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STI Clinics in Ireland (list in first post updated 10/08/2010)



  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    Thanks for all your help gistered, I'm going to get a second opinion, I thought there was no hope for me and have been feeling horrible about myself, hope you're right.

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    HIV antibody tests are conclusive after 3 months (13 weeks). You only have to wait 6 months for a conclusive result if you have recently had an organ transplant or have undergone serious treatment such as chemo. Even then the percentage that do not seroconvert after 13 weeks is less than .1%

    Contact Dr. Friedman, he's a std specialist. He will guide you. He's in Ranelagh but is a expensive - 180euro. The test you need is a test that looks for the HIV virus itself rather than antibodies. However, please be aware that there is a high chance of a false positive and you will still need to take an antibody test at 13 weeks. I think the timeline for a hiv particle test is 7 - 21 days.

    I would not recommend you go down that route. Instead, wait till 8 weeks, get an antibody test. at 8 weeks 98% of tests will be accurate. this will calm your nerves. then test at 13 weeks for conclusive results.

    What was your exposure?

    PS stay off the net and dont look up HIV information
    I understand the paranoia, but really, if the above is true - you are not positive.

    thx guys, everything came back negative! big relief

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    I've been thinking for the last few days I should probably get checked for STI's. I don't have any particular reason to think I have one, I'm probably quite low risk compared to most (with last BF for 2 years, usually protected sex, had chlamydia and gonohrea tests as a precaution after unprotected and both negative) but I'm very, very paranoid and would like to make sure. I suppose I could fork out to go to Dr Friedman, as I can't get time of work to attend James' clinic. How far in advance do you usually need to make an apt, and how long does it take to get the results?

    Also, how safe/unsafe is oral sex? I've been seeing a guy for a month or two (not a randomer, we're good friends but he's had a few partners) and we've had oral sex - is there any/much risk? How long should I wait to get tested to see if I did get anything?

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    Yes, his standard included Chlamydia, Ghonnorreah, HIV, Hep B & Syphillis

    think it's Dr. Freedman
    Freedman Dr Derek For Appointment
    88 Ranelagh Village Dublin 6 (01)4975826

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    A couple of years ago I was worried that i could have something. I had a 1 night stand a year previous and used protection. I was about to enter a relationship and felt that Id never like my mistakes to have an effect on another person or my future happiness. Looking back I was probably being overly cautious. I spoke to a friend who recommended doctor Freedman and they helped me make an appointment. I attended the clinic, met the doctor and though he was direct and forward you could see that he was looking after your welfare in doing so. He tested me for the usual things. (If your thinking about going and are worried about what some of the tests involve... don't be, they sound much worse than they are...I suggest going in without having looked up what they involve :) ) Anyway, shortly afterwords, a week or 2 later I got a phone call with my results. I was clean.

    I would recommend testing for anyone who has any worries over this... just don't overdo the worrying. Also Id traveled quiet a distance for testing and Doctor Freedman recommended that in future I could go to a local clinic as they are of a high standard in his opinion. I'm going to do so in the next week or so.

    Good Look

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  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    Just a quick word of advice to anyone who gets some symptoms-forget about any embarassment you might have and just go to a doctor immediately. I had the obvious signs of gonorrhea but I hoped it was something else because it was a month since I had sex or that it would just go away on its own. 4 days later I was almost crawling down to the surgery in the most excruciating pain imaginable. The cure is just 1 dose of antibiotics and the symptoms and pain started to ease after just a couple of hours. After 2 days it was like nothing ever happened. I can't emphasise enough how I wish I had gone for treatment straight away-believe me, you would not wish the pain on your worst enemy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 301 ✭✭theredletter

    Hey guys, read over this before going to James's today and it helped me calm my nerves a bit so thought i'd share my experience for those who either had an appointment booked and/or are gay.

    First off, the waiting. It's as bad as people say it is. I brought a few good books and that but I'd also reccommend bringing something to eat and drink (if you aint one for the vending machines!) or eat a big meal before hand. I thought at one point i was going to faint!

