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Alcoholic Drink



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,290 ✭✭✭trowelled

    akamossy wrote: »
    trowelled wrote: »
    Too right it's lethal. Haven't touched the stuff since a dodgy incident a few years back (and that's when it was 7 %).

    1 sip and it gave me heartburn lol... Never again :pac:

    I wish it was only heartburn it gave me lol. First and only time I've ever had blackouts on night out. Still have people reminding me to this day of the things I did that night, oh the shame :o

  • Users Awaiting Email Confirmation Posts: 827 ✭✭✭Phlann

    I used to hate the taste of alcoholic drinks (mostly due to an incredibly bad experience drinking tumblers of whisky and tequila sunrises when I was 16) but I've grown to like it again. Can drink pretty much anything these days.

    Except Guinness. It's responsible for 90% of the foul smells in pubs and clubs.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,393 ✭✭✭Climate Expert

    delspeed78 wrote: »
    The hangover from the german beers isn't half as bad as the hangover you get from the ****e they serve in pubs in this country.

    Its only a psychosomatic effect typical of people who equate chemicals and additives as being evil.

    Do you get a hangover from drinking milk/cereal with all its additives? No.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 37,214 ✭✭✭✭Dudess

    Voddy and diet Coke and nothing else. Gets me pleasantly pissed with little or no hangover. Also a lot kinder to the waistline than beer.

    If having friends over or heading to a mate's place, a good white wine. Gets me extremely pissed with a lethal hangover, and not kind to the waistline (wine's full of sugar) but it's only a very occasional indulgence.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,811 ✭✭✭BaconZombie

    When I was younger I started on bud and hated it so moved to Hudson Blue {an "ICE" Cider} and Wodka, good used to drink Wodka like it was water.

    I then moved onto Carlsberg and SnakeBites when I was at the pub to start with and then finished the night with Jameson and then Southern Comfort & Lime {tastes like paint-stripper}.

    I now drink Kopparberg pear, Becks, Tiger or Carlsberg if there is none of the others. And finish the night with Wokda, Jameson or JD + mixer. I also started drinking Meth or Jager and Burn when at festivals.

    End of my very hungover post about drink....,

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,283 ✭✭✭Smegball

    Used to only drink Carlsberg, then only cider, now I'd drink anything tbh
    My favourites would be Kopparburg, Bud , Symonds :) and Vodka n Blackcurrant

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,255 ✭✭✭anonymous_joe

    Kind of going off Kopparberg, I'd much rather Rekorderlig. (Seek it out all Kopparberg drinkers, it's a must.)

    Spent the weekend on Bulmers because it was free, then Warsteiner because it was free.

    I find Vodka straight is nice in very small doses, and obviously delightful with Red Bull, but it's too messy. The same accusation can be levelled at Jaegerbombs. Too much damage. Both financially and to those in the immediate vicinity, especially the imbiber.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16,165 ✭✭✭✭brianthebard

    akamossy wrote: »
    Pear koppparberg mmmmmmmmm :D but only the pear one, the mixed fruits one is lethal!! used to drink alot of alcopops but my stomach can no longer take em :mad:, love vodka too, used to do shots like jager and stuff but wont touch shots anymore ever since my 21st ;)

    kopperberg is pretty much an expensive alcopop.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,811 ✭✭✭BaconZombie

    I drank iKi Beer from a ponsy winebar in town and drank a crap load of them but haven't found an off'o that sells them yet. It's a Green-Tea beer but actually tastes nice and is "healthy and good for you"

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,060 ✭✭✭Niamho!

    Dampsquid wrote: »
    How did people settle on their usual alcoholic drink?

    I picked mine (Bud) as it was the least distasteful to me, not that i liked it.
    Even after drinking it for 10 years or so now, i wouldn't say i actually like the taste.

    How many people are in the same boat? Would you still drink your favourite drink if it didn’t contain alcohol?

    started on Alcopops coz they were easy and didnt taste too strong in the alcohol department. still drink them but i dont drink Beer or Wine...ugh. too strong. i drink Vodka coz you can mix that with whatever ya like the taste of. nice and easy.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 292 ✭✭Krsnik87

    Carlsberg, started out with bud but realised it was just fizzy water. Then drank Miller for years until I came to the same problem. Carlsberg is a tasty beer but the hangover is a bit ****...

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,970 ✭✭✭DenMan

    Krsnik87 wrote: »
    Carlsberg, started out with bud but realised it was just fizzy water. Then drank Miller for years until I came to the same problem. Carlsberg is a tasty beer but the hangover is a bit ****...

