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i'm an idiot

  • 27-08-2006 12:37am
    Closed Accounts Posts: 87 ✭✭

    i needed to write this down,feel physically ill.Posted a while back about a guy i was seeing for a few months.Though we had gotten close,despite some rows.Over the past week and half he barely contacted me,so stupidly i txted/im'ed him,basically chased after him.He decided he wanted 'space'(the boy has a HUGE amount of issues and emotional baggage),which turned into he was ending things.Via email.

    I just wanted a face to face closure/goodbye.Went out to his area this evening with some stuff of his to give back and hoped that he would at least have the courtesy to say goodbye/say its finished to my face.I walked up to the house,and saw him through the window curled up on the couch with another woman.When i called to say i'd left the stuff outside his door and could he at least come out to finish things/say goodbye/have the decency to end things like an adult,he answered and let rip that he didn't want to hear from me,that i was acting like a stalker etc.Felt like he was almost playing up the situation for the benefit of whoever she was.

    I'm so upset.Is it me being old fashioned but is it not really cruel to end things via a bloody email?Jesus does it make me a 'stalker' to want a dignified end to something that i though was decent.Just feel like an idiot for running after him and sick to my stomach that i didn't just walk away after the email



  • Registered Users Posts: 12,154 ✭✭✭✭Sangre

    Yes, that is quite stalkery.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 87 ✭✭flyingdagger

    so you think he did the right thing by breaking up with me via an email?:confused:

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,154 ✭✭✭✭Sangre

    Who decides what is right?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6 autofanticide

    I went through something similair, not excactly the same but, I understand. Its horrible when you're in a different place completely to someone else but it happens.

    Don't feel like a stalker, I don't think there was anything weird about what you did. If you think it was the decent good thing to do, then be glad that you did it.

    Don't regret running after him, cause you did what you thought was right, and you lost nothing because it's over anyway. So be happy that you're not with someone who'd break up with someone via email and then treat you like that.

    Oh and you're not an idiot.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,699 ✭✭✭Santa Claus

    Breaking up via email was cowardly, but are you sure you went out there to hear it face to face or did a small part of you want to get back together ? (we all at some stage or another hope that an ex will change their mind and rekindle something).

    Have nothing more to do with him !

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 170 ✭✭SingingCherry

    No, it wasn't stalkerish at all and he is a child. You don't want to be with someone who is willing to break up with you OVER EMAIL. That's a massive sign of immaturity along with cowardice. Forget about him.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭AngryBadger

    I think people would consider that stalkerish because if he was gimp enough to break up with you over e-mail what did you expect by turning up out of the blue? It sounds like you were hoping for some kind of reconciliation.

    It's not that you're old-fashioned, it's just that it was foolish to expect anything form a guy who broke up with you over an e-mail.

    Also, I'm not familiar with the previous psotings, but we're only hearing one side of things here. Turning up at someone's house after they've broken up with you seems like stalker activity to me. You would have been better off trying to arrange coffee or something so you could return his stuff and then get your closure. I don't understand what you were thinking just appearing at the door of a guy who obviously wasn't interested.

    Sorry for the harshness, but it seems necessary here.

  • Registered Users Posts: 478 ✭✭GretchenWieners

    No you're not, any guy that does that obviously has no balls and is trying to make himself look like the bigger person. Don't even waste your time on the loser!

    If you want to be mature about it that is ;)

    Or be immature (more what I'd do :p ) and get revenge in a few weeks/months by putting his name and number in for random crap, maybe if he actually has an other half @ that stage she'll get a bit worried!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 87 ✭✭flyingdagger

    true,you only have my side of the story.there are 3 sides to every story-mine.yours.and the actual reality of a situation.i asked him to meet me for a coffee during the wk and was told no.i didn't want to try and 'talk him round',just wanted a bloody dignified end for my own sake,rather than hoping(stupidly) that he might want to start seeing me again.And also didn't want his stuff round my house reminding me of him

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,154 ✭✭✭✭Sangre

    thats what the bin is for.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭AngryBadger

    true,you only have my side of the story.there are 3 sides to every story-mine.yours.and the actual reality of a situation.i asked him to meet me for a coffee during the wk and was told no.i didn't want to try and 'talk him round',just wanted a bloody dignified end for my own sake,rather than hoping(stupidly) that he might want to start seeing me again.And also didn't want his stuff round my house reminding me of him

    Yeah, again, going back over your OP, you chased him when he wasn't txting you, he told you he wanted space, then he broke up with you over e-mail, and THEN you turned up at his house, was this before or after he refused to meet for coffee? If it was after, then what were you doing turning up at his house? If it was before, then why did you go to his house FIRST, and then invite him for coffee after he lashed you? If you really couldn't stand the sight of his stuff you could just have burned it/given it away/thrown it out.