    When it comes to the appointments I don't think you need to register with a nurse, so it's a little bit quicker (10 mins at most). Today I waited four hours to be seen. The nurses are nice and obviously over-worked. If you're getting anxious you can ask them what number in the line you are. There are usually four docs on so that's grand.

    When I got called in I got to see the Professor/Head of the department which was cool (a nurse told me this later). She basically sat me down and I gave her a summarised sexual history (she seemed to rush me a bit), and then popped me up on the table. You don't even notice the swab and she just fiddles a bit (for a second). Then (if you're gay only, I imagine) she puts you to your side and takes a swab of your anal area and has a look at the anal skin to see if it's damaged.

    Before I left she said that I need to get vaccinated against Hep A and B, but before that I needed to get my bloods done.

    After that I peed in a test tube and waited in another line for bloods. This line moves really quick and you wont even notice it going. The nurse sits you down and takes a small vile from you and the nurse I had was so nice and reassuring.

    After waiting around for a half hour for my results, I gave up and went up to a nurse and said that I was going to leave. The doc who did the tests on me overheard me and took me to the ward to get the first of three vaccines for hep. There the nurse went and got my results and gave me my vaccine. The doc (prof or whatever), didn't send mine away immediately and she said that that was a good sign because she must've been pleased with me overall and didn't rush the samples to the lab.

    I'll probably go to Gay Men's Health Project in the future, but overall it was a tiring day and I felt more or less ignored for most of it. But once you're in there getting tested the nurses/docs are lovely, unjudgemental and offer good advice.

    I'll be getting results for swabs and bloods in two weeks or so and I'll let you know how i get on, but it looks good

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    I'm looking for some help/advice on what to do next after getting the all clear for STI's but still concerned that I have something that's not part of the std test ....
    Backround is that I had a one night stand with a woman while in Portugal last Sept.
    I did use a condom but still, i developed small blitsters on my penis after 3-4 days. Just over a week after the night, I went to my GP and he sent my blood & urine away for test - the tests showed I had herpes type 1 and everything else was clear.
    Ever since that week, I've had tingling sensations in my leg muscles and often have cramps in my legs and sometimes in my arms.
    As i was worried that this could be HIV, I went to the STI clinic and got tested twice ... 10 and 16 wks after the one night stand .... All tests showed clear.
    But still, the tingling sensations and cramps continue - they are not as severe as they used to be but still, they're a nuisance especially when trying to do any exercise.
    I've also developed a rash on the back of my palms... brown/reddish marks- they look like large freckles ... about 6-8 on each hand .... sometimes they are more visible after showering and then get less noticeable after 1-2 hours.
    As I haven't been with anybody since that night in Sept, I'm convinced that the tingles/cramps/rash are a related to something I caught that night but the STI results say that I'm clear.
    ....I've gone to my GP but he's told me that it's nothing to worry about seeing as the STI results were clear.

    Anybody have any suggestions on what I may have caught, or who I could go to get checked out - Is there any private STI doctor in the Limerick that anybody can recommend?
    ... just want to get this sorted and move on as it's been dragging me down for almost 6 months.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43,045 ✭✭✭✭Nevyn

    Go to a different dr and get a second opinion.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,382 ✭✭✭✭AARRRGH

    I had a one night stand with a woman while in Portugal last Sept... I did use a condom... Just over a week after the night, I went to my GP and he sent my blood & urine away for test - the tests showed I had herpes type 1 and everything else was clear.... Ever since that week, I've had tingling sensations in my leg muscles and often have cramps in my legs and sometimes in my arms... As i was worried that this could be HIV, I went to the STI clinic and got tested twice ... 10 and 16 wks after the one night stand .... All tests showed clear.


    Your constant worrying could be causing this.

