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im getting married (hopefully)

  • 30-04-2007 12:15pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 423 ✭✭

    last summer while on holiday i asked the love of my life to marry me and to my shock and joy she said yes! she is a stunning girl about 56" and 8 stone ish. what the problem i here ye all ask! well its me you see i a little taller 57 and a half but almost 14 stone (im so emmbarresed). my so called friends are always slagging me and as im generally the jovial type i laugh along,as i dont have much come back now do i? my diet is not the best breakfeast roll most days for brekkie, maybe a sambo for lunch with crisps and a choc bar (i love moros), in the evening i fight the and mostly lose the battle of the chipper and all this is repeted the following day, with the same! help i need help


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,635 ✭✭✭tribulus

    Your diet is bad, as you know, read the stickies thoroughly at the top of the page and then post up any questions you need answered.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,399 ✭✭✭✭r3nu4l

    Just to echo what tribulus said, read the stickies and ask lots of questions. From what I've read here, diet is the number 1 way to fat loss and cardio or weights offer a helping hand.

    If you can get your diet in order you will be well on your way :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,022 ✭✭✭ali.c

    I am no expert btw, but i think you need to decide what it is you want to achieve and why. From the information you have given it seems you need an overhaul of your lifestyle, is this something you are prepared to do? There is some great information in the stickies, it contains all the information you need to get started. I tried for ages to sort out my diet, by suiting information to my lifestyle, its only now i am realasing thats its a question of suiting your lifestlye to the information.
    Make your deceisions, set some realaisable goals and go for it

    As for comments from other people, some people are just pass remarkative, at the end of the day the type of changes you need to make can only be made by you and for you.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 14,483 ✭✭✭✭daveirl

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 314 ✭✭Chunkylover

    Ive only been watching what Ive been eating the last few weeks but as was said, if you plan it makes things so much easier, you will get into a routine of what to eat and you will get used to not going to the chipper (I miss the days of the chipper) or eating crap, it just takes time and a bit of will power

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 545 ✭✭✭alienhead

    well it's no real secret, you just need to sort your diet out and do a bit of exercise.

    i guess you have to prioritize, what's more important? moros and breakfast rolls or being fit and healthy.

    good luck.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,394 ✭✭✭Transform

    You don't need help!!!!!

    You must decide today whether you want to be a fat groom and have the happiest day of your life or forever wonder what it could have been like!!

    I got married last year and i love our wedding photos of both of us looking happy and healthy.

    Help? not at all its a very simple decision really and you will be farrrrrrrr more jovial and won't be the fat friend anymore

  • Registered Users Posts: 438 ✭✭snack_ie

    That's is possible the worst diet I have ever seen???
    How could you put a dirty, minging sausage roll into every day???

    Anyway... There's no point trying to change everything at once... Take small steps... Try to improve your diet and let fitness be a hobby/love not a chore...

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,882 ✭✭✭Mighty_Mouse

    as im generally the jovial type i laugh along
    As long as you can laugh off massive obesity & a heart-attack before you're 40?
    help i need help
    No magic formulas.

    Forget about special diets, training regimes etc

    Your first step is to just eat normal.

    ie most people have a bowl of cereal porridge or 2 slices of toast for breakfast.
    You eat half a pig with bread & butter.

    etc etc

    Every person knows what a normal diet consists of. Some people just refuse to restrict themselves. Keeping trim & at the correct weight requires dicipline & constant monitoring of weight for most people.

    Start light excercise also .

    If you dont just start eating normal and excerising a small bit you're on the path to morbid obesity with that diet. you'll probably starting piling on over a stone a year as you get older and then it will be too late. You'll have permanently damaged your heart, probably get arteritis at an early age etc etc etc

    Nobody can help you but yourself

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,399 ✭✭✭✭r3nu4l

    Sitout, if you are looking for motivation then you need to be very honest with yourself. Take a full-body photo of yourself (naked or nearly-naked) over the weekend with a sausage roll in one hand and a packet of crisps in the other.

