that liberated Falkenau.

    And I picked those facts just off the top of my head.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 377 ✭✭polishpaddy

    Diogenes wrote: »
    So the Nazis decided to murder millions of jews and divert massive resources to do this, and didn't mention this to Hitler, and this occured at a time, when entire panzer divisions where under specific control.

    Wheres your proof that Hitler invaded Russia to kill Jews? He invaded Russia because he had ideology differences with communism, distrusted Stalin and wanted access to the Caucasus oil fields.

    Wheres the order from Hitler to invade Russia? Or France?

    So far we have establised hitler never gave an order to kill all jews.Such an order or document, never existed.Your understanding is incorrect just like the other posters before you.

    Now your shying away from that by asking did the nazis instead of hitler decide to kill millions of jews?No they did not.
    The mass transfer of Jews to the Middle East was the goal.Not the murder of millions of jews like your trying to assert.You forget the country was at war.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,701 ✭✭✭Diogenes

    So far we have establised hitler never gave an order to kill all jews.Such an order or document, never existed.Your understanding is incorrect just like the other posters before you.

    Now your shying away from that by asking did the nazis instead of hitler decide to kill millions of jews?No they did not.
    The mass transfer of Jews to the Middle East was the goal.Not the murder of millions of jews like your trying to assert.You forget the country was at war.

    So what the ovens/gas chambers/mobile SS death squads were what? A misscommunication?

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,229 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    hmmm..... am i missing the point? Piper did hold a senior position at the Auschwitz State Museum, and apparantly still does, so it's quite safe to assume that Cole was'nt lying in his documentary about Piper's status... no?

    Well he was certainly misrepresenting him.
    The title of the article:
    "Auschwitz Museum Director Reveals 'Gas Chamber' Hoax"
    He was not a Director at the Museum and he did not reveal a "Gas Chamber Hoax".

    2. In his advertisement he introduces me as a "Head of
    Auschwitz Archives at the Auschwitz State Museum". This is
    untruth. I am not and I have been neither a head of Auschwitz Archives
    nor a director of Auschwitz Musum, as Cole maintains in
    other propaganda leaflets. The purpose of such manipulation
    with of facts is clear - to attract potential purchasers of his
    "Interview" video tape.
    Ah, gotcha, can you be a bit more specific please? Because it appears that Piper is denying he said a lot of things....

    From the article:
    What Piper said - in effect and on camera - was that the explosive 1988 Leuchter Report was correct: no homicidal gassings took place in the buildings designated as 'homicidal gas chambers' at Auschwitz.

    From the letter in response.
    4. The fact that the Nazi murderers used gas chambers (in
    Birkenau you can see the ruins of the other 5 gas chambers) for
    mass annihilation of innocent men, women and children, mostly
    Jews, has been proved by thousands of memoires and depositions of
    eyewitnesses as well as by German official documents and plans.
    It is obvious fact for everybody who wants to approach the
    problem, to contact still living witnesses and to study historical

    I have already pointed this out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,949 ✭✭✭A Primal Nut

    So far we have establised hitler never gave an order to kill all jews.Such an order or document, never existed.Your understanding is incorrect just like the other posters before you.

    Now your shying away from that by asking did the nazis instead of hitler decide to kill millions of jews?No they did not.
    The mass transfer of Jews to the Middle East was the goal.Not the murder of millions of jews like your trying to assert.You forget the country was at war.

    Joseph Goebbels:

    "With respect of the Jewish Question, the Führer has decided to make a clean sweep. He prophesied to the Jews that if they again brought about a world war, they would live to see their annihilation in it. That wasn't just a catch-word. The world war is here, and the annihilation of the Jews must be the necessary consequence".

    There is nothing vague about "annihilation of the jews."

    Heinrich Himmler's diary notes:

    Jewish Question / to be exterminated like the partisans

    Both were referring to meetings with Hitler.

    Online Source: (which refers to sources in books/magazines)

    In addition, all other Nazi leaders who spoke of an order spoke of one from Hitler in early 1941.

    By the way, do any sources indicate that any Jews were brought to the middle east instead of killed?

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,229 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    Let me correct you. As of when i posted my reply you were replying to my post which took 20 odd minutes and you had to search hi and low on google for something to prove me wrong. You've failed to do that and I will show you why you failed.
    Damn I didn't realise there was a time limit to posting a response.
    Suppose you don't have that problem when you don't have to back up your claim with sources.
    That "wikipidea" link to a picturre of a letter is bs.