    Get tested again, but I really think it's unlikely you have anything. You have been tested three times. :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 9,770 ✭✭✭Bottle_of_Smoke

    I'm looking for some help/advice on what to do next after getting the all clear for STI's but still concerned that I have something that's not part of the std test ....
    Backround is that I had a one night stand with a woman while in Portugal last Sept.
    I did use a condom but still, i developed small blitsters on my penis after 3-4 days. Just over a week after the night, I went to my GP and he sent my blood & urine away for test - the tests showed I had herpes type 1 and everything else was clear.
    Ever since that week, I've had tingling sensations in my leg muscles and often have cramps in my legs and sometimes in my arms.
    As i was worried that this could be HIV, I went to the STI clinic and got tested twice ... 10 and 16 wks after the one night stand .... All tests showed clear.
    But still, the tingling sensations and cramps continue - they are not as severe as they used to be but still, they're a nuisance especially when trying to do any exercise.
    I've also developed a rash on the back of my palms... brown/reddish marks- they look like large freckles ... about 6-8 on each hand .... sometimes they are more visible after showering and then get less noticeable after 1-2 hours.
    As I haven't been with anybody since that night in Sept, I'm convinced that the tingles/cramps/rash are a related to something I caught that night but the STI results say that I'm clear.
    ....I've gone to my GP but he's told me that it's nothing to worry about seeing as the STI results were clear.

    Anybody have any suggestions on what I may have caught, or who I could go to get checked out - Is there any private STI doctor in the Limerick that anybody can recommend?
    ... just want to get this sorted and move on as it's been dragging me down for almost 6 months.

    I think everything you've described could be stress related. To get rid of this you're going to have to be really sure though. Go to the James clinic or Dr Friedman as you'll be seen by an expert in the field who'll have seen everything you can catch

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    I'm looking for some help/advice on what to do next after getting the all clear for STI's but still concerned that I have something that's not part of the std test ....
    Backround is that I had a one night stand with a woman while in Portugal last Sept.
    I did use a condom but still, i developed small blitsters on my penis after 3-4 days. Just over a week after the night, I went to my GP and he sent my blood & urine away for test - the tests showed I had herpes type 1 and everything else was clear.
    Ever since that week, I've had tingling sensations in my leg muscles and often have cramps in my legs and sometimes in my arms.
    As i was worried that this could be HIV, I went to the STI clinic and got tested twice ... 10 and 16 wks after the one night stand .... All tests showed clear.
    But still, the tingling sensations and cramps continue - they are not as severe as they used to be but still, they're a nuisance especially when trying to do any exercise.
    I've also developed a rash on the back of my palms... brown/reddish marks- they look like large freckles ... about 6-8 on each hand .... sometimes they are more visible after showering and then get less noticeable after 1-2 hours.
    As I haven't been with anybody since that night in Sept, I'm convinced that the tingles/cramps/rash are a related to something I caught that night but the STI results say that I'm clear.
    ....I've gone to my GP but he's told me that it's nothing to worry about seeing as the STI results were clear.

    Anybody have any suggestions on what I may have caught, or who I could go to get checked out - Is there any private STI doctor in the Limerick that anybody can recommend?
    ... just want to get this sorted and move on as it's been dragging me down for almost 6 months.

    Hi I am sorry to hear you are having some difficulties.

    It is almost certainly stress related. Its not mentioned where the testing was done but every decent testing facility in Ireland automatically (without assumption) test for the following:
    HIV, HEP A,B,C Syphillis, Gono, Chlamydia.

    Taking each one individually:

    HIV - despite assumptions is very difficult to transmit. You don't provide details of your partner but assuming she was a non drug using woman from the EU the chances that she had HIV is about 0.1%.

    I am not sure why you have anxiety about this particular incident? Is it because of the blisters, Your first one night stand? or was she a CSW?

    At worst if she was a CSW the rate of infection with HIV in Europe varies between 0.1% (same as any other woman) in Germany to about 9% in some former USSR countries. So even if your partner was a CSW the chances she is infected is low.

    Now, add to that the fact that HIV has been proven to be only transmitted Once in approximately 2000 vaginal (unprotected) exposures. Of course it can happen the first time which is why condoms are the single most important part of sex life outside of a monougomos relationship. So if you had unprotected vaginal sex - 1 in 2000 chance of hiv infection (provided your partner was infected).

    Finally, condoms are the best barrier to STIs outside of monogomous relationships. You used a condom and providing it didn't break ten you have no worries regarding HIV.