    I have to wonder if you were crowding this guy. And again this all sounds a bit clingy/stalkerish to me.

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,118 ✭✭✭✭Esel

    Did his house not have a bell or a knocker?

    Not your ornery onager

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 213 ✭✭BigWilly

    you chased him when he wasn't txting you, he told you he wanted space, then he broke up with you over e-mail, and THEN you turned up at his house, was this before or after he refused to meet for coffee? If it was after, then what were you doing turning up at his house? If it was before, then why did you go to his house FIRST, and then invite him for coffee after he lashed you? If you really couldn't stand the sight of his stuff you could just have burned it/given it away/thrown it out.

    I have to wonder if you were crowding this guy. And again this all sounds a bit clingy/stalkerish to me.


    Anyone who's thinking to themselves, "WOW, this isn't stalkeryish at all!"...I fear for your partners...

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,138 ✭✭✭lau1247

    curled up on the couch with another woman??

    He's not worth the effort and clearly he shows no effort either..
    Plenty o' fish in the sea.. Look for someone else that is true to you..
    You're not an idiot or being stalkery..

    Is that even a word? :rolleyes:

    West Dublin, ☀️ 7.83kWp ⚡5.66 kWp South West, ⚡2.18 kWp North East

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,611 ✭✭✭✭Sam Vimes

    he doesn't want to talk to you. you;te only digging yourself into a hole by continuing to contact him. he seems like a pr!ck to be honest. you're better off without him

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,138 ✭✭✭lau1247


    West Dublin, ☀️ 7.83kWp ⚡5.66 kWp South West, ⚡2.18 kWp North East

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,673 ✭✭✭Miss Fluff

    It is cruel finishing by email. And immature. Do you really want to be going out with a bloke with no balls? I think if you're honest with yourself, really honest, you'll admit that by meeting up at his house he'd think to himself what a fool he was by finishing with you and there would be a tearful reunion. This IS rather scary behaviour. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and conduct yourself with dignity. Don't contact him again and view it as a luck escape.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,850 ✭✭✭Cianos

    Its not scary behaviour, its just normal for someone who has been a bit messed about emotionally. The fact that he didnt have the balls to end it face to face probably means you are better off without him. OP, you went to his house for you have it. Dont waste any more time worrying about it, life is too short.

  • Registered Users Posts: 676 ✭✭✭Nickibaby*

    I think you got all the closure you need, he opened the door and told you to go away. He doesn't want to see you anymore. Rejection isn't nice but you will find someone else, someone who treats you with a bit of respect which you deserve.

    You didn't do anything too stalkerish at all but leave things the way they are now. Personally i would have thrown his stuff in the bin or put it in a black bag and put it away till he came and collected it himself.

    You can't change the fact you went around there now. What's done is done. Move on

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,290 ✭✭✭ircoha

    i needed to write this down,feel physically ill.Posted a while back about a guy i was seeing for a few months.Though we had gotten close,despite some rows.Over the past week and half he barely contacted me,so stupidly i txted/im'ed him,basically chased after him.He decided he wanted 'space'(the boy has a HUGE amount of issues and emotional baggage),which turned into he was ending things.Via email.

    I just wanted a face to face closure/goodbye.Went out to his area this evening with some stuff of his to give back and hoped that he would at least have the courtesy to say goodbye/say its finished to my face.I walked up to the house,and saw him through the window curled up on the couch with another woman.When i called to say i'd left the stuff outside his door and could he at least come out to finish things/say goodbye/have the decency to end things like an adult,he answered and let rip that he didn't want to hear from me,that i was acting like a stalker etc.Felt like he was almost playing up the situation for the benefit of whoever she was.

    I'm so upset.Is it me being old fashioned but is it not really cruel to end things via a bloody email?Jesus does it make me a 'stalker' to want a dignified end to something that i though was decent.Just feel like an idiot for running after him and sick to my stomach that i didn't just walk away after the email

    IMO you have done nothing wrong here, you are best rid of him.
    You mentioned "the boy has a HUGE amount of issues and emotional baggage" - he now has a lot more. In addition the new gf will be wondering wtf have I here?