    Then as you start to eat properly and exercise (lightly at first) make sure to take a full-body photograph on the same day of each month, this time with a bottle of water and a sweat towel in your hands. After a month or two see which image you prefer. :D If you are doing it properly and with discipline you will see amazing results.

    This[/URL link has been posted on this forum before but I'm linking it again to give you an idea of how motivating it can be to do it this way. I've already started eating properly and exercising but I will be taking a photo this weekend and going from there...I won't be posting the photos here though :D

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 423 ✭✭sitout

    right. its friday evening and since ive posted this tread on monday last i have been trying very very hard . very hard! the diet is a balls! excerise is walking, i cant run ive tried but nearly died monday evening when i tried, so my 2 mile run ended up being a 2 mile (almost one hour walk\crawl), how have i ended up like this! still i percivered and by wed evening i was ready to take over the world i was even planning a marathon(i mean the race not the snickers variety jeesus id murder a snickers right now this bloody second ....). anyway the marathon was pushed way back to the murkey depths of my mind on thurs when while working i had the oppturnity to walk a distance of approx 1 mile in very warm conditions it was near the end of the working day so i jumped at the chance of getting out of the office and cheating death .BIG BIG BIG PHUCKING mistake one word. CHAVING. as i sit and type this i can still feel the effects of my idiotic idea to power walk(thats a stroll to most of ye ), in 20 degreee heat wearing unsuiteable jocks and freshely ironed levi chords.
    my diet is not going to bad for example today for breakfeast i had 4 slices of toast with flora (if you dont mind)and a table spoon of maramalade.pretty good huh!, lunch one slice of a vegie pizza! washed down with some flavored water nice, the pist de resdance however was the diner 2 spuds with a small bit of butter and mayo for taste, chicken stir fry , and fried mushrooms . the diet aint too bad i hear you all say ! now if only the fleshey wounds around my buttox and penal areas will heal il be back on track for the snickers again..... marathon i meant marathon.....seriously i did ! why did i have to bring up choclate again ffs!
    ps, thanks for all the comments did not think id get any so thanks

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 14,483 ✭✭✭✭daveirl

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  • Registered Users Posts: 24,181 ✭✭✭✭Sleepy

    While your eating less and clearly making an effort, your diet still consists of pretty 'bad' foods. The stickies are a good starting point, g'em (a double world record holder) really knows her stuff and I'm sure if you take a read and have any questions she, or one of the other smart people around here would be happy to help.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 423 ✭✭sitout

    thank you "daveril" and "sleepy" .
    now what the hell is a stickie im new to this whole boards ting!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 14,483 ✭✭✭✭daveirl

    This post has been deleted.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,022 ✭✭✭ali.c


    Well done on making a start! Loads of info in the stickies on good nutrition but basically you are aiming to not be hungry! What you are eating now is better than what you were eating before but theres still a lot more work to be done. Currently i only mostly eat stuff that i enjoy eating, i am never hungry and i am losing weight. Before that i was eating a whole lot less and i didnt like my food and i wasnt losing weight. Have fun with your food, learn now to cook healthy food that you enjoy.

    On the excercise front well a marathon is a nice goal but for the moment i would set myself some short term goals, say like decreasing you 2 mile walk crawl to 45 mins. Also it might be an idea would only excercise in comfortable clothes, Chaving like that well its not pleasant and may but you off excercising.

    Make it fun and you'll begin to enjoy the process. Maybe not your friends who slag you over your weight, but get the people in your life to support your efforts. Those you truely care for you will get on board with your fitness goals.