    But best of all an antibody test after 16 weeks is proof that you do not have HIV. Tests are definite after 13 weeks. It has been known to take 6 months in the event that you are or have recently been treated with Chemotherapy.

    HIV is not a fear for you so don't worry.

    Now to the rest.

    HEP A - not sexually transmitted unless there is anal rimming or unprotected anal sex - and anyway usually its not a big deal and the body fights it off very quickly.

    HEP B - condom protected vaginal sex carries no risk. And your test results out to 16 weeks proves that you do not have it. In 90% of cases the body would also fight it off without long-term damage.

    HEP C - is now not considered a sexually transmitted disease in the U.S. Very few places in the US would test following a vaginal exposure (even unprotected). HEP C is only transmitted blood to blood so anal sex would be required. Your tests are good for this also

    Syphillis - very rare in europe now even in CSWs and about 80% of all cases are in Men who have sex with Men. Your test results also prove that you do not have this.

    Gon & Chlamydia - condom protected sex is safe regarding these - also your test results prove you did not get this.

    I assume your herpes type 1 diagnosis was as a result of a swab of the blisters?

    Did the girl perform unprotected oral sex on you (even just a quick suck/kiss/lick)? HSV type 1 is the virus that most commonly causes blisters (cold sores) of the mouth. Its rare that HSV type 1 is transmitted via vaginal sex (not impossible though). Either way if those blisters were genuienly as a result of type 1 HSV then you are likely to only have one outbreak a year at most. As times goes on you will probably only have an outbreak every few years.

    The various ailments/problems you describe could very easily be stress/anxiety related to the one night stand. But this is the only relation. Your symptoms are not indicative of any std and your test results conclusively prove this. Move on with your life from this perspective but by all means follow up with your symptoms to find an answer (it will not be std related) and I would bet its anxiety related.

    Finally, I applaud your use of protection. Continue to make such smart choices and you can expect to live a life free from the effects of the serious STDs.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3 matthattan

    I've been reading through this thread, and saw a good few people had been asking about good services in Dublin and thought I could add something that might help someone, a really good STI / STD clinic in dun laoghaire.

    Sheehan Medical Practice :

    Hope that helps someone out ...

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,396 ✭✭✭Aisling(",)

    I'm just wondering does anyone have any experience with the young persons clinic in St.James?
    I'm hoping to go in on thursday to get an S.T.I test and i was wondering what the waiting was like and how early I'd have to be.
    any information is greatly appreciated:)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 149 ✭✭sammyv

    I would recommend Daisyhill GUM clinic in Newry, the staff are wonderful, and because it is run by the NHS, everything is free, including any treatments needed. I attended on a few occassions with a family member and also a friend, and also got tested myself.

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    I had a smear and a full STD test last thursday. Today when I got home there was a letter to say I needed to book a doc appointment to discuss the results. I'm so freaked out now. They wouldn't tell me on the phone. I'm surprised the results were so quick.

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    Can someone please let me know if the STI examination in James' Hospital in Dublin is free or not and how long does it take to get the results???

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    My friend used the GUIDE Clinic in St. James Hospital Dublin a couple of years ago and was happy with the service he got there.
    He had to wait two to three weeks I believe after being tested - now the way it worked at the time was that you could choose two options regarding recieving results: (1)if they did not call you during this timeframe then all your test results were ok.
    (2)or they could call you either way if the results are positive or negative when they get them back.
    I have been tested privately before myself with the Dame Street Medical Centre in Dublin and can recommend them. - It cost 120 euro but you did not need an appointment and the tests were done in about 10 minutes - they included urine testing for Chylamidia, urethal swab for Gonnoreah, Blood tests for HIV 1/2, Hepatitis B/C and Syphilis and a visual examination for Herpes and Warts.
    The Doctor was friendly and to the point - He did not ask about ones sexual history as I have heard others do so that may be a negative but overall I was pleased with the service and I can recommend them.
    Test results took 10 working days. I should also point out that the Doctor recommended to test 3 months after an exposure to be sure about the results.
    Hope this helps.

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    Can anyone recommend a Limerick clinic other than the Regional. There is a 3 week waiting list and I need to get this done asap.
    I dont mind having to shell out a few bob

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    As has been previousy posted can anyone advise of a discreet doctor or clinic in Limerick.