    Read this

    The relevant text is a handwritten cover letter, by Reinhard Heydrich to Martin Luther of the Foreign Office, dated February 26, 1942, forwarding the minutes of the Wannsee Conference. In the opening sentence Heydrich uses explicitly the expression, "the final solution to the Jewish question".[10] The following is a translation of the letter from German to English:
    Dear Fellow Party Member [Parteigenosse] Luther!
    Enclosed I am sending you the minutes of the proceedings that took place on January 20, 1942.
    Since the basic position regarding the practical execution of the final solution of the Jewish question has fortunately been established by now, and since there is a full agreement on the part of all agencies involved. I would like to ask you at the request of the Reich Marshal to make one of your specialist officials available for the necessary discussion of details in connection with the completion of the draft that shows the organizational, technical and material prerequisites bearing on the actual starting point of the projected solutions.
    I want to schedule the first discussion along these lines for 10:30 a.m. on March 6, 1942 at 116 Kurfürstenstrasse, Berlin. I therefore ask you that for this purpose your specialist official contact my functionary in charge there, SS-Obersturmbannführer Eichmann.
    Now is this a letter from hitler to kill jews? No it's not.
    So pray tell what does the "Final Solution to the Jewish Question" mean?

    And what about this:
    Prior to the beginning of World War II, during a speech given on January 30, 1939 (the six year anniversary of his accession to power), Hitler foretold the coming Holocaust of European Jewry when he said:

    "Today I will once more be a prophet: If the international Jewish financiers in and outside Europe should succeed in plunging the nations once more into a world war, then the result will not be the Bolshevization of the earth, and thus the victory of Jewry, but the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe!"
    And this:

    When a dictator promises in speeches to wipe out the Jews, sets up a conference to organise the effort of wiping out the Jews, Builds the infrastructure to wipe out the Jews and wipes out nearly two thirds of the Jews in Europe. It's a safe bet he gave the order.
    q) Why did Hitler want to kill EVERY Jew? (Why invade Russia for example?)

    a) There is not one order from hitler to support that assertion.
    So where exactly are you getting this from?
    How do you know he didn't give the order?

    And what does that mean?
    The rest of the Nazi government did it on the sly?
    And Hitler really was ok with the Jews?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 377 ✭✭polishpaddy

    Diogenes wrote: »
    So what the ovens/gas chambers/mobile SS death squads were what? A misscommunication?

    You won't acknowledge what i write, so how can i answer your next question? How do we make progress when having a discussion? Acknowledge and I will gladly talk about Ovens, gas chambers and mobile ss death squads.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,701 ✭✭✭Diogenes

    You won't acknowledge what i write, so how can i answer your next question? How do we make progress when having a discussion? Acknowledge and I will gladly talk about Ovens, gas chambers and mobile ss death squads.

    Okay, do you agree that there was a massive industrialised infrastructure set up to murder millions of people in Nazi Germany?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 377 ✭✭polishpaddy

    Joseph Goebbels:

    "With respect of the Jewish Question, the Führer has decided to make a clean sweep. He prophesied to the Jews that if they again brought about a world war, they would live to see their annihilation in it. That wasn't just a catch-word. The world war is here, and the annihilation of the Jews must be the necessary consequence".

    There is nothing vague about "annihilation of the jews."

    Heinrich Himmler's diary notes:

    Jewish Question / to be exterminated like the partisans

    Both were referring to meetings with Hitler.

    Online Source: (which refers to sources in books/magazines)

    In addition, all other Nazi leaders who spoke of an order spoke of one from Hitler in early 1941.

    By the way, do any sources indicate that any Jews were brought to the middle east instead of killed?

    Where is that order these leaders all spoke of?What order are you referring to?

    'We shall turn Germany into a desert. There are means that will vanquish Hitler and that will be through, an absolute devastating war of extermination, using large bombers against the Nazi-Country'."

    Any idea who said that? There are documents of more orders if you spend time to read about them.
    But there not hitlers orders are they?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 377 ✭✭polishpaddy

    Diogenes wrote: »
    Okay, do you agree that there was a massive industrialised infrastructure set up to murder millions of people in Nazi Germany?
    Well we have agreement so there was no order from hitler to murder millions of jews.

