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The hills



  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Dear Fitness Logs

    Right, I did what I came to do with here, ie my ultimate goal of a marathon. So exactly one year on, through fourteen events, highs, lows, extra muscles and a whole new attitude, I'm moving on.

    I'm going to wind this story up now, and begin a new one over in A/R/T. I'm tending more towards athletics now anyway, and with hoping to get into Triathlon, its the place to be. I have new goals for the coming year, and hopefully a new set of challenges to scare the bejesus out of me. Probably more marathons, learning to swim properly, and running. Always running. :)

    So, sayonara Fitness Logs, you've been good to me and I shall miss you!

    Your ever sweating

    Tough Beeatch.