    Where I can get tested. I am a mature Gay man and am stuck in my ways and not out.

    The regional is not an option for me would greatly appreciate if anyone was aware of any alternative in the Limerick/Clare area. Thanks in advance.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    Thanks for posting info on screening. if there is anything to blame its that it is a wild goose chase to find clear information on free or reasonable priced services for screening. In a community of this wealth, it is essential that 1 or more free sceening per year be given to all legal residents in exhange for sitting through a basic education session combined with an anonymous questionare. it is worth the resources it costs. further testings can be given at reasonable should be free period but this at least..its a disgrace to the community that it takes forever to find anything on it..not on irish health, citizens information ..nothing

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 407 ✭✭lynsalot

    Hey guys

    There's a GP surgery in South William Street (Yellow door) around the corner from Molly Malone statue and they do STI screening there. the whole shooting gallery - 2 or perhaps 3 female docs very nice and approachable. They do charge typical private consultation fees etc. Possibly €150 for full tests but results are wuick within 1 week I think.

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    Hi all,

    Hoping for some advice/reassurance re getting tested.

    Went on holidays and got to know a guy over the course of a week. Slept with him on the last nite (in what will be my first and only one night stand) and then realised the condom had broken altho (sorry to be graphic) he didn't come inside me.

    I got the morning after pill the next day to be sure but now need to now how/where/when i should get tested??

    Thanks a million

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    what is the name of the depatment in james hospital where the sti clinic is...i cant find it on the website, also can you just go in without an appointment...

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    Hi all,

    Hoping for some advice/reassurance re getting tested.

    Went on holidays and got to know a guy over the course of a week. Slept with him on the last nite (in what will be my first and only one night stand) and then realised the condom had broken altho (sorry to be graphic) he didn't come inside me.

    I got the morning after pill the next day to be sure but now need to now how/where/when i should get tested??

    Thanks a million

    You've very little to be worried about to be honest but you should get checked.

    I need you to answer a few others questions before I can give you any advice (if you want it that is). When did the incident take place? Are you single or sleeping with anyone regularly at the moment (or since the event)? What part of the country are you in? Detail of the person with whom you had a one night stand (age, race, nationality). Any symptoms?

    You should look to get tested for Gonorrhea, Chlamydia (the 2 most likley things you could have picked up - anytime after 5 days following the incidenct.

    HEP B, HIV, Syphillis anytime after 6 weeks from the incidence - although it it recommended to wait 13 weeks for conclusive results. Although your risk for any of these three is very very low (e.g. 1 in 1,000 for HIV IF your partner was infected and he most likely wasn't). If you provide more detail of your partner I can further advise.

    Unless you had anal sex or anally rimmed your partner Hep A is not a worry and quite frankly is not a worry even if you did.

    YOu should get tested for Hep C if you had anal sex with the partner although if the condom was intact during anal sex you would be fine. Still if you are getting tested for everythin else it won't do much harm to get tested for this too.

    What else?

    Well herpes - unlikely to get it from a one time unprotected exposure - the fact that your exposure was protected for some (most ?) of the intercourse would reduce it even further. If you don't notice any strange bumps or lesions within 21 days then forget about it.

    HPV is possible... if you've had anymore than 3 previous partners you probably have already had at least one strain of this infection. If you get warts its not a big deal to get them treated and most do not recur. Other than that get regular pap smears (you should do this anyway and this advice has nothing to do with this particular incident.)

    The fact that he didn't cum "theoratically" reduces the risk of infection but it is not quantifiable by how much - you do need to be tested though. In the absence of symptoms don't worry about it and don't attach an urgency to testing. Wait the 13 weeks if you can just to put the matter out of your head once and for all. However, in the interim don't have unprotected sex with anyone including a regular partner if you have one.

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    what is the name of the depatment in james hospital where the sti clinic is...i cant find it on the website, also can you just go in without an appointment...

    Its the GUIDE Clinic.