    All the best with it


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 22,819 ✭✭✭✭g'em

    hey sitout,

    first up, congrats on the impending nuptials!! second, well done for making a positive decision to improve your health. now, down to business at hand...

    as the others have said there's stickies at the top of the forum that have lots of info in them for cleaning up your diet.
    sitout wrote:
    my diet is not going to bad for example today for breakfeast i had 4 slices of toast with flora (if you dont mind)and a table spoon of maramalade.pretty good huh!, lunch one slice of a vegie pizza! washed down with some flavored water nice, the pist de resdance however was the diner 2 spuds with a small bit of butter and mayo for taste, chicken stir fry , and fried mushrooms .
    compared to your old diet, this is much better. Compared to what a 'good diet' would be this pretty much sucks :o This whole eating healthily idea is going to take a bit of effort on your part, but trust me when I say that the effort you put in now ill pay dividends and then some, not just on your wedding day, but for the rest of your life. Sleeping better, having more energy, fewer mood swings, improved concentration and focus AND (of course) a great physique - all these things are side effects of eating well, nevermind the main issues at hand : reduced cholesterol, lower risk of heart disease, diabetes and more.

    - eat smaller meals 5-6 times a day for constant energy and appetite control
    - cut out everything processed - no pizzas, no chips, nothing out of a packet or with mroe than five ingredients. If it has an ingredient you don't understand, don't eat it.
    - drink lots of water
    - eat lots of fruit and veg, LOTS of fruit and veg!!
    - get plenty of protein (lean meat, fish, eggs, milk) and less carbs (bread, pasta, rice, potatoes...)

    there's all this and oodles more info in the stickies so have a read and see what you think. try to actually critique your *own* diet and make suggestions as to how to improve it, and we can help you figure it out. Come back with Q's!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 423 ✭✭sitout

    thank you all
    im on the road to recovery lost just over 4 pounds this week week one
    week two stars today i hope to continue on the same vein of form . was away this week end so excersie was all bed room related not sure if that helps much but its is far more enjoyable than walking/crawling. diet is proving to be a bit of a stickler although gems advice about eating at regular intervals is definatly the approach i will be taking. i dont care much for fruit, but will pretty eat as much veg as i can get . one question i do have though is spuds(good or bad?) , also regarding cooking i tend to fry all my veg in a wok with little or no oil , is it a bad way to prepare them (they just taste far nicer than boiling) ?
    thanks again all

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 22,819 ✭✭✭✭g'em

    spuds are not considered veg, they're starchy high carb foods along the same lines as bread and pasta. They're fine to eat, but in moderation, i.e. only about 1/4 of your overall meal.

    Wok frying is better than 'regular' frying but not as good as boiling or steaming. And even better again is to steam and then add the oils (walnut + sesame are particularly good for veg) onto the veg when they're cooked for taste. The heating process in frying can change some of the oils to make them into "bad" fats so we avoid it where possible.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 423 ✭✭sitout

    thanks again gem really good info

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,882 ✭✭✭Mighty_Mouse

    As a former 6ft '4 20 stone bloke - I can say that you dont sound fully committed.

    I dropped five stone, lost most the fat and built up some muscle within a 1-2 yr. Spent about 3-4 years previous to that messing around fooling myself.

    Remember when you're overweight the 1st stone lost is no achievement really. For me it was so easy to lose. Its mostly just bloated-ness and the combination of the last few meals!!!

    Ya got to devise an "UNBREAKABLE" training routine for yourself.
    Unless you're a Nasa employee and spent the week in space there's no excuse why you couldnt get in a 30 min walk a day at least.
    Especially give the weather we have had.