    Want to move onto your other 2 questions you asked me previously?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,701 ✭✭✭Diogenes

    Well we have agreement so there was no order from hitler to murder millions of jews.

    No we really haven't. What exactly are you expecting/demanding? A memo.

    To: Himmler

    Re: Weekend.

    Himmler grt to c u last nite. Pls come up to teh eagles nest nxt w'knd.

    PS. PLs murder all Jews. KBT


    Thats what you want?

    Leaving aside the obvious fact that Berlin was a bombed out hell hole and the Nazis destroyed massive amounts of paperwork in the days before the city fell, what exactly are you expecting to find.
    Want to move onto your other 2 questions you asked me previously?

    Theres a litany of questions that you're declining to answer and you're obsessing on this matter.

    Do you deny that there was a massive industrialised extermination industry in Germany built to facility the murder of among others, Jews? In their millions.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 377 ✭✭polishpaddy

    Diogenes wrote: »
    No we really haven't. What exactly are you expecting/demanding? A memo.

    To: Himmler

    Re: Weekend.

    Himmler grt to c u last nite. Pls come up to teh eagles nest nxt w'knd.

    PS. PLs murder all Jews. KBT


    Thats what you want?

    Leaving aside the obvious fact that Berlin was a bombed out hell hole and the Nazis destroyed massive amounts of paperwork in the days before the city fell, what exactly are you expecting to find.

    Theres a litany of questions that you're declining to answer and you're obsessing on this matter.

    Do you deny that there was a massive industrialised extermination industry in Germany built to facility the murder of among others, Jews? In their millions.

    We cannot leave aside such a statement.Thats ridiculous.There is no document thats what i said and thats what is true. If you don't want to dwell on this little issue, tell me, As your going round in circles asking me other questions which i asked did u want to go back to, but you keep asking new ones....

  • Moderators, Regional East Moderators Posts: 21,502 Mod ✭✭✭✭Agent Smith

    jasus thats Gas

    Or not.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,229 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    We cannot leave aside such a statement.Thats ridiculous.There is no document thats what i said and thats what is true. If you don't want to dwell on this little issue, tell me, As your going round in circles asking me other questions which i asked did u want to go back to, but you keep asking new ones....

    Well was there massive industrialised extermination industry in Germany or not?
    Do you think Hitler wouldn't have noticed it?

    And what about all the times he said he was going to exterminate the Jews?
    And all those meeting where they discussed "The Final Solution"?
    What do you think "The Final Solution" means?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 377 ✭✭polishpaddy

    Ok so your kindly putting forward Diogenes's questions for me to answer.
    Well was there massive industrialised extermination industry in Germany or not?
    Extermination of what exactly?

    One question at a time now,be nice.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,229 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    Ok so your kindly putting forward Diogenes's questions for me to answer.

    Extermination of what exactly?

    One question at a time now,be nice.

    You're kidding right?
    The extermination of Jews, Gypsies, Gays, Communists, the disabled and anyone else the Nazis deemed undesirables.
    What other extermination do you think we're taking about?

    Diogenes has asked this same question twice quite clearly.
    It's mostly a rhetorical device however because regardless of your belief it is clearly evident that an industrialised extermination program was enacted in Germany.

    The actual question is: do you think Hitler wouldn't have know about it?

    They're simple yes or no questions.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 377 ✭✭polishpaddy

    King Mob wrote: »
    You're kidding right?
    The extermination of Jews, Gypsies, Gays, Communists, the disabled and anyone else the Nazis deemed undesirables.
    What other extermination do you think we're taking about?

    Diogenes has asked this same question twice quite clearly.
    It's mostly a rhetorical device however because regardless of your belief it is clearly evident that an industrialised extermination program was enacted in Germany.

    The actual question is: do you think Hitler wouldn't have know about it?

    They're simple yes or no questions.

    Your saying he exterminated these people -how did they do that exactly?

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,229 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    Your saying he exterminated these people -how did they do that exactly?

    You're serious?
    If you don't know five minutes on wikipedia won't kill you.

    Do you believe that there was a industrial extermination program in Nazi Germany, Yes or no?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,701 ✭✭✭Diogenes

    We cannot leave aside such a statement.Thats ridiculous.There is no document thats what i said and thats what is true. If you don't want to dwell on this little issue, tell me, As your going round in circles asking me other questions which i asked did u want to go back to, but you keep asking new ones....