    Go early, expects a long waiting time - but it is free and the service and care provided is the best provided in the country (and you might even get to be checked by the renowned Dr. Friedman [for free]). The other consultants and Doctors (and indeed nurses) are just as thorough and expert as well - you'll be in good hands

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    bohsboy wrote: »
    If you want to go private, try the Everyman Clinic on Mount Street. Run by Dr. Kelly. Private, discreet and confidential. Will test you for everything bar genital herpes or genital warts (no real testing possible) and answer any questions. Bit expensive but worth it if you need peace of mind.

    Number is in the phone book.

    has anyone got an exact price for everyman clinic? i heard 80 somewhere but not sure how accurate that it. ive already booked an apointment there so just curious as to how much it will cost

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    gistered wrote: »
    You've very little to be worried about to be honest but you should get checked.

    I need you to answer a few others questions before I can give you any advice (if you want it that is). When did the incident take place? Are you single or sleeping with anyone regularly at the moment (or since the event)? What part of the country are you in? Detail of the person with whom you had a one night stand (age, race, nationality). Any symptoms?

    Happened within the last 2 weeks
    Mid twenties from Norway
    No symptoms

    I also bled a little during which has me seriously freaked out (mainly due to size....thank god for being able to go unreg for this >_< )

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    Happened within the last 2 weeks
    Mid twenties from Norway
    No symptoms

    I also bled a little during which has me seriously freaked out (mainly due to size....thank god for being able to go unreg for this >_< )

    You have nothing to feel embarrassed about, you haven't done anything wrong or "Dirty" etc...

    Assuming your partner isn't an IV drug user or has sex with other men - there is something in the region of 0.1% chance that he has HIV - which I feel is the biggest concern. HEP B is possible (have you ever been vaccinated)?

    Generally, I wouldn't worry about syphillis as it is extremely rare especially so in the heterosexual community. circa 80% of syphillis cases are in men who have sex with men.

    If you've had no symptoms yet then there isn't much to worry about, however, I do advise you to get tested for peace of mind. A number of STDs including the more regular ones can often not have symptoms in some people.

    I think you should wait 13 weeks (from your exposure) to be sure. If you are particularly anxious and can't wait that long then take a test at 8 weeks - that would be conclusive for Gonorrhea, Chlamydia and syphillis. Approx 97% accurate for HIV and approx 90% accurate for HEP B. Considering your low risk I think you could rely on a test at that time. Having said that If I was in your shoes I would hang on for the extra 5 weeks and get tested when all test results are conclusive.

    It really depends how anxious you are about the situation - of course nothing stopping you from getting tested at both 8 weeks and 13 weeks. But seriously you've nothing to worry about.

    As for the bleeding - well could be anything but most likely trauma from the intercourse and is certainly not related to any STD.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    Happened within the last 2 weeks
    Mid twenties from Norway
    No symptoms

    I also bled a little during which has me seriously freaked out (mainly due to size....thank god for being able to go unreg for this >_< )

    Sorry also forgot to mention about where to get tested.

    Most (all?) all of the info on the first page of this thread is still active.

    Depending on your financial situation I recommend the following@

    Public Gum:
    Guide Clinic at St James' - consultation, testing and treatment (if necessary) are free. But its an open clinic on a first come first served basis. If you want to be seen you really need to be in there for around 7am. They used to take 25 people per day, plus appointees, plus emergency cases. Expect a long wait in the hospital but once you see the Doctor the service and thorough care is impeccable.


    Dr. Friedman, Ranelagh (male dr) - excellent service provider, one of the leading authorities on STDs in Ireland (also works publically out of the Guide Clinic). By appointment only but no waiting etc... - fee is €180

    Wellwoman Clinic - I don't look the consultation they provide (which is actually non existent). Not very thorough. Essentially they take your bloods, your urine sample and let you off. Although, I suppose at the end of the day bloods and urine are tested and if you get the all clear what matter? Fee is €150.

    There is also the IFPA (cathal brugha street (?))
    And a number of others around the city.

    PS. I am sorry your first one night stand ended in that kind of worry. But don't let the put you off having a healthy sex life in future. Just be more careful with how and/or your partner puts the condom on.

This discussion has been closed.