    Yep you are right there. There is something about Carlsberg. It is a very strong beer. A few months ago I went a little OTT with it and had about 8 pints of it. Thinking about it now I could have had more but 8 was my amount that night. Suffice to say the following morning I woke up completely shell shocked. I was in a daze, I didn't even feel the water in the shower, it's as if I was somewhere else. A thoroughly strange experience thats for sure...........Whiskey(+coke) is the same for me shocked.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16,165 ✭✭✭✭brianthebard

    Strong beer?Its 4.3,same as most on tap!Pfft lightweight tbh ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,970 ✭✭✭DenMan

    Wasn't eating much that day so I am sure that had something to do with it. Really starting to develop a taste for Czech Beers.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16,165 ✭✭✭✭brianthebard

    Mmm prazsky is good,and cheap.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,408 ✭✭✭studiorat

    Morgan Spiced Rum and Soda and slice of lime. Can tip away all night and no hangover!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,343 ✭✭✭✭rossie1977

    settled on guinness these last few years, i have even ordered it in south florida, not a bad pint either :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,811 ✭✭✭BaconZombie

    How did I forget about prazsky, ಠ_ಠ
    Tastes good and cheap, 6 for 7€ in most places.
    Mmm prazsky is good,and cheap.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,598 ✭✭✭ferdi

    i'll drink pretty much anything thats not wine, gin or bud. For pints its smithwicks (tastes good and less gassy)..maybe a becks IV or a heineken. At home it'll be a nice bottled german, polish or czec beer. If i'm poor then its stonehouse:eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,971 ✭✭✭Holsten

    Vodka > Alcopops > Bulmers > Miller > Heineken > Bavaria (cheap).

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,739 ✭✭✭Jello

    Fosters or Heineken mostly for me, might have an Erdinger the odd time.

    Or Bavaria when I'm low on cash.

  • Users Awaiting Email Confirmation Posts: 827 ✭✭✭Phlann

    I went through a phase when I was about 21 of drinking triple vodka with a blue WKD in a pint glass. Toilet Ducks we called them.

    I don't know if I ever want to revisit that period but I still think four drinks in a pint glass is a very efficient way to get drunk.

  • Registered Users Posts: 23,246 ✭✭✭✭Dyr

    Guinness drinker for years, dunno when i started. its ruined me though, I cant drink the fizzy pish that passes for lager in this country anymore, one pint of that gas and im full. Same goes for bottles of bud, miller etc etc ye might as well drink water for all the taste. Quite like fordin beers and dark beers, some english ales etc etc

    Quite partial to koppaberg as a summer tipple though it rips the stomach off me.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,635 ✭✭✭dotsman

    Used to drink mainly bud (due to being the least worst of our traditionally available beers) and spirits (vodka or Southern Comfort), but every time I would travel through Europe, I would be forced to try a new beer as bud wasn't available there. And every time, I ended up preferring what I found. Now that there is far greater choice in pubs/offies, I mainly drink Krombacher, Budvar, Tskie, Prazsky, Tiger etc...

    Now, I never turn down the opportunity to try a new beer. Every time I stock up from the offie, I try to include one or two bottles that I have never tried before. If they turn out poor (happens the odd time), I just give up after the first few swigs. Most of the time, however, I have discovered a new great beer!

    On the german beer giving less hangovers, it's certainly true. Lived in germany for a while and for certain beers: no matter how drunk you got on them, you would only have a mild hangover (mainly tiredness/thirsty) the next morning.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,738 ✭✭✭mawk

    beamish ftw. unless im in some county/country that doesnt happen to be cork. then ill stretch to guiness

    if we have hit shorts , then its jameson with a splash of lime or else some delicious homebrew'd thermal shock. goes well with lemon

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,065 ✭✭✭Fighting Irish

    Dampsquid wrote: »
    How did people settle on their usual alcoholic drink?

    I picked mine (Bud) as it was the least distasteful to me, not that i liked it.
    Even after drinking it for 10 years or so now, i wouldn't say i actually like the taste.

    How many people are in the same boat? Would you still drink your favourite drink if it didn’t contain alcohol?

    99% of alcohol tastes like piss, all you have to do is check your local show to see if they sell non alcoholic beer

  • Registered Users Posts: 66 ✭✭Galmay

    Henieken would be my first choice pint wise. Love the taste of it. It has a bit more of a bite to it than Bud. However Im hardly what you'd call fussy Ill drink whatever is on offer! When I was in college (ie poor) Id buy one can of henieken, drink that first to give me the lip then start on my 6 cans for €7 Dutch Gold!

    When it comes to shorts, southern comfert with coke/lemonade/blackcurrent.
    And on those rare(!) nights when everyone really starts to go messy its jagerbombs, tequila, green diesels (blue aftershock &red bull), double southern comfort and smirnoff ice mixed and anything else put in front of me and/or likely to make me broke!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,165 ✭✭✭DEmeant0r

    I usually go for Millers since it's very nice :) If the pub don't have Millers I'd just drink Bud or Fosters. Was in Amsterdam, and no place I went to had Millers, pretty shocking...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,039 ✭✭✭rmacm

    I started off drinking Guinness and I've stuck with that since, I only drink it when I'm out though not a huge fan of it from a can/bottle. If I'm having a few beers at home it's usually Miller, back in college it was lots of boxes of Biere de France.

    Shorts wise I used to drink a lot of JD & Coke, then I moved onto vokda & Redbull and now it's Jager & Redbull although I feel like a change so I'm looking for a new short to try.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,794 ✭✭✭JC 2K3

    Beerwise, Bavaria is quite nice, and for the price it is, I'm not gonna be changing to another beer any time soon.

    I like red wine with a meal, but never to get drunk on. Hangover is too bad, and pink puke freaks me out.

    Fave spirit with a mixer would be JD and Coke. I like Vodka+Red Bull too, though it can make me slightly crazy, ditto with Jagerbombs.