    The reason why you're finding it so hard is because you havent got any proper muscle in your legs at the moment. They literally cant carry your weight for a prolonged period of time.
    The only way is to build them up by constantly walking until you can run.
    eating at regular intervals is definatly the approach i will be taking
    Will only work if you eat Gems diet.
    Its fairly obvious you dont have a clue about calorie counting, so eating regularly for you could become a disaster!!
    If by eating regularly you eat 4 slices of toast, or a pizza slice etc et c
    i dont care much for fruit
    Get used to it.
    Apples, Oranges, Banana's & low-fat yogurts I found were a great way to knock the hunger on the head when trying to stick to a diet in the early days.
    but basically you are aiming to not be hungry!
    I dunno about this. When you're properly fat and over-weight, your stomach is bloated. You need to feel some level of hunger in order to shrink your stomach back to a normal level.
    very warm conditions it was near the end of the working day
    Which every other person in Ireland has been doing for the last couple of months. Fair play to you for getting out but honestly look at all these people out every day no matter the weather and aim to become one of them
    in 20 degreee heat wearing unsuiteable jocks and freshely ironed levi chords
    Honestly if you're gonna tackle the weight. Get organised man.!!
    my diet is not going to bad for example today for breakfeast i had 4 slices of toast with flora (if you dont mind)and a table spoon of maramalade.pretty good huh!,
    Carbs, fat and marmalade.
    Why put both butter & marmalade???

    Still not great and will leave you hungry very quickly. Honestly, whether or not you like it. Try porridge. Or at least a bowl of cereal & a piece of fruit.

    (low-fat milk)
    Flora is still butter so litterally a scrape is all you should be using.

    I cut it out butter (for 1st 3 months) & sugar ( for life - really no need to add sugar to anything these days)

    A banana sliced on toasted brown bread or rivita crackers ) you dont notice the lack of butter.
    lunch one slice of a vegie pizza!
    pizza for lunch?
    Doesnt make a whole pile of diff that its veggie.

    Again - one slice probably isnt the worst. But for the amount of calories its uses - you could probably have a gi---normous chicken caeser salad or salmon breast & steamed veggies.

    After one slice of pizza - I would be starvin, especially if all I had for breakie is toast!
    washed down with some flavored water nice,
    Depends what you mean by flavoured?
    Was it low-fat? ie artificial sweetner?

    Or did you just add sugar to water - as part of your new healthy diet!!!!

    the pist de resdance however was the diner 2 spuds with a small bit of butter and mayo for taste,
    Who the hell puts butter & mayo on their spuds?

    Was it even low-fat butter/mayo?

    The amount of calories that used. You could of probably had another huge spud. Or a steamed piece of chicken & be full.

    chicken stir fry , and fried mushrooms .
    Who has spuds with chicken stir fry! Did you have rice also?
    Are the mushrooms part of the chicken stir-fry or did you deep=fry mushrooms?

    Sounds like three meals to me. Maybe not. Even so. Think logically about what you're just put into your body

    For dinner: mountains of veg ---- eat all you want (spuds not veg)
    Carrots, pea's, turnip, broccoli (great cos negative cals!) etc etc etc

    1 piece meat - fish, plain chicken (steamed or george foreman if necessary) Sprinkle some herbs on it for taste.

    Carbs - 1-2 spuds, No butter/Mayo
    Rice - can flavour by throwing a stock cube into it whilst boiling.!

    the diet aint too bad i hear you all say !
    Pretty crap, full of fat, too many calories for not enough energy, and starving at the end of it.

    You really need to put some effort into finding out about whats good and whats not.
    why did i have to bring up choclate again ffs!
    If you're serious about this, you'll probably eat choclate 2-3 times between now and your goal weight.

    I hope I wasnt too tough. But I can just see a repeat of the kind of diets I deluded myself with for years.

    if you gf isnt over-weight, why dont you just add 1/3 to what she eats?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 423 ✭✭sitout

    mightymouse(you are mighty indeed!), i am but a starter on this journey.
    so give a little time to adjust if you will! im only 11 days into my life adjustment and i dont plan on making and radical life changes yet (eg joining a monestery, starting pilates, taking the skin of chicken, self mortifacation etc etc), however i have managed so far to quit the the morining gorging and have handed back my frequent fryer card at the local chippe along with this i have managed to interduce a little jogging into my walking, so i feal progress is being made . admitily i have huge strides to make but time is on my side for the time being. my weekly weigh in is on monday so hopefully il have shed a few more pounds , fingers crossed! thanks very much though for your comments i know it can be done , most of the problem is in the head.
    thanks again

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,882 ✭✭✭Mighty_Mouse

    i dont plan on making and radical life changes yet (eg joining a monestery, starting pilates, taking the skin of chicken, self mortifacation etc etc),
    To be honest. I wasted 3-4 years fooling myself and essentially getting nowhere.
    Remember your metabolism is getting slower ever day older you get.
    Every day you waste the harder it will be eventually until it becomes impossible.
    ie. riddled with health problems which prevent you losing weight.