    I cannot accept the argument that calling once is stalking:


    Stalking is a legal term for repeated harassment or other forms of invasion of a person's privacy in a manner that causes fear to its target. Statutes vary between jurisdiction but may include such acts as:

    repeated following;
    unwanted contact (by letter or other means of communication);
    observing a person's actions closely for an extended period of time; or
    contacting family members, friends, or associates of a target inappropriately

    You did what any normal decent lady would do, so just keep going

    Keep well

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 829 ✭✭✭McGinty

    I would concur with Irocha, you did not stalk him, otherwise you'd still be trying to see him. What I can ascertain is that you sought closure, he did not respond to you in an open fashion so you went to his house, I would have done the same thing if someone was unwilling to face me due to his cowardice, as re; the comments by Sangre, ignore them. You did what was right for you, you don't need justification by anyone else. You were also treated with bad manners, and your well shot of your man.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,193 ✭✭✭[Jackass]

    You're probably playing down the circumstances a bit, and who shows up to their ex's place with a box of "stuff" and peaks through the window?

    Nothing wrong with trying to contact him if you wanted to discuss it...if he dosen't answer, leave a voice mail...if he dosen't call, send him a text (2 max) and if you're both into contacting eachother via internet...i suppose you could write him 1 letter (1) just saying wtf? cant we talk about this, i feel: blah blah blah.

    But to answer your question, yes, very stalkerish...don't try and contact him again and value your dignity.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 235 ✭✭smk135

    i have to say, i do feel sorry for you coz im sure that its a really ****ty situation to be in, but (hope i dont sound pretentious) ive been in the reverse situation more than once (guys calling me 15 times a day/declaring undying love after 2 dates) and its not even flattering coz i just reckon they're either slightly mental or just very very lonely... so learn from this experience and dont ever insist again like this with anyone! its so so so off putting...
    im sure you'll get over it in a few weeks, probably cringe about it for another while but at least maybe when someone worth while comes along you wont "scare" him away. (not that im saying you're scary just figure of speech).

    ps: hahaaha Sangre gotta love your honesty!!!!:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,889 ✭✭✭evad_lhorg

    stalkery.... stalkery.... kinda loses meaning the more you say it.

    I think that guy was being a knob. you cant break up with someone like that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,776 ✭✭✭up for anything

    I don't think breaking up with someone by email has the same connotations it used to have, considering that a lot of communication in a lot of relationships these days takes place by text and email, I think it's probably going to become the norm. I don't think it has the same stigma as a 'Dear John' letter.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 66 ✭✭judybaby

    Hey...and sorry to hear you had a rough time. Regardless of what you say you went around to his house to see would he have you back. This is the first mistake when you are dumped and believe you me I've been dumped in worse ways than in an email!

    Anyway Girl pick yourself up from the gutter (exaggeration??!), cry in to a pillow and listen to some crappy songs BUT put a time limit on it ...that is ...1 day of moping! Then get that b**t**d out of your mind...get yourself down a loads of sexy gear and head out at the weekend and ... ENJOY! This guy is entitled to his space...give him LOADS...never speak to him again.

    If all else fails ...and you still feel like texting/email/contacting him...DON'T.....
    ...If you still feel like contacting him a good book called

    "How to break your addiction to a person" by Howard Halpern and for a laugh and some good points read "He's Just Not That into You: The No-excuses Truth to Understanding Guys" By Greg Behrendt

    Hugs x

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 17,485 ✭✭✭✭Ickle Magoo

    You had only been seeing each other a couple of months & he dumped you by e-mail. I would have asked him once also by e-mail if he wanted his stuff back & when it would be convenient to me for him to pick it up. To chase him for "closure" and then turn up uninvited at his house & peak through the window does seem OTT to me...

    In future if anything similar happens, I would just take it "I need a break" or "I don't want to see you again" as closure enough & walk away with your head held high. Best of luck.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,946 ✭✭✭BeardyGit

    You had only been seeing each other a couple of months & he dumped you by e-mail. I would have asked him once also by e-mail if he wanted his stuff back & when it would be convenient to me for him to pick it up. To chase him for "closure" and then turn up uninvited at his house & peak through the window does seem OTT to me...

    In future if anything similar happens, I would just take it "I need a break" or "I don't want to see you again" as closure enough & walk away with your head held high. Best of luck.

    On the money.....

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 87 ✭✭flyingdagger

    well thanks for the opinions.tbh i wasn't peeking in his window-its right by his front door so you can see right in.I'm hurt but now feel that i'm glad i went out-otherwise i would have been hoping for him to contact me,i got a sharp shock and it was just what i needed to realise that he's a b*****d-i deserve better.When i posted the OP it bugged me coz i felt like an idiot because i had ran after him,also i have no idea how long he has been seeing this other woman.
    So i feel like crap at the moment and it'll take a while to feel better.Maybe if he gets a kick in the teeth like that from someone else at some point he may realise how hurtful it was.

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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    running after guy's never does any good for whatever situation or one's self esteem! better to get involved with a guy who's willing to chase you!
    your well rid though! that guy sound's so rude