    There's no Document saying "Lets Invade Poland" Does that mean the Nazis didn't invade Poland? Theres no document signed by Nixon ordering the watergate break-ins does that mean watergate didn't happen?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 377 ✭✭polishpaddy

    King Mob wrote: »
    You're serious?
    If you don't know five minutes on wikipedia won't kill you.

    Do you believe that there was a industrial extermination program in Nazi Germany, Yes or no?
    How can I answer your question if i don't know what your asking me?How did they exterminate them? I don'#t mind talking about such things if i know what the subject matter is.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,229 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    How can I answer your question if i don't know what your asking me?How did they exterminate them? I don'#t mind talking about such things if i know what the subject matter is.

    In concentration camps. Where they herded people to be put into gas chambers and ovens.
    You know: the Holocaust.

    What the hell do you think we're talking about?

    Do you believe people where brought to camps where they where killed en mass in the thousands for the purpose of exterminating groups which the Nazis deemed undesirable?
    Yes or no?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,701 ✭✭✭Diogenes

    How can I answer your question if i don't know what your asking me?How did they exterminate them? I don'#t mind talking about such things if i know what the subject matter is.

    Are you just being willfully obtuse. You're not aware of the camps? The gassing, the shootings, the mass starvation.

    If you're so convinced that Hitler never ordered the Holocaust, what do you think happened in the Warsaw Ghetto?

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,324 ✭✭✭✭Collie D

    Well we have agreement so there was no order from hitler to murder millions of jews.

    I really can't believe I'm reading this tripe. I am assuming you are Polish? I cannot believe somebody of your nationality could question the existence of the Holocaust.

    Let me ask you this question if you remain unconvinced that Hitler didn't order these murders. Do you think he was unaware of them?

  • Registered Users Posts: 32,417 ✭✭✭✭watty

    Of course there was. We don't have an actual signed order from Hitler but it's beyond any doubt whatsoever that it was his order.

    And a huge mountain of evidence exists.

    He was obsessed with eradication of Jews completely from the Earth. Have you read any Translation of Mien Kampf?

    Or William Shirer's "Rise and fall of the Third Reich"?

    Or "The War Against the Jews: 1933-1945"

    Or about

    Or Hitler's close friend

    Hitler said:
    "Today I will once more be a prophet: If the international Jewish financiers in and outside Europe should succeed in plunging the nations once more into a world war, then the result will not be the Bolshevization of the earth, and thus the victory of Jewry, but the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe!"

    Joseph Goebbels wrote:

    "Regarding the Jewish Question, the Führer is determined to clear the table. He warned the Jews that if they were to cause another world war, it would lead to their own destruction. Those were not empty words. Now the world war has come. The destruction of the Jews must be its necessary consequence"

    Reinhard Heydrich wrote
    Enclosed I am sending you the minutes of the proceedings that took place on January 20, 1942.

    Since the basic position regarding the practical execution of the final solution of the Jewish question has fortunately been established by now, and since there is a full agreement on the part of all agencies involved. I would like to ask you at the request of the Reich Marshal to make one of your specialist officials available for the necessary discussion of details in connection with the completion of the draft that shows the organizational, technical and material prerequisites bearing on the actual starting point of the projected solutions.

    The fact that Hitler wanted and ordered Genocide (Complete Eradication of the Jews) is not in Doubt. The only Doubt is if the "Final Solution" was in his mind in the 1920s, or 1933 when his campaign against them started in earnest or if it was 1942 when the attempted Genocide may have started.

    There is no doubt in my mind that a major influence in attacking Russia was to exterminate Russian Jewry.
    First, it is now undeniable that Hitler personally ordered the overall Final Solution decision; second, the decision was not made prior to the invasion of the Soviet Union - rather, the ultimate decision was taken near the end of 1941; third, the Final Solution was not a smoothly evolving process, but rather more dependant on the vagaries of the war effort.
    Hence the announcement of the "Final Solution" after invasion of Russia
    Hitler Personally Ordered The Final Solution

    Most experts have agreed that an action on the magnitude of a mass genocide, with the resultant possible ramifications, could not have proceeded without Hitler's personal approval. Until now, no written decision from Hitler has been found, although there are compelling indications that a verbal decision was certainly given. The recent discoveries cannot be called a written decision (which, if it ever existed, was almost certainly destroyed by the end of the war), but they are certainly unequivocal confirmation that a clear decision was taken by Hitler. Even better, they help pinpoint the time it was taken.