    So even if you just cut back on putting mayo & butter on the spuds - -you might; if your lucky; just put on weight slower.
    Also remember the 1stone really isnt going to make much of a difference to you.
    At the moment I can increase & decrease by .5 stone every 7 days.
    When you're a big man you can carry it. But you need to be really strict & not get into the habit.

    Honestly the only way to do it. Is the radical one. AT LEAST:
    You need to devise a detailed diet & fitness programme.
    Make it your goal.
    Even if you dont stick to it immediately at least you've educated yourself to how you will eventually need to live the rest of your life to stay healthy.
    Knowing what you're aiming EXACTLY ; changes everthing.

    When you dont go all the way and devise a plan its very difficult to measure what you're doing.
    You cant remember everything in your own head and its very hard to get a grasp on ACTUALLY how many calories over your daily recommended you're going.

    ie. knowing that if you have a feed of pints on the friday night & take away
    means you owe yourself some excercise/punishment on the Saturday (if recovered) or Sunday to compensate.
    ie. knowing that if you eat a greasy burger, you've used up 70% of your daily calories & will need to reduce your intake accordingly over the next 2 days.

    The only way to stop like bad food is to realise how much pain & discomfort your inflicting on yourself by eating it.

    taking the skin of chicken,
    Thats hardly radical!! FFS its actually cheaper to buy a packet of plain/skinless chicken fillet breasts.
    Its then twice as nice to cook em and add your own herbs etc. Half the grease and twice the taste
    however i have managed so far to quit the the morining gorging and have handed back my frequent fryer card at the local chippe
    Its really good stuff that you have decided enough is enough. But honestly man. You may as well do the above if you dont get some structure to what you're doing.
    I found myself having an extra packet of taytos thinking it was a good thing because I didnt indulge in the breakfast roll that morning.
    When most normal people wouldnt touch either in the first place!
    along with this i have managed to interduce a little jogging into my walking
    Probably too soon.
    I used to find myself jogging for 100 yards and then walking really slowly for 400 yards trying to recover.
    You'd be better off building up the walking (power-walking) for 500 yards.
    For weight-loss your aiming for sustained cardio excercise. ie you need to get your heart-rate to the stage where its working hard but you feel comfortable enough to keep going.
    Eventually when you build up your walking and excercise you will start joggin as a natural progression.
    so hopefully il have shed a few more pounds , fingers crossed!
    Fair enough. Each man to his own. But if you ask me, you may aswell be happy and fat rather than take the extra hassle of being weight conscience into your life.
    Cos with the above approach you're going nowhere. And very soon will find that the few pounds creep up again.
    You'll get dis-heartened and have a burger.
    Then 2 weeks later you'll decide to make "life changes" - do your current rountine but maybe a little stricter and maybe last a little longer.
    Then find your getting nowhere and become disheartened again.

    Suddenly you'll find its been a couple of years & you've actually put on weight for all your efforts. And you'll have become a weight conscience person but overweight & miserable.

    Honestly Im more or less talking about about myself above, hoping it helps motivates anyone else reading this.
    Wouldnt want to be too hard cos I spent long enough sucking it in myself.

    You're obviously a great bloke personality wise. Imagine how confident and happy you'd be if you lost 3-4 stone.

    It really doesnt take that long.
    Its already been 5 months since xmas. God how time flies. In the next 5 months you could change your life.
    If YOU want to.