    See also
    Hitler's speech to the Reichstag of January 30, 1939 is the climax of Der ewige Jude (The Eternal Jew). The leader of Germany provides a horrifying resolution to the "Jewish problem" as it was laid out in the previous hour of film.

  • Registered Users Posts: 831 ✭✭✭IrelandSpirit

    Diogenes wrote: »
    And again I'll ask why do you think they destroyed all the documentary evidence of extermination programs? I don't think you understand the question, I'm not asking you "why did they destroy all the documentary evidence". I'm asking you "why do you think they destroyed all the documentary evidence". Because there are vast amounts (and I'm talking millions of files here) recovered that document the holocaust.


    Diogenes! Your nit-picking over this question is driving me crazy!

    I’m going to explain it for you one last time. The Nazis didn’t appear to make an attempt to hide their medical experiments on human beings, these programs are well documented and the finding from that research is still used today. My question was simply aimed at the inconsistency of how thorough they appear to be at coving up the mass-murder in the camps, but failed to cover up their human experiment programs – both of which are crimes against humanity and would have meant a death sentence at the Nuremberg trials or any such legal proceedings.
    I was referring to the documentation, obviously, not the homicidal gas chamber and ovens which they didn’t destroy and were featured in Cole’s video. Alleged homicidal chamber and ovens, I should say, I’m determined to keep an open mind on this until all the points Cole raised are satisfactorily debunked. In regards the Auschwitz crematoria, it might very-well have been built to deal with the first typhus epidemic, as claimed.
    (As to why they didn’t destroy all traces of their human experimentation programs, I don’t know… I have a theory but it’s a bit off topic.)
    I will admit that I’ve shifted my viewpoint on this issue of camp documentation a little, as by what you say the Nazis didn’t make any attempt to cover up this evidence either – “millions of files” exist, you say, and I have no reason to believe you are lying.

    In the Cole video we see what appears to be a homicidal gas chamber which, we are assured by the guide conducting the tour, is in its original condition. We then find out it was reconstructed by the Soviets after the camp was liberated, so it turns out not to be in its original condition after all.
    Why are the Auschwitz Museum tour guides lying?
    Apart from the fact that evidence, tampered like that (reconstructed) would not be admissible as valid (in any respectable museum or court of law too), what is that gas chamber doing there anyway? The Nazis knew the Allies were advancing, why wasn’t this incriminating evidence destroyed?

    Which begs the question, was the reason it wasn’t destroyed, due to fact it wasn’t a homicidal gas chamber after all?

    Before you jump all over that question too, let me just say that I do not trust anybody’s version of events, neither the Allies nor the Nazis. From reading the posts here and at this stage of my research, it appears that all sides in the war had their own agendas and are therefore at best unreliable – not least the Allies tampering with (reconstructing) the evidence of a crime scene – and I certainly wouldn’t trust condemned Nazis to be telling the truth either.

    I mentioned the International Committee of the Red Cross earlier because that’s an impartial organisation, which would have no motive to cover anything up and least of all for mass-murdering Nazis. They were there at the camps and kept records too, many of which are (apparently) quoted all over the net. I have found many references to these reports, saying the ICRC recorded only deaths from accident and disease, and no I do not (and cannot) at this stage believe this either, I’d need to study the records themselves and from a reliable (impartial) source.

    It is also highly unlikely (in my mind) that the ICRC would fail to notice a mass-extermination program involving millions of people, in a relatively confined space and over a 5 year period. And that they wouldn’t present this evidence at the Nuremberg trials, or at least mention it somewhere. I’ve read some claims tonight that the ICRC weren’t allowed to present evidence at the trials, and others that the ICRC themselves abstained. Again, I’m not going to jump in there without cross-referencing with reliable sources.

    Can you please point me to these records from the time the ICRC spent at the camps, and where I can find the mistakes you say the ICRC admitted to making, so that I can compare the two?

    I hope the above clears things up for you. If you still don’t understand what I meant, please don’t bother asking again, I will not waste any more of my time trying to explain.

    If you don’t have the ICRC reports that I, and yerself mention, don’t worry either I will find them eventually. If you can provide me with a link though, I will be very grateful.

    Thanks a million.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 25,229 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    So the guy who was interviewed saying that Cole misrepresented him doesn't debunk the claims?
    How about where he reinforces the fact that he believes the exact opposite of what the video and you are claiming?